Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/710

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644* C. 6. Anno dedmo nono Georgii II. A; D. 1746, High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiflioners of the Treafury for the Time being fhall no- minate, all the faid Exchequer Bills charged upon the faid Duties arifing by Licences as aforefaid, amounting in the whole to the Sum of nine hundred and eighty-fix thoufand eight hundred Pounds, to be difcharged, cancelled and made void, in fuch Manner as the faid Commiflioners of the Treafury, or the faid High Treafurer, for the Time being, ihall appoint, without iffuing again the fame, or any of them. The Intereft due II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Intereft or Premium which {hall °",?' 1 ff toUe ^ e ^ ue u P on the f 3 '^ Exchequer Bills, to be delivered up to be cancelled, and made void as aforefaid, to- paj ° ' gether with the Charges of circulating the fame, fhall be fully cleared and paid off; any thing in this or any former Act: to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. In lieu of the ill. And be it further 'en acted by the Authority aforefaid, That for and in lieu of the faid principal gS6,Sool. in Sum of nine hundred and eighty-fix thoufand eight hundred Pounds in Exchequer Bills, herein before E*cheque~ c ' the Ban March: toreceiv uuityof 39,472). Exchequer, one Annuity or yearly Sum of thirty-nine thoufand four hundred and feventy-two Pounds, being after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, for and upon the faid principal Sum of nine hundred and eighty-fix thoufand eight hundred Pounds, to be paid and payable in the Manner and Form until Redemp- herein after mentioned, until Redemption thereof by Parliament, according to the Provifoes herein after tion by FarlU- contained for that Purpofe.

  • nent * IV. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid yearly Fund, or Sum of

thirty-nine thoufand four hundred and feventy-two Pounds, is, and fhall by virtue of this Act, be charg- The Annuity to ea " ar >d chargeable upon, and fhall be paid and payable from Time to Time, in the firft Place, and with be paid with Preference to all other Payments whatfoever, out of the Monies which fhall arife into the faid Receipt of Fretence, Exchequer, of or for the Duties payable to his Majefty, for Licences to fell Spirituous Liquors, and Strong Waters by Retail, in purfuance of the before recited Act of the fixteenth Year of his Majefty's Reign; any thing in this or any former Act to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeflbrs, fhall have, receive and enjoy at the Receipt of his Majefty's Ex- chequer as aforefaid, by and out of the faid yearly Fund, eftablifhed as aforefaid, one Annuity or yearly Sum of thirty-nine thoufand four hundred and feventy-two Pounds, of lawful Money of Great Britain, to commence from the faid twenty-fifth Day of March, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thou- fand feven hundred and forty-fix, and to be paid and payable to them and their Succeflbrs for ever, at the at four quarterly fr ° ur m0 ^ u ^ ua ^ ea ^ s or Days of Payment in the Year; that is to fay, The Feafts of the Nativity of Favjnents, Saint John the Baptift, Saint Michael the Archangel, the Birth of our Lord Chrift, and the Annuncia- tion of the Bleffed Virgin Alary, by even and equal Portions; the firft quarterly Payment thereof to be made at the Feaft of the Nativity of" Staint John the Baptift, which fhall be in the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand {even hundred and forty-fix, fubject neverthelefs to the Provifoes of Redemption herein after contained for that Purpofe; and that the faid Annuity or yearly Sum of thirty-nine thoufand four hun- fiee from Taxes, d red and feventy-two Pounds, and every Part thereof, fhall be free from all Manner of Taxes, Impofi- tions or Charges whatfoever. VI. And for the better and more regular Payment of the faid Annuity of thirty-nine thoufand four hun- dred and feventy-two Pounds to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank, of England, and their Sue- Order.; to be ceffors for ever, fubject to the. Redemption aforefaid, an Order or Orders fhall be figned by the Commif- figned by the fioners of the Treafury now, or for the Time being, or any three or more of them, or the Lord High Treafury for the Treafurer for the Time being, for the Payment thereof; and after figning thereof, the fame fhall be good, Payment ot the ys ]^ ana effectual in the Law, according to the Purport and true Meaning thereof, and of this Act, and Annuity. ^ a ] j not be determinable by or upon the Death or Removal of any of the faid Commiflioners of the Trea- fury, or the Lord High Treafurer, or by or upon the Determination of the Power, Office or Offices of them, or any of them; nor fnall any Commiflioners of the Treafury, or Lord High Treafurer now or for the Time being, have Power to revoke, countermand, or make void fuch Order or Orders fo figned as aforefaid. VII. And for the more fpeedy Payment of the faid Annuity, or yearly Sum of thirty-nine thoufand four hundred and feventy-two Pounds, to the faid Governor and Company as aforefaid; it is hereby declared The Money to and enacted, That weekly or otherwife, as the Money of the faid Duties fhall from Time to Time be be paid weekly, brought into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, the fame fhall-and may be iffued upon the faid Order or Or- ^s it fhajl ajriie. ^ tvs ^ f or or towards difcharging the faid Annuity, to grow due for and at the End of the Quarter in' which fuch Payment fhall be made, fo as fuch weekly or other Payments, do not exceed the Sum of the quarterly Payment, which fliould grow due for or at the End of every fuch Quarter refpectively. The Annuity to VIII, And it is hereby enacted, That the faid Annuity of thirty-nine thoufand four hundred and fe- be perfonal venty-two Pounds, and every Part thereof, fhall be adjudged to be a perfonal and not a real Eftate, and ^j3? le - fhall not be liable to any foreign Attachment; any Law or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. IX, And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any Time or Times, after the faid tf the Monies twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, the Produce of the faid Duties ari- »rifmgby the Li. f in g {,y Licences as aforefaid, fhall be fo low or deficient, as that the Monies arifen therefrom into the fufeTentfo""the Exchequer at the End of any of the faid quarterly Feafts, fhall not be fufficient to pay anddifcharge the quarterly Pay- Quarter's Annuity, then due and payable according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Act; then, wen$», ' .' 3 and