Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/719

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$.. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii If. C. 12. 653 or Denomination whatfoever, to Ireland-, fhall take from the Collector or Comptroller of the Port of Great Britain, where he fhall lade any fuch Glafs, a Duplicate of his Contents in Writing of all the Glafs taken or laden on board his Ship or VelTcl, before he be permitted to fail out of the Port, under the Hand and Seal of fuch Collector or Comptroller of the laid Port of Great Britain; which faid Duplicate (hall be delivered to the Matter of every fuch Ship or Veffel without Fee or Reward ; and that every fuch Mafter of every fuch .Ship or Vefl'el fhall deliver upon Oath fuch Duplicate to the Coil-dor, Comp- To dtliv-r trollcr or other Officer of the Cuftoms in fuch Port in Ireland, where fuch Ship or Vcflel fhaU arrive, and „:,'.,,',",; ! ' intends to unlade, before he be permitted to land any fuch Glafs. And that in cafe any Glafs of any „ r of l(lr Kind or Denomination whatfoever, fhall be unladen or landed in any Part of Ireland, before fuch Du- where he an plicate is produced to the Collector, Comptroller or Officer as aforefaid, all fuch Glafs (hall be forfeited and deftroyed within ten Days after the fame fhall be lawfully condemned; and alfo the Ship or Vclful in which the fame was imported, be forfeited, with her Tackle, Apparel and Furniture; and the M after Penalty, of fuch Ship or Vefftl, and every other Perfon or Perfons concerned in importing of fuch Glafs, or that fhall have been aiding or affifting in the landing or putting the fame on Shore, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum often Shillings for every Pound Weight thereof; and fo in Proportion for every greater or lefs Quantity. XXI. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That if after the firft Day of May one rc ^°™. C0I> thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall directly or indirectly ex- p^nVciifj port, tranfport, fhip ofF, carry or convey, or caufe or procure to be exported, tranfported, fhipped off, f[0m fVcUnd, carried or conveyed, or fhall be any Ways aiding or affifting in the exporting, tranfporting, fhipping off, carrying, or conveying out of the Kingdom of Ireland, any Crown, Plate, or Flint Glafs, or White Glafs, by what Name foever it is, or hereafter may be called or known, or any Common Bottles, or other Green Glafs, or any Glafs of any Kind or Denomination whatfoever, or fhall directly or indi- rectly load, or caufe to be laden upon any Horfe, Cart, or other Carriage, or load or lay on Board, or caufe to be laden or laid on Board, in any Ship or Vellel, in any Place or Port, within or belonging to the Kingdom of Ireland, any fuch Glafs as aforefaid, with Intent or Purpofe to export, tranfport, fhip off, carry or convey the fame, or caufe the fame to be exported, tranfported, fhipped off, carried or con- veyed out of the Kingdom of Ireland, or out of any Port or Place belonging to the fame, or with Intent or Purpofe that any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhould fo export, tranfport, fhip off, carry or convey the fame out of the Kingdom of Ireland; every Perfon fo offending fhall, for every fuch Offence, for- Penalty* feit and pay the Sum of ten Shillings for every Pound Weight of Glafs, of any Kind or Denomination whatfoever, fo exported, tranfported, fhipped off, or carried, conveyed, or laden as aforefaid, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act ; and all the Glafs of any Kind or Denomination what- foever, fo exported, tranfported, fhipped off, or carried, conveyed or laden, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, fhall be forfeited and deftroyed within ten Days after the fame fhall be law- fully condemned; and all and every Ship or Veflel, Barge, Boat, on other Bottom whatfoever, wherein any fuch Glafs fhall be fhipped or laid on Board, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, Jhall likewife be forfeited, with her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture. XXII. And it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiffioners and Sub- £° m ™ j"^ 6 ™,-' commiffioners of Excife refpedively, in their refpedive Limits and Diftrids in Ireland, or the major to c de ' t " rm 7 n eo'f- Part of them, are hereby authorized and required to hear and determine all Offences againft this Act, f ences a%3]n(i relating to the Exportation or Importation of Glafs ; which Commiffioners or Sub-commiffioners fhall this Act there.. and may proceed in a fummary Way, and give Judgment or Sentence, and levy the Penalties and For- feitures by this Act inflicted on fuch Offenders, in fuch or the like Manner as they are enabled to pro- ceed, give Judgment, and levy the Penalties and Forfeitures in Cafes of Excife in Ireland, by any Act or Acts of Parliament now in Force in that Kingdom ; one Moiety of which Penalties and Forfeitures fhall Forfeiture* i>C- be to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors ; the other Moiety to the Officer or Officers, or any other P oe • Perfon or Perfons, who fhall feize, difcover, inform or fue for the fame.

  • XXIII. And whereas there may have been Contracts or Bargains made for the Purchafe and: Sale of

' Home made Glafs and Glafs Bottles, to be delivered and received at future Times after the faid

  • twenty- fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, which Contracts or Bargains,
  • by reafon of the Duties on Glafs and Glafs Bottles hereby impofed, cannot be complied with by the

' Sellers without great Lofs and Damage;' Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Contrads or Bargains, made or to be made before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one J^jj^? *£* thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, for the Purchafe and Sale of Home made Glafs or Glafs Bottles, March 2 c,*?!** to be delivered and received at any future Time or Times, which fhall not be performed and complied not per 7 ' r mej * with on or before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, fhall before that be and are hereby declared to be null and void, and of no Effect:: And in cafe any Sum or Sums o I Time, null. Money fhall have been advanced and paid by any Purchafer or Purchafers, for or on Account of any Monies adrancefr Home made Glafs or Glafs Bottles, which fhall- not be delivered on or before the faid twenty-fifth j^G^not de- Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, all fuch Sums of Money fhall be forthwith ™" h ■' °™ repaid to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall have advanced and paid the fame, together with legal Intereft t0 be retu ' rne(Jj for the fame, from the Time and Times that fuch Sum or Sums of Money fhall have been refpedively ^ Intereft> • advanced and paid. XXIV. And it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That there fhall, from and ' *ft™ ^TriSfotoLs the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, be raifed, levied, col- Liq( , 0ISi P ' leded 3 and paid unto his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, for the feveial Spirituous Liquors made, extraded,.