Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/696

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630 C. 29,30. Anno decimo o&avo Georgii II. A.D. 1745; g Cm. 2. to Geo. 2 c. 29. c.16. 1 1 Geo. 2. c. 25. 12 Geo. 2 13 Geo. 2. c.33. c. 16. T4Geo. 2 1 <; Geo. 2 17 Geo. 2 c. 40. c. 26. c, 32. Enforced by 29 rio. i. *, 38. j,J '.he Pmeers •^tended by 3 »W 5. c. 7. CAP. XXIX. An Act for granting further Powers to the Commiffioners for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the City of Wefiminfier to the oppofue Shore in the County of Surrey ; and for the better enabling them to finifh the faid Bridge, and to perform the other Trufts repofed in them. P R. WHEREAS the Commiffioners for builJing a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the IVoolJlaplt, br thereabouts, in the Pariih of Saint Margaret in the City of Wejiminjier, to the oppofite Shore ' in the County of Surrey, or any feven or more of them, are, by feveral A£ts of Parliament, paffed in ' the Reign of his prefent Majefty, authorized and impowered to make, open, defign, affign, and lay out, ' fuch Ways, Streets, and Paffages, as they fhall find proper to make, open, and lay out, on each Side ' the River Thames, to and from the intended Bridge, the Courts of Juftice, both Houfes of Parliament, ' and the Parts adjacent ; and to agree for and purchafe fuch Houfes and Ground as they {hall find ne- ' ceflary for them to be poffeffed of, and to be removed, rebuilt, pulled down, or employed for that Pur- ' pofe, comprized within certain Limits and Bounds, mentioned and defcribed in the faid A£ts, or fome ' of them ; and likewife to let, fell, or difpofe of, fuch Piece or Pieces of Ground, either together or in ' Parcels, as they may, by Means of fuch Purchafes, be poffeffed of, over and above what may be necef- ' fary for the opening and widening of the laid Ways, Streets, and Paffages, as they fhall find mod ad- ' vantageous ancKfconvenient, to any Perfon or Perfons who fhall be willing to contrail:, agree for, or ' purchafe the fame ; as alfo to defign, affign, and lay out, in what Manner the new Houfes to be built ' fhall be creeled and built ; and of what Breadth and Extent the faid Streets, Ways, and Paffages fhall ' be : And whereas the laid Commiffioners have deiigned, affigned, and laid out, feveral Streets, Ways,

  • and Paffages, to and from the faid intended Bridge, the Courts of Juftice, both Houfes of Parliament,

' and the Parts adjacent; and in order to preferve the fame, and the Buildings now erefted, and hereafter

  • to be erected upon the faid Pieces or Parcels of Ground^ free from all Nufances and Annoyances, and

4 to preferve the Uniformity and Beauty thereof, have agreed to difpofe of Part of the faid Premiffes, ii'n- ' der fuch Covenants, Conditions, Agreements, Limitations, and Reftriclions, as they have found necef- ' fary for thofe Purpofes, and for the Benefit of the Publick in general ; but which cannot effectually be ' enforced by the Laws now in being, fo as to remain a perpetual Lien on the faid Premiffes, without the ' further Aid and Authority of Parliament :' Therefore, for promoting and encouraging a Defign fo ufe- ful and beneficial to the Publick, and for a better and more effectual enforcing the feveral Covenants, Agreements, Limitations, and Reftri£Hons, under which the faid Commiffioners have or fhall difpofe of any Piece, Pieces, or Parcels of Ground or Buildings, purfuant to the Powers given them by the faid Acts, or any of them, May it pleafe your mod Excellent Majefty, that it may be ena&ed, &c. " If any Occupier of Ground fold or let by the Commiffioners, fhall, contrary to their Covenant, make " or fufrer any Nufance, &c. to the Buildings relating to the Bridge, £sV. any feven Commiffioners, C5r. " may enter and view; and if made in open Streets leading to the Bridge, &c. the Commiffioners, is'c. " may remove them ; and if done in Breach of any Covenant, iJsfci Notice fhall be given to the Owner " or Occupier to remove the fame, according to Covenant ; on Refufal or NeglecT: feven Days after No- ■" tice, Commiffioners, &c. may enter and remove fuch Nufance according to Agreement ; the Charges " whereof fhall be paid by the Perfon caufing the Nu lance ; with the Penalty comprifed in the Covenant ; " on NeglecT: or Refufal, they may be levied by Diitrefs and Sale ; if no fufficient Diftrefs can be found, " the Rents fhall be received by the Commiffioners till Satisfaction made. Out of the Aids granted for " the Year 174s, 25,0001. granted to the Commiffioners for building the Bridge, &c. An Account of " the faid 25,000/. to be laid before the Parliament within 20 Days after opening the Seffion. Publick " Act." Geo. z. 34- CAP. XXX. An Aft to amend on Act made in the eleventh Year of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled, An Aft for the more effectual Suppreffion of Piracy. HEREAS by an Act made-in -the eleventh Year of King William the Third, intituled, An Act for the more effeSiual Supprefjion of Piracy ; It is (amongft other Things) enacted, That all Piracies, Felonies, and Robberies committed on the Sea, or in any Haven, River, Creek, or Place where the Admiral or Admirals hare Power, Authority, or Jurifdiction, may be examined, enquired of, tried, and determined a:.d adjudged, according to the Directions of the faid AcT, in any Place at Sea, or upon the Land, in any of his Adajefty's Iflands, Plantations, Colonies, Dominions, Forts, or Factories, to be appointed for that Purpofe by the King's Commiffion, in the Manner therein directed : And it is alfo thereby further enacTed, That if any of his Majefty's natural born Subjects, or Denizens of this Ivmgdom, fhall commit any Piracy or Robbery, or any Aft of Hoftility, againft others of his Majefty's Subjects, upon the Sea, under Colour of any Commiffion from any foreign Prince or State, or Pretence of Authority from any Perfon whatfosver, fuch Offenders fhall be deemed Pirates, Felons, <■ — 1 or and