Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/70

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8 Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730. 10 Ann. c. 2S. C. 14. ed That upon Payment to her Majefty of the Sum of one million two hundred thoufand Pounds, at the Times, and upon the Terms in the faid Act mentioned, they the faid Englijh Company trading to the Eqft-lnd'm fhouM have further Time and Intereft in the faid Fund and Trade to the Ejl- Indies, as in the laft mentioned Act is particularly fet forth, but fubject to the Provifo or Condition of Redemption in the faid laft mentioned A&, and therein fet forth ; that is to fay, It was thereby declared and ena&ed, that at any Time, upon three Years Notice after the Twenty fifth Day of March which fhould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, upon the Expi- ration of the faid three Years, and upon Repayment by Parliament as well of the faid Sum of two millions then before advanced, as of the faid Sum of one million two hundred thoufand Pounds then to be advanced, and fince advanced and paid accordingly, making in the whole three millions two hundred thoufand Pounds, and of all Arrears which at the End of the faid three Years fhould be due for and upon the faid Fund of one hundred and lixty thoufand Pounds, then and from thenceforth, as well the faid Duties upon Salt, as the faid Duties upon {tamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and all the faid yearly Fund of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, and all the Corporations erected in'Purfuance of the faid Acts, and the Benefit of Trade granted by them, or by any Charters made in Purfuance thereof, or by that Act, fhould abfolutely ceafe and determine : And whereas by Virtue of the faid laft mentioned Act, and of an Award made in Purfuance thereof, by the Right Ho- nourable Sidney Earl of Godolphin, an Union between the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the Eajl-Indies, and the faid Englijl) Company trading to the Eqji-Indies, was corn- pleated, and the faid Name and Style of the faid Englijh Company trading to the Eajl-Indies was thereupon changed into the Name or The United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft- Indies, as was alfo directed by the faid Act : And whereas in and by one Act made in the tenth Year of the Reign of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne (for continuing the Trade and Corporation Capa- city of the United Eajl-India Company, although their Fund fhould be redeemed) it was enacted, That the laft mentioned Provifo for Redemption and Determination of the faid feveral Duties, yearly Fund, Annuities, Corporations, and Benefit of Trade, fhould be and was thereby repealed and made void, and that the faid Duties upon Salt, and the faid Duties upon ftamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and the Duty of five Pounds in the Hundred charged by the faid Acts upon Goods imported from the Eajl-Indies, fhould continue, and the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies, and their Succeflbrs, fhould have and enjoy the faid yearly Sum of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds per Annum, or fuch Part thereof, as they then were or thereafter fhould be intitled unto, and all the Benefit of Trade, Franchifes, Privileges, Profits and Advantages whatfoever in refpect thereof given and granted, or intended to be given or granted unto them by the faid Act of the ninth Year of his faid late Maiefty's Reign, or by the faid Charter of the fifth Day of September in the tenth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, or by the faid Act of the fixth Year of the Reign of her then Majefty, or by any of them, freed and difcharged of and from the faid former Provifo or Condition of Redemption, contained in the faid therein laft recited Act', and all other Provifoes, Pow- ers, Acts, Matters or Things thentofore had, made, done or committed for redeeming, determining or making void the fame Duties, yearly Fund, Benefit of Trade, Franchife, Privilege, Profits and Advantages, or any of them, fubject nevertheless to the Reftrictions, Covenants and Agreements in the faid therein recited Acts and Letters Patents, or any of them contained, and fubject to the general Provifoes or Condition of Redemption therein after contained, in which faid Act there is afterwards contained a Provifo in the Words or to the Effect following ; that is to fay, Provided always, and it is hereby declared and enailed by the Authority aforefaid, That at any Time upon three Tears Notice, after the twenty-fifth Day of March- which Jliall be in the Tear of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty- three, and upon Repayment by Parliament, as well of the faid Sum of two millions, as of the faid Sum of one million two hundred thoujand Pounds, making in the whole three millions two hundred thoufand Pounds, unto fuch Companies, Corporations and Perfons as Jhall be then intitled thereto, and of all Arrears which to the Lnd of the faid three Tears Jhall -be due, for or upon the faid yearly Fund of one hundred and fixty thou- jand Pounds per A nnum ; then and from thenceforth the J'aid Duties upon Salt, and the faid Duties upon Jiamped Vellum, Parch.-; ent and Paper, and the J'aid yearly Fund of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds Jhall abfolutely ceafe and determine : And whereas one other Act of Parliament was made in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft ( for the better fecuring the lawful Trade of his Majefty's Subjects to and from the Eajl-Indies, and for the more effectual preventing all his Majefty's Subjects trading thither under foreign CommifTions) : And whereas one other Act was made in the feventh Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, amongit other Things, for the further preventing his Majefty's Subjects from trading to the Eajl-Indies under foreign Commifhons, and for encouraging and further fecuring the lawful Trade thereto : And whereas one other Act was alfo made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft (to prevent his Majefty's Subjects from fubferibing, or being concerned in encouraging or pro- moting any Subfcription for an Eajl-India Company in the Aujlrian Netherlands, and for the better fecuring the lawful Trade of his Majefty's Subjects to and from the Eajl-Indies) as by the faid feveral Acis ot Parliament, Commiflion and Charters, Relation being thereunto had, may more fully appear : And wheieas the laid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Ea/l- Indies, a;e legally pofleffed of and intitled to, the faid Principal or Capital Stock of three millions two hundred thoufand Pounds, and to the faid yearly Fund of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, redeemable as afore- faid, and are alfo poffeffed of and intitled to an additional Stock in Trade, and feveral Forts, Factories, Settlements, PoiTeffions, Eftates and Hereditaments, for the Benefit of or in Truft for, the Members of the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies, in Proportion and 8 ' according