Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/69

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A. D. 1730. Anno tertio Georgii II. C. 14. « exprefled, and all Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, deriving Title from or under them, (o long

  • as they reflectively mould have any fuch Share or Intereft in the faid yearly Fund, to be one Body

' Politick and Corporate by the Name of The General Society intitled to the Advantages given by an Aft of

  • Parliament for advancing a Sum not emceedmg two millions, J or the Service of the Crown of England, with.

« fuch Succeifion, Capacity and Powers, as in the faid AcYis mentioned, and in fuch Charters or Letters ' Patent fuch further Rules, Powers and Claufes for carrying on the Trade, and purfuing the Ends and ' Intent of the faid Act, were to be inferted, as fhould be lawfully and reafonably defired in that Behalf ; ' and it was thereby enacted, That in cafe the faid whole Sum of two millions, or one Moiety, or any ' greater Part of the faid Sum of two millions, fhould be fubferibed as aforefaid, on or before the faid ' twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-eight, that then and from thence-

  • forth all and every the faid Subfcribers, and all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and

' Corporate, deriving Title by, from or under fuch Subfcribers, fo long as they respectively mould con- ' tinue to have any Share or Intereft in the faid yearly Fund, and all and every Perfon and Perfons licenfed ' by them, fhould or lawfully might for ever thereafter, by themfelves feverally, or by fuch Factors,

  • Agents or Servants, as they feverally fhould think fit to intruft, freely traffkk and ufe the Trade of
  • Merchandize in, to, and from the Eajl-Indies, and other Parts or Limits in the faid Act mentioned, in
  • fuch Manner, and by fuch Proportions, and fubject to fuch Reftrictions as in the faid Act are ex-

' preffed ; and it was further thereby enacted, That if any Corporations, or other Perfons having parti- ' cular Shares or Interefts in the faid Principal Stock of the faid General Society, fhould be defirous to

  • unite and join together fuch their feveral Shares and Interefts, and to be incorporated fo as they might
  • be able to manage their Trade (in Proportion to their Interefts) as a Company, and by a Joint Stock,
  • then it fhould and might be lawful for his faid late Majefty, by his Letters Patents, to incorporate aM

' fuch Perfons and Corporations, by fuch proper Names as he lhoulcTthink fit, to be one Company, with

  • Power to manage and carry on their Trade to the Eajl-Indies, and other the Limits in the faid Act
  • mentioned, by a Joint Stock, and to have perpetual Succeflion, and a Common Seal, with other Pri-

' vileges in the faid Act mentioned ; and it is thereby further enacted, That fuch Perfons or Corpora-

  • tions as fhould in Purfuance of that Act have a Right and Power to trade to the Eajl-Indies, and other
  • the Parts aforefaid, according to fuch Provifions, Proportions and Reftrictions, as in the faid Act are

« contained, fhould ufe and enjoy the whole and fole Trade and Traffick, and the only Liberty, Ufe ' and Privilege of trading, trafficking and exercifing the Trade or Bufinefs of Merchandize to and from

  • the Eajl-Indies, and to and from the feveral Places in the faid Act mentioned ; and that the fame fhould
  • not be vifited, frequented or haunted by any of the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors,
  • under the Penalties and Forfeitures in the faid Act prescribed and enacted ; fubject neverthelefs to a
  • Condition or Provifo thereia contained, that upon three Years Notice, after the twenty-ninth Day of

' September one thoufand feven hundred and' eleven, and Repayment of the faid Sum of two millions, ' and all Arrears of the faid Annuities or yearly Payments, then and from thenceforth the faid Duties, c and the yearly Fund charged thereupon, and the Duty of five Pounds per Centum for the imported ' Goods, and the Corporations to be erected in Purfuance of the faid Act, and the Benefit of Trade

  • thereby given, fhould ceafe and determine : And whereas in Purfuance of the faid Act, his faid late
  • Majefty by a Commiffion under the Great Seal of England, bearing Date at TVeJlminfter the fourteenth
  • Day of July in the tenth Year of his Reign, did authorize feveral Perfons therein named to be Com-
  • miflioners, with Power to take Subfcriptions for or towards the raifing and paying the faid Sum of two

" millions : And whereas it appeared by Duplicates tranfmitted into the Office of the Auditor of the Re- ' c.eipt of his faid late Majefty's Exchequer, that feveral Sums, amounting in the whole to the faid Sum ' of two millions of Pounds Sterling, were fubferibed purfuant to the faid Act, and the faid whole Sum

  • of two millions was intirely anfwered to his Majefty's Ufe : And whereas by a Charter under the Great

' Seal of England, bearing Date at Wejlminjler the third Day of September in the tenth Year of his faid

  • late Majefty's Reign, his Majefty created and eftabliftied the faid Corporation or Body Politick, called
  • The General Society, intitled to the Advantages given by an A3 of Parliament for advancing a Sum not ex-

' ceeding two millions, for the Service of the Crown of England, with fuch Powers, Privileges and Bene-

  • fits, as are therein exprefled : And whereas by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England bearing

' Date at Wejlminjler the fifth Day of September in the faid tenth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, ' reciting that the Subfcribers towards the faid Sum of two millions, therein particularly named and ex-

  • prefled, were defirous to unite or join together their feveral Shares and Interefts in the Principal Stock

' of the faid General Society, and. to be incorporated, fo as they might be able to manage their Trade ' in Proportion to their Intereft as a Company, and by a Joint Stock, his faid late Majefty did grant that ' the Subfcribers therein particularly named, and every of them, and all and every Perfon and Perfons, ' Bodies Politick and Corporate, who as Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors or Afligns, or by any

  • other lawful Title derived by, from or under the laid Subfcribers, fhould hare or be intitled to any

' Part, Share or Intereft, of or in the faid yearly Fund fettled by the faid Act, or of or in the c proportionable Annuity or yearly Payments ifluing out of the faid yearly Fund, fo long as they ' fhould refpectively have any Part, Share or Intereft therein, fhould be one Body Politick and Corpo- ' rate, by the Name of The Englifh Company trading to the Eaft-Indies, with fuch Benefit of Trade, ' Powers, Privileges and Advantages, and fubject to fuch Reftrictions, Conditions, Covenants and ' Agreements, and to fuch Provifo of Redemption, as are therein referred to or exprefled : And whereas ' in and by one other Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne (for ' affuring to the Englijh Company trading to the Eaft-Indi.s, on Account of the United Sto,k, a longer ' Time in the Fund and Trade therein mentioned^ and for raifing thereby the Sum of one million two

  • hundred thoufand Pounds, for carrying on the War, and other her Majefty's Gccafions) it was -enact-

' ed, 6 Ann. c. jj,