Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/68

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6 C. 13, 14. Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730. After 1 June may be lawful to and for any of his Majefty's Subjects, to carry and import Salt from any Part of Eu- fee^mn S orte!r y r0 P e int0 the Colony of New York in America, in Britijh Ships and Veflels, manned and navigated ac- from Europe cording to the A& of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, mto New York intituled, An Aft for the encouraging and increafing of Shipping and Navigation, and in the fame Manner as. i" caTTc 4 Salt ma Y be imported from Europe into New England and Newfoundland, by an A& made in the fifteenth isCar^.'e.'y. Year of the Reign of the faid King Charles the Second, mtitukd, An Ac! for the Encouragement of Farther Pro-vift- <f ra j e . anv Law, Statute, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. ot;s concerning ' J ' ' a . Plantation;, jee 3 Geo.z.c.z%. A. Geo. 2. c, 15.. 5 Geo. 2, c. 7 & 9. 6 Geo. z. c. 13. 8 Geo. z. c. 19. liGeo. 2. c. 30. If Geo. z. c. 31 & 33. 24 Geo, 3. c. 51 & 53. 29 Geo. 2. c. 5 fif 35. 30 Geo. 2. r. 9. CAP. XIII. An A<fl for making navigable the River Stroudwater in the County of Ghucefler, from the River Severn, at or near Framiload, to Wallbridge near the Town of Stroud in the fame. County. PR. £ [7HE RE AS the River called Stroudwater is capable of being made navigable from the River ' W Severn at or near Framiload in the County of Gloucejler, to Wallbridge near the Town of Stroud 1 in the fame County, which if effected, will be of great Advantage not only to the cloathing Trade of c the faid County, but likewife to the Publick, by opening a Trade and Commerce between the City of ' Brifiol and the feveral Market-Towns and other Places near the faid River Stroudwater, whereby the ' Poor will be much better imployed, the Highways greatly preferved, and the Woollen Manufacture of 4 the faid County much improved and increafed :' To" the End therefore that the laid River called Stroud- water may be made navigable and paffable for Boats, Barges, Lighters, and other Veffeis; Be it e- nacted, bfc. " Perfons authorized to make the River Stroud navigable. Commiffioners appointed to determine Differ- " ences. Any feven of the Commiffioners may fettle Differences between Undertakers and others. If any " refufe to treat, they may order a Jury to affefs Damages. Their Virdict binding. The Decrees to be " kept among the Records of the County of Ghucefler. On Payment or Tender of the Affeffments Under- "- takers may act. Perfons fummoned not appearing, &c. forfeit 40 a On Death of Commiffioners new " ones to be chofen. Rates to be paid to Undertakers, viz. For every Ton of Coals, Corn, Malt, Grain " or Meal, 3*. 6d. For every Ton of other Goods, carried upon the River between the Severn at Frami- " load, and Wallbridge near Stroud, $s. and in Proportion for any lefs Weight or Diftance. Undertakers " may fet up Winches, &c. Bargemafter anfwerable for his Crew. This River not under the Survey of " Commiffioners of Sewers. Undertakers to fecure Lands from being overflowed, and make good Da-, " mages. The River free for all Paffengers, on paying the Rates. Exception as to Manure. Undertakers " to begin by 24 June 1732. and finiffi before 24 June 1740. not to affign their Intereft till Navigation " perfected. All Damages not provided for to be fettled by a Jury. From 24 Auguft to 15 October yearly, " no Barges to pafs without Confent of the Owners of Mills. Undertakers to open the Locks to Barges. " No Order of Commiffioners binding unlefs made at a General Meeting. Commiffioners not to make " Cuts through any Houfe, Mills or Garden inclofed on 25 March 1730. nor through the Garden of John ' c Small, Efquire. C A P. XIV. An Act for reducing the Annuity or Fund of the united Eajl-India Company, and for afcer- taining their Right of Trade to the Eaft- Indies, and the Continuance of their Corporation for that Purpofe, upon the Terms therein mentioned. ARecitalof the 1T7HEREAS in and by an Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord tererefatin ^to" <■ ^^ ^"'"^ Y / . II ' LIAM the Third, of Glorious Memory, intituled, An Ail for raifing a Sum not ex- the Eaft-inli» 8 c ceeding two millions upon a Fund for Payment of Annuities after the Rate of eight Pounds per Centum per Company. Annum, and for fettling the Trade to the Eaft-Indies, it is amongft other Things enacted, That all the 9 W. 3. c. 44. « Monies arifing by the feveral Duties upon Salt and Rock Salt, and upon ftamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper, in the faid Act mentioned, fhould be paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer every Year, reckoning the nrft Year to begin from the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand fix hundred and ' ninety-eight, and that one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds per Annum of the Monies to arife by ' the faid feveral Duties, and to be brought into the Exchequer by weekly or other Payments, fhould be

  • - the yearly Fund for and towards the anfwering and paying off certain Annuities of eight Pounds per

' Centum per Annum, to fuch Perfons or Corporations, as fhould fubferibe and pay in their Monies upon ' the Terms of the faid Act; and it is thereby further enacted, That it fhould be lawful for his Majefty, c by Commiffion under the Great Seal of England, to authorize and appoint any Number of Perfons to ■ take and receive all fuch voluntary Subfcriptions for or towards the faid Sum of two millions, to be fo ' paid as in the faid Act is mentioned; in and by which Act it was further enacted, That fuch Sub- ' fcribers as aforefaid fhould refpectively receive and enjoy for ever, out of the Fund by the laid Act fet- ' tied, one Annuity for the whole Sum by them fubferibed, according to the Rate of eight Pounds per ' Centum per Annum, in the Manner thereby prefcribed; and it is thereby further enacted, That it fhould ' and might be lawful to and for his faid'late Majefty, by his Letters Patents, to incorporate all and 15 every fuch the faid Subfcribers, upon whofe Subfcriptions fuch Payments fhould be made as is therein 8 ' expreffed,