Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/80

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i8 C. 17--20. Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730. Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, and which are not herein otherwife appropriated, and that the fame fhall be immediately paid in by him in Difcharge of the aforefaid Arrear on his Account of Land Tax granted for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two. CAP. XVII. An Act for making the Hamlet of Limehoufe, and Part of the Hamlet of Ratcliffe, in the Parifh of Saint Dunflan Stebonbeatb, alias Stepney, in the County of Middle/ex, a diftinct Parifh, and for providing a Maintenance for the Minifter of the new Church there. P R. " Appointment of 3500/. to purchafe Lands, £57. for the Minifter of the new Church. Churchwardens " may make Vaults, £57. Churchwardens to pay 60/. per Ann. to the Rector. Veftrymen to elect a

  • ' Lecturer, and all Officers. New Diftrict a diftinct Parifh. Ratcliffe Hamlet to remain as before for
  • ' Poors Rates, tfc. The great Tithes continued to Brafen Nofe College. The two Portionifts to re-

" ceive each 25 /. per Ann. during their Incumbencies. Parifh Clerk to be a Member of the Parifh Clerks.

  • ' The new Church not to be held in Commendam. The Parifh Clerk of the new Church to pay 5 /. per

" Ann. to the prefent Clerk of Stepney. Inhabitants of the new Parifh paying zs. 6d. per Month to " Poors Rate, to be Veftrymen. Repairing the Roads to continue as before. CAP. XVIII. An Act for repairing the feveral Roads leading into the City of Hereford. P R.

  • ' The Tolls took Place i July 1730. and are to continue for 21 Years. Continued by 22 Geo. 2. c. iS.

CAP. XIX. An Act for providing a Maintenance for the Minifter of the new Church near Bloom/bury Market in the County of Middle/ex ; and for making more effectual an Act paffed in the fourth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, for impowering the Commiffioners for building the fifty new Churches, to direct the Parifh Church of Saint Giles in the Fields, in the faid County, to be rebuilt, inftead of one of the faid fifty new Churches. P R.

  • ' Appointment of 3000/. to purchafe Lands, £57. for the Minifter of the new Church. Inhabitants of the

old Parifh to pay 1250/. for the Rector of the new. Commiffioners to purchafe a Churchyard for the " new Church by 24 June 1730. Commiffioners and Veftry to fetthe Rates of Burials. Vaults, £57. in " the new Church vefted in the Church-wr.rdens. Rectory not to be held in Commendam. Parifh Clerk to 44 be a Member of the Parifh Clerks. Not to take away any Rights of the prefent Rector of Saint Giles in

  • ' the Fields. Lecturer to be chofen by the Rector and Veftrymen. One Bell only in the Steeple. Com-

" miffioners to pay 8000/. for rebuilding Saint Giles's Church. After 25 March 1731, till an effectual 44 Divifion of the Parifhes can be had, Parifh Officers to be chofen as formerly, and all Poors Rates fhali " be made by both Parifhes jointly. Salvo for all Rights of the Duke of Bedford. ». CAP. XX. An A6t for taking off certain Duties on Salt, and for making good any Deficiencies in the Funds, that may happen thereby •, and for charging the reduced Annuity, payable to the Eaft- India Company, on the Aggregate Fund ; and for Relief of Matthew Lyon, Executor of Matthew Page deceafed, in refpect of the Duty for Salt loft by the over- flowing of the River Mercy, in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four. S&6W.&M. ' 1T/HEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the .fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of e, 7- ' VV their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An Ac! fr granting to their 4 Majefties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt, and upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, for fecuring certain 4 Recompences and Advantages in the faid AeJ mentioned, to fuch Per fans as Jh.ill voluntarily advance the Sunt ' of ten hundred thoufand Pounds towards carrying on the War ag'ainjl France, it was,, amongft other

  • Things, enacted, That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hun-

' dred and ninety-four, there fhould be, throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Walts, and 4 Town of Berwick upon Tiveed, raifed, levied, collected and paid unto their Majefties, their Heirs and 4 Sucreffors, until the feventeenth Day of May which fhould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand 4 fix hundred and ninety-feven, for Salt, the Rates and Duties following ; that is to fay, For every ' Gallon of Salt, not being of the Product or Manufacture of the Kingdom of England, Dominion of

  • Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tiveed, imported or to be imported into England, Wales or Berwick

4 upon Tweed, the Sum of three Pence of lawful Money of England, over and above the then Du- 4 ties payable on Salt imported, and after that Rate for a greater or lelTer Quantity ; and for every

  • Gallon of Salt and Rock Salt, made at the Salt Works, or taken out of any Pits, within the faid

4 Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon TiuceJ, the Sum of one Penny 4 Half-penny, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity ; with divers Provifions and Direc- 4 tions in the faid Act contained, for managing, collecting, paying and applying the fame Duties : 4 And whereas by another Act made in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign of their faid late y*8W.*M. * Majefties, intituled, An Ail for continuing to his Majejly certain Duties upon Salt, Glafs Wares, Ston «. 3,3. ' and