Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/72

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10 C. 14. Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730. or yearly Fund of one hundred and twenty-eight thoufand Pounds, in refpect of the faid Capital Stock or Debt of three millions two hundred thoufand Pounds; which faid reduced Annuity or yearly Fund fhall be and remain charged upon, and fliall be paid and payable from Time to Time out of the fame Duties and Revenues, in the fame Manner and by the Ike weekly or quarterly Payments, and with the fame Provifions, for making good any Deficiencies from Time to Time in the faid reduced Fund, as their prefent Annuity or Fund is now charged on or provided for to be paid, until fome new or other Provilion fhall be made by Parliament, with Confent of the faid United Company, for the fame. On one Year's V. Provided always, and be it enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That at any Time, upon one Mar'chnl 25 Year's Notice to be given by Parliament, after the twenty-fifth Day of March which (hall be in the andRepaymenr, Year of our Lord one thoufand (even hundred and thirty-fix, upon the Expiration of the faid Year, and &c Annuity upon Repayment by Parliament of the faid whole Capital Stock or Debt of three millions two hundred io ceafe, thoufand Pounds unto the faid United Company, and of all Arrears of their faid reduced Annuity or yearly Fund of one hundred and twenty-eight thoufand Pounds, which fliall be due at the End of the laid Year; then and from thenceforth the faid Annuity or yearly Fund fhall ceafe, determine and be no- longer paid or payable to them. ' VI. And in regard it is intended, that at any Time or Times after the twenty -fifth Day of March e one thoufand [ttcn hundred and thirty-iix the faid Capital Stock or Debt of three millions two hun- J

  • dred thoufand Pounds, may be paid off to the faid United Company by any Payments not being lefs

' thanfhe hundred thoufand Pounds at a Time, and that, as the faid leffer Payments fhall be made,

  • the faid reduced Annuity or yearly Fund of one hundred and twenty-eight thoufand Pounds, payable
  • to the faid Company, lhall proportionally fink and be abated; ' Be it enacled by the Authority afore -

On one Y ar"s ^ a ' c '> That at any Time or Times, upon one Year's Notice after the twenty-fifth Day of March one Notice after 25 thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, to be given by Parliament, upon the Expiration of the faid March 1736, 6n Year, on Repayment by Parliament to the faid United Company of any Sum of Money not being lefs Repayment of tnan g ve himdred thoufand Pounds, in Part of the faid Capital Stock or Debt of three millions two than "00,000 1! S hundred thoufand Pounds, and upon Payment of all Arrears which (hall then be due on their faid re- fo much of the duced Annuity or yearly Fund, or upon any Part thereof, then from and after fuch Payments, fo much Annuity to f the f^j Annuity as fhall bear Proportion to the Monies fo paid in Part fliall ceafe, determine and be abated, and fo on from Time to Time, on fuch yearly Notices to be given by Parliament, and Payment from Time to Time of fuch other Sums, in Part of the faid Capital Stock or Debt, not lefs than five hundred thoufand Pounds at a Time, and of fuch Arrears of their then Annuity or yearly Fund, until the Payment of the whole fliall be compleated, fo much of their faid Annuity or Fund as (hall bear Proportion to fuch refpective Sums paid in Part, fhall from Time to Time, as fuch Payments are made, fink and be abated, until their whole Annuity or yearly Fund fhall be intirely funk and determined. After Redemp- VII. But neverthelefs and notwithftanding fuch Redemption, be it further enacled by the Authority tion Members of aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, who now are or (hall at the Time of fuch Redemp- the Company to t i on b e intitled unto, or who now have or fhall have any Part, Share or Intereft of, in or to the faid PoliUck 6 &c.° three millions two hundred thoufand Pounds, or of, in or to a proportionable Part, Share or Intereft in the faid additional Stock, Stock in Trade, or Money paid in for carrying on the fame, or in the faid Forts, Factories, Settlements, Lands, Tenements, Righ s, Hereditaments, Poffeffions, Eftate or Eftates of or belonging to the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaji-bidies, or unto which they are, (hall or may be intitled, and all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who as Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors or Affigns, or by any other lawful Way or Title derived or to be derived from, by or under them, fhall have or be intitled to have any Part, Share or Intereft of, in or to the fame, or of, in or to any future or other additional Stock, Stock in Trade, Monies, Poffeffions, Rights, Hereditaments or Eftates of or belonging to, or that (ball or may be acquired, ga : ned or obtained by the faid United Company, or their SuccdTors, fo as they fliall reflectively have or be intitled to have any fuch Share, Part or Intereft, (hall be and con- tinue to be a Body Politick and Corporate, in Deed and in Name, by the Name of The United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft-Indies, and by that Name fliall have perpetual Succeffion and a Common Seal; and they and~their Succeffors, by the Name aforefaid, fnall be able and capable in the Law to have, purchafe, receive, enjoy, poffefs and retain, to them and their Suc- ceffors, Lands, Rents, Tenements and Hereditaments, of what Kind, Nature or Quality foever, and alfo to fed, grant, demife, alien, or difpofe of the fame; and by. the fame Name to fue and implead, be fued and impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered, in all or any Courts of Record, or any other Place whatfoever, and to do and execute all and fingular other Matters and Things by the Name afore- ■ faid, that to them fhall or may appertain to do, and (had have, hold and enjoy all Benefits, Privileges, Franchifes and Rights, which by any former Act. or Acts, or any Charter or Charters founded there- upon, the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eafl- Indies might hold and enjoy, which are not herein or hereby altered or varied; and all and every Perfon and Perfons, having at the Time of fuch Redemption of the faid yearly Fund of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand Pounds, any Part, Share or Intereft of, in or to the faid Principal Stock of three millions - two hundred thoufand Pounds, and of, in or to the (aid additional Stock, Stock in Trade and Mo- nies paid in for carrying on the fame, and of, in and to other the Poffeffions, Rights, Eftates and Hereditaments aforefaid, acquired or purchafed by or any ways belonging or appertaining to the f;id United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-hidies^ and all Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, that ihall or may at any Time after derive from them any Right or Title to fuch Monies'