Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/73

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A. D. 1730. Anno tertio Georgii II. C. 14. II Monies paid in, Stocks, PoiTeffions, Rights, Hereditaments and Eftates, notwithstanding fuch Redemp- tion, (hall have and continue to have, and be intitled unto the fame, and unto all future and other the Stocks, Monies, Pofleffions, Rights, Hereditaments and Eftates, to be acquired, gained, belonging or to belong to the laid United Company, and their Succeffors, and to all Uenehts, Profits, Pri- vileges and Advantages ariling or to anfe therefrom, in Proportion to their refpeclive Parts, Shares and Interefts therein ; and the faid Parts, Shares and Interefts of fuch Perfons of and in the lame, fhall and may be afligned and aflignable, transferred and transferrable, in fuch or the like Manner, mutatis mutandis, as their refpedlive Parts, Shares or Interefts of and in the faid Principal Stock of three millions two hundred thoufind Pounds, and the additional Stock thereto, or either of them, are now aflignable or transferrable, or may be afligned or transferred. VIII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after fuch Redemp- ) i .$. Atci!> " nr tion of the faid yearly Vund, or after one Moiety thereof or more fhall be redeemed and difcharged Elsaon,?" " by Parliament, the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indics may from Time to Time, by By-laws or Orders to be made in their General Court or General Courts, de- clare and direct how much and what Part or Share In the then remaining Capital Stock or yearly Fund, or in the faid additional Stock, and Stock in Trade, Pofleffions, Hereditaments and Eftates afore- faid, fhall quali "y any Perfons, Members of the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Ea/i-Indies, to be Directors for the Affairs of the faid Company, and what Part or Share there- of fhall qualify any Perfons, Members of the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies, to give any Vote or Votes in any General Court or General Courts, and for the elect- ing the Directors, and for their Continuance or Removal, Incapacity or Avoidance. IX. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid^That notwithftanding fuch Redemp- Company to tion of the faid yearly Fui.d of one hundred and twenty-eight thoufand Pounds as aforefaid, the faid Trade to the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies fhall, fubject to the Provifo of Eaft-indiesfora Determination herein after contained in that Behalf, have, ufe and enjoy, and ihall continue to have, limited Time, ufe and enjoy the whole and fole Trade and Traffick, and the only Liberty, Ufe and Privilege of trad- ing, trafficking, and exercifing the Trade or Bufinefs of Merchandize in, to and from the Eajl-Indies, and in, to and from all the Iflands, Ports, Havens, Coafts, Cities, Towns and Places between the Cape of Good Hope and the Streights of Magellan, and Limits in the faid Act of the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William the Third, or in the faid Charter of the fifth Day of September in the tenth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign mentioned, in as ample and beneficial Manner, as the faid Company could thereby trade thereto ; and the faid Eaft-Indies, or the Iflands, Havens, Coafts, Ports, Cities, Towns and Places within the Limits aforefaid, or any of them, fhall not from henceforth, at any Time before fuch Determination of the raid fole and whole Trade of the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies, as is herein after mentioned, be repaired or failed to, vifited, frequented or haunted by any other the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, whatfoever ; and if any of the faid Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or Sue- Veffels and ceiTors, of what Degree or Quality foever they be, other than the Factors, Agents and Servants of ^ h °°^. ^'" s the faid United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies, or fuch as fhall be by thatTime,with- them thereunto licenfed or authorized, ihall at any Time or Times hereafter, before fuch Determina- out Leave of the tion of the faid Company's whole and fole Trade as aforefaid, directly or indirectly fail or go to, f^f 3 "/' for " vifit, haunt, frequent, trafrick, trade or adventure in, to or from the faid Eqft- Indies, or other the Li- mits or Parts aforefaid, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, all and every fuch Offender and Offenders fhall incur the Forfeiture and Lofs of all the Ships and Veffels which ihall be fuch Voyage, Trade, Traffick or Adventure, with the Guns, Tackle, Apparel and Furniture thereunto belonging, and alfo all the Goods laden thereupon, or that were or fhall be fent to, acquired, traded, trafficked- or adventured within the faid Eajl-Indies or Parts aforefaid, and all the Proceed and Effects of the f.une, and every of them, and double the Value thereof; which Penalties (hall be fo filed for, feized, (a) Diftributed diverted and divertible (a), recovered and recoverable, as in and" by the faid Act made in the feventh'y d ^ Br f^*] Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft is appointed, directed and enacted con- m&Edtihn. cerning the Penalties and Forfeitures in that Act mentioned or referred to, with refpect to the faid United 7 Geo. i. Stat. i. Company, or their Trade to the Eaft- Indies' c - "■ X. And moreover it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid United Company of They .1™" enjoy Merchants of England trading to the Eait Indies fhall at all Times. hereafter for ever (fubject as afoi e- g ra „ t "j bfltfs faid) have, hold and enjoy and be intitled unto all and every the Profits, Benefits, Advantages, Privi- or Charters, leges, Franchifes, Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Rights, Remedies, Methods of Suit, and " all Penalties and Forfeitures, and Difabilities, Provifions, Matters and Things whatfoever, which by any former Act or Acts of Parliament, or by any Charter o'r Charters founded thereupon, or by any Claufe or Claufes in the faid Acts or Charters contained, are enacted, given, granted, provided, inflicted, limited, eftablifhed, or declared to, for, touching, or concerning the faid Company or Body Politick and Corporate, either by the Name of The General Society intitled to the Advantages given by an Atl of Parliament for advancing a Sum not exceeding two millions for the Service of the Crown of England, or the fafd Body Politick and Cor- porate, called by the Name of The Englifh Company trading to the Eaft Indies, or the faid Body Politick and Corporate, now called by the Name of The United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft In- dies, and not by this Act altered or intended to be altered, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of the faid Acts and Charters, freed and difcharged from all Provifoes and Conditions of Redemption and De- termination therein contained, and the fame and every of them are hereby ratified and confirmed, and fhall continue to be held and enjoyed, and be practifed and put in Execution by the faid United Company of Mer- chants of England trading to the Baft Indies 7 and e heir Succeffors, for the better and more effectual fettling C 2 and