Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/653

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4 A- £>• 1745. Anno decimo odavo Georcii II. C. 5. 587 I and thirty-two, for and during the Space of three Years, the Duty of one Penny Halfpenny per Gallon ' on all Salt and Rock Salt made at the Salt Works, or taken out of any Pits in this Kingdom, and ' after that Rate for a greater or IcfTer Quantity, which was granted by the laid Act of the fifth and I fixth Years of the Reign of their late Majcities King William and Queen Mary, and lincc made 1 perpetual ; and alio all the additional Duties on Salt (whether imported from foreign Parts, or m I in any Part of Great Britain) which were granted by the laid Aft of the ninth and tenth Years of the ' Reign of his faid late Majefty King William the Third, or made payable by the Articles of Union be- c tween the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, fhould be revived, and be payable and paid in fuch Man- ' ner, and with fuch Allowances for prompt Payment, and for Walle on Sal: earned Coaftwife, or to Ireland, as if the faid laft recited Aft of the third Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty had n ' been made; and that all the Powers and Authorities given by the laid recited Afts, or either of thcrr., ' or by any other Act or Acts of Parliament, for levying, collecting, recovering, fecuring and paying ' the faid Duties, and all Penalties and Forfeitures relating thereto, and all Provi lion. > for the Dilrri- ' bution of fuch Penalties and Forfeitures between his Majefty and the Informers, when recovered, and I the Methods of fuing for, recovering, receiving and mitigating the fame, and all Provifions, Regu-

  • lations or reftriftions relating to the importing or bringing of Salt made in Scot/and into England, with-

' out paying the faid additional Duty on Salt, fhould be revived, and be in full Force and Virtue ; and I that the Right or Demand of any Perfon or Perfons in purfuance of the faid Acts, for or in reipeit of ' his or their exporting beyond the Seas any Salt for which the faid Duties fhould be paid, or fecured to ' be paid, to have the Securities for the fame difcharged,'or the Monies paid for the fame repaid, fhould

  • be alio revived, and all Drawbacks on account of fuch Duties fo fecured or paid, fhould be made or

' allowed for or in refpeft of the Exportation of Salt to Parts beyond the Seas (whether the fame fhould f be foreign Salt, or made within any Part of Great Britain) in the fame Manser as fuch Drawbacks

  • ought to have been made, if the faid laft recited AcT: had not been made : And whereas the Rates or

' Duties of one Shilling and eight Pence per thoufand on all Red Herrings, and of three Shillings and ' four Pence per Barrel on all White Herrings cured promifcuoufly with Red Herrings, or White Her- ' rings defigned for Exportation, but afterwards delivered out for home Confumption, which were ini- ' pofed by two feveral Acls made in the eighth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty king George tha ' Firft ; and which in confequence of the faid recited Ada. of the third Year of his prefent'Majefty, were c reduced to the Rate of four Pence for every thoufand of fuch R.ed Herrings, and of eight Pence for

  • every Barrel of fuch White Herrings, were likewife revived by the faid late Aft of the fifth Year of
  • his prefent Majefty : And whereas the Allowance of five Shillings j>er Barrel on the Exportation of

' falted Beef and Pork exported for Sale from any Part of Great Britain to any Parts beyond the Seas, ' which was given by the eighth Article of the Treaty of Union between the Kingdoms of England and ' Scotland, and by an Aft made in the fifth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, and

  • which in confequence of the faid recited Act of the third Year of his prefent Majefty, was reduced to
  • an Allowance of one Shilling and fix Pence per Barrel, was alfo revived by the faid laft recited Act of

' the fifth. Year of bis prefent Majefty : And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and palled in the fe- 7 Geo, z. c. 6.

  • venth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Atl for granting and continuing the Duties upon Salt, and

' upon Red and White Herrings, for the further Term of /even Tears ; and for licenfing the creeling new Refineries

  • of Rod Salt in the Counties of EfTex and Suffolk, it was enacted, That from and after the Determination •

' of the faid Term of three Years, in the faid laft recited Act of the fifth Year of his Majefty's Reign ' mentioned, the feveral and refpeftive Rates and Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and White Herrings, ' which by the faid Act were revived, fhould be further continued for and during the Space of (even

  • Years, and that the fame fhould be managed, raifed, levied, collected, fecured and paid, in fuch Man-

' ner and Form, and by and under fuch Powers, Authorities, Penalties, Forfeitures, Provifions, Re-

  • ftriftions and Regulations, for managing, railing, levying, collecting, fecuring and paying the fame,

' and with fuch Allowances for prompt Payment, and for Walle on Salt carried Coaftwife, or to Ireland,

  • and for Fifh, Beef and Pork exported to Parts beyond the Seas, and with fuch Drawbacks and De-
  • bentures on account of Duties paid, or fecured to be paid, for Salt exported to Parts beyond the Seas,
  • as were particularly mentioned in the faid laft recited Act ; and that the faid laft recited Act, and every

' Article, Rule, Claufe, Matter and Thing therein contained, or thereby referred unto, and then being

  • in Force (not otherwife altered by the faid Act) fhould be and continue in full Force, for and during

4 the faid further Term of feven Years, as fully and amply, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame ' had been particularly recited, exprefled and enafted in the Body of the faid Act : And whereas by an

Aft of Parliament made and palled in the eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for S Geo. s, c. tz 

' granting and continuing the Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and White Herrings, for the further Term of ' four Years ; and for giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and ' Contracts of Clerks and Apprentices, it was enacted, That from and after the Determination of the faid

  • Term of {even Years in "the faid laft recited Aft of the-feventh Year cf his Majefty's Reign mentioned,
  • the feveral and refpeftive Rates and Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and White Herrings, which by

j the faid laft recited Aft were continued, fhould be further continued for and during the Space of four

  • Years ; and that the fame fhould be managed, raifed, levied, collected, fecured and paid in fuch Man-

' ner and Form, and by and under fuch Powers, Authorities, Penalties, Forfeitures, Provifions, Re-

  • ftrictions and Regulations, for managing, raifing, levying, collecting, fecuring and paying the fame,

c and with fuch Allowances for prompt Payment, and for Wafte on Salt carried Coaftwife, or to Ireland,

  • and for Fifh, Beef and Pork exported to Parts beyond the Seas, and with fuch Drawbacks or Deben-
  • tures on account of Duties paid, or fecured to be paid, for Salt exported to Parts beyond the Seas, as

4 F 2 ' were