Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/706

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640 C.37- Anno decimo o&avo Ge org nil. A. D. 17451 and Truftees, or any four or more of them, rending in England, Scotland, or 7/*>/<?«^refpective]y, fhould have contracted to fell the fame ; every which faid Indenture or Contract fhould particularly exprefs or recite the Confideration paid or given for the fame, and fhould thereof acquit and difcharge every fuch Purchafer or Purchafers, his and their Hehs, Succcflbrs, Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns : And it was thereby further enacted, That the Powers thereby given to the faid Commiflioners and Truftees, fhould not determine by the Deaths of any one or more of them; and in cafe of the Death or Deaths of any one or more of the faid Commiflioners and Truftees, the Survivors of them (bejng four or more to refide in England, and as many in Scotland) fhould, and they were thereby required and authorized to execute and perform all the Trulls, Powers, Matters, and Things in the faid Acts con- tained, as fully and effectually, as the whole Number of Commiflioners and Truftees thereby appointed, or any Quorum of them, might execute or perform, if they were all living, as by the faid feveral Acts . of Parliament may more fully and at large appear : And whereas William late Lord IViddrington was, af- ter the twenty-fourth Day of 'June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, and before the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, attainted for High Treafon, committed before the firft Day of 'June one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ; and was, at the Time of fuch his Attainder, feized, pofleffed of, intereited in, and intitled unto, in his own Right, or to liis own proper Ufe, of divers Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, fituate, lying and being in the County of Northumberland, of the yearly Value of one thoufand five hundred fifty-eight Pounds fourteen Shillings and two Pence; and by Force and Virtue of the faid At- tainder, and the feveral Acts of Parliament herein before mentioned, the faid feveral Manors, Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments became vcfted in the faid Richard Grantham, George Trcby, Arthur Ingram, George Gregory, Sir Richard Steele Knight, Sir Henry Hoghton Baronet, Patrick Haldane, Sir Thomas Hales, Robert Monro, Henry Cuninghame, Denis Bond, John Birch, and Sir John Eyles, for the feveral Intents and Purpofes in the faid Acts of Parliament mentioned : And whereas in purfuance of the faid Act of the fourth Year of his faid late Majefty, the faid Commiflioners and Truf- tees, or four of them refiding in England did, on the thirtieth Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, at their Houfe in E/Jex Street, in the Parifh of Saint Cle- ment Danes in the County of Middle/ex, put up to Sale by way of Cant or Auction, feveral Manors, Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, being the Eftate of the faid late Lord IViddrington, lying in the Parifh of TVoodhorne in the County of Northumberland, fpecified and defcribed in a Particular or Rental thereof, printed and publifhed by Order and Directions of the faid Commiflioners, or of four or more of them, and therein mentioned to be of the Rent or Value of one thoufand eight hundred and eight Pounds fourteen Shillings and two Pence per Annum, exclufive of the Incumbrances charged upon, and affecting the fame; and therein mentioned to amount together to the yearly Sum of one hun- dred twenty- five Pounds feventeen Shillings and eight Pence ; and it was, at the Time of putting up the faid Eftate to Sale, ftipulated and prefcribed, that the Purchafer of the faid Eftate fhould pay one fifth Part of the Purchafe Money into the Exchequer, on or before the twenty-fourth Day of June then next ; and the remaining four Fifths into the faid Exchequer, on or before the twenty-ninth Day of September then next enfuing, together with lawful Intereft for the fame, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, from the thirtieth Day of the faid Month of March to the Day of Payment into the Exchequer ; and that the Purchafer fhould be intitled to the Rents arifing from Martinmas then laft: And whereas Chrijlian Cole of London, Efquire, for and on the Behalf of the Governor and Com- pany of Undertakers for raifing the Thames Water in York Buildings, did on the faid thirtieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty bid the Slim of iifty-feven thoufand one hundred Pounds for the faid Eftate ; which Sum being the utmoft that was bid for the fame, the faid Chri/lian Cole was, by the faid George Gregory, Henry Cunninghame, Denis Bond, Sir Thomas Hales, Sir John Eyles, and John Birch, being fix of the Commiflioners and Truftees refiding in England, on the faid thirtieth Day of March, deemed and declared to be the beft Purchafer thereof; and the faid Commiflioners and Truftees did certify, that they the faid Commiflioners and Truftees laft named had, on the faid thir- tieth Day of March, contracted to fell the faid Eftate to the faid Chrijlian Cole for the laid Sum of fifty- feven thoufand one hundred Pounds, to hold the faid Eftate to the faid Chri/lian Cole, his Heirs and Af- figns for ever ; and the faid Chri/lian Cole did thereupon agree to pay the Purchafe Money for the faid Eftate, according to the faid Conditions of the Sale thereof; and the faid Governor and Company, or fome of their Officers Or Agents, was or were foon after put into the Poffeflion of, and in the Receipt of the Rents and Profits of the faid Eftates ; and the faid Chri/lian Cole figned a Declaration'of Truft on the Back of the faid Contract, declaring that the Purchafe therein mentioned to be made by him, was fo made by him for and upon the Account of, and as Agent for the faid Governor and Company ; and that the Money paid on Account of the faid Purchafe, was the proper Money of the faid Governor and Company, and thereby defired and authorized the Truftees appointed for that Purpofe, to convey to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeflbrs, the Lands and Hereditaments fo by him pur- chafed : And whereas the faid Governor and Company, in purfuance of the faid Conditions of Sale, paid on Account of the faid Sale, into the Receipt of his faid late Majefty 's Exchequer at IVeJlminJler, on the twenty-fifth of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, the Sum of eleven thoufand five f hundred and fifty-fix Pounds one Shilling and eleven Pence, being one fifth Part of the faid_ Purchafe f Money and Intereft then accrued due for the fame: And whereas the faid whole Sum of fifty-feven s thoufand one hundred Pounds fo contracted, and agreed to be paid for the Purchafe of the Premiffes,

  • was not paid on the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand {even hundred and twenty, purfuant
  • and according to the Terms of the faid Contract, but feveral confiderable Sums of Money have fmce

' been