Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/654

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588 C. 6— 9, Anno decimo odavo Georgii II. A.D. J745< 74CCO. 2, c, 22. &£ 19 C». 2t f. 12. were particularly mentioned in the faid laft recited Act ; and that the faid laft recited Act, and every Article, Rule, Claufe, Matter and Thing therein contained, or thereby referred unto, and then being in Force, not otherwife altered by the faid Act, fhould be and continue in full Force and Effeft, for and during the faid further Term of four Years, as fully and amply, to all Intents and Purpofes as if the fame had been particularly recited, expreffed and enacted in the Body of the faid Act : And whereas by one other A£l of Parliament made and paffed in the fourteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Afl for granting and continuing the Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and TFhite Herrings, for the further Term of feven Years ; and for allowing Rock Salt to be ufed in making Salt from Sea Water, at the Salt Works at Neath in the County of Glamorgan, it was enacted, That from and after the Deter- mination of the faid Term of four Years, in the laft recited Act of the eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign mentioned, the feveral and refpedtive Rates and Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and White Herrings, which by the faid laft recited Act were continued, fhould be further continued, for and du- ring the Space of feven Years ; and that the fame fhould be managed, raifed, levied, collected, fe- cured and paid, in fuch Manner and Form, and by and under fuch Powers, Authorities, Penalties, Forfeitures, Provifions, Reftrictions and Regulations for managing, raifing, levying, collecting, fecu- ring and paying the fame, and with fuch Allowances for prompt Payment, and for Wafte on Salt car- ried Coaftwife, or to Ireland, and for Fifh, Beef and Pork exported to Parts beyond the Seas, and with fuch Drawbacks or Debentures on account of Duties paid, or fecured to be paid, for Salt exported to Parts beyond the Seas, as were particularly mentioned in the faid before recited Acts ; and that the faid before recited Acts, and every Article, Rule, Claufe, Matter and Thing therein contained, or thereby referred unto, and now being in Force, and not otherwife altered by the faid Act, fhould be and continue in full Force and Effect, for and during the faid further Term of feven Years, as fully and amply, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had been particularly recited, expreffed and enacted in the Body of the faid Act :' Now we your Majefty's molt dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, towards raifing the neceffary Supplies for de- fraying the Expences of your Majefty's Government, and for carrying on the prefent War with Succefs, have freely refolved to grant and continue to your Majefty all and every the Rates and Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and White Herrings, by the faid laft recited Act continued ; and do molt humbly befeech your Majefty, that it may be enacted ; And be it enacted, &c. " The Powers, &c. in the former Acts continued for fix Years. Duties on Salt in Scotland fubjedt to " the fame Charges as by 5 Geo. t. c. 18. Claufe of Loan for 1,000,000 at 3 /. 10 s. per Cent. Names of " Contributors, and Sums, to be entered in a Book ; to be divided into 10 Claffes ana numbered. Courfe " of Payment to be determined by Lot. Receipts to be changed for Exchequer Orders. A Regifter, " and Table of Orders, to be kept. No undue Preference. Counterfeiting of Receipts, Orders, &c. " Felony. An Account of Monies raifed and paid, to be fixed up in the Auditor's Office. Deficiencies to " be made good out of the next Aids, or Sinking Fund; and replaced out of the next Supplies. Surplus " to be difpofed af by Parliament. Surplus arifing from Duties on Salt of 14 Geo. z. c. 22. applicable to " Orders upon this Act." [Revived and made perpetual by z6 Geo. z. c. 3.] CAP. VI. An Act for repairing the Road leading from a Gate commonly called Sacred Gate, on the South Eaft Side of the Town of Hedon in the Eaft Riding of the County of York, through the faid Town to HuU North Bridge. P R. Tolls granted for zi Years. CAP. VII. An Act for punifhing Mutiny and Defertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quar- E X P. ters. CAP. VIII. An A dt for repairing the High Road leading from Boroughbridge in the County of York, through North Al- lerton in the fame County, to Croftbridge on the River Tees ; and from thence through Darlington in the County of Durham, to the City of Durham. P R. Tolls granted for 21 Years. Continued by 22 Geo. 2. c. 3Z, CAP. IX. An Act for granting to his Majefty feveral additional Duties upon all Wines imported into Great Britain ; and for raifing a certain Sum of Money by Annuities, and a Lottery, in Manner therein mentioned, to be charged on the faid additional Duties. $ Ed. 1. t. 5t 5. 4 Ed. 3. c. 12. 38 Ed. %.ft.l. t. il. 18 H. 8. f.14 Mofl Gracious Sovereign, E your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, towards raifing a Supply to enable your Majefty to carry on the prefent War with Vi- 7 Ed, 6. t, 5. 5 El. (, 5. 12 Car, 2. c. 25. 18 Car, 2. e, 5. 1 Jac, a, t, 3. 6 Geo, 2, t, is. gour,