Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/87

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A. D. 1730. Anno tertio Georgii II. C. 24, 25. 25 CAP. XXIV. An Act for miking a new Road, and for repairing and amending the ancient Road between the Towns of IVifbcch and March, in the file of Ely in the County of Cambridge. P R. The Toll took Place the firft Day of May 1730, and is to have Continuance for 21 Years. Continued by zz Geo. z. c. 34. CAP. XXV. An^& for the better Regulation of Juries. ' TT J H E R E A S many evil Practices have been ufed in corrupting of Jurors returned for the Trial 13 Ed. «. r. -g. ' VV of Iuucs joined to be tried before the Juftices of Aflize or Nifi prius, and the Judges of the 2I Ed. 1. .?r. ,. ' Great Sefiions in Wales, and the Judge or Judges of the Seifions for the Counties Palatine of Lan- Vgj/J^' £'£' ' caller, Chejler ox Durham, and many Neglects and Abules have happened in making up the Lifts of 25 Ed. 3. St. j. ' I 1 rceholders, who ought to ferve on fuch Trials, and many Perfons being lawfully fummoned to ferve '• v ' on Juries have neglected to appear, to the great Injury of many Perfons in their Properties and Ef- ^^ • 3- f -4 ' tates; 5 In order to prevent (he like Practices, Neglects and Abules, Be it enacted by the King's moft &w. &TM. Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Com- c ---l- §■ *5- mons, in this prelent Parliament affeinbled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the firft Lifts of Jurors Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, the Perfon or Perfons required bv a Statute qualified ac- cording to the made in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, in- AaL&gw! tituled, An Acl for the Eaje of Jurors-, and better regulating of 'juries, and by a Claufe in another Act c. 32. made in the third and fourth Years of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, intituled, An Acl for making and ,& 4 ^ nn> perpetual an Acl for the more eafy Recovery of fmall Tithes ; and alfo An Acl for the more eafy obtaining Partition c. 18. of Lands in' Coparcenary, Joint Tenancy and Tenancy in Common; and alfo for ma Hug more ejfeclual and (unending feveral Acls relating to the Return of Jurors, to give in, or who are by Virtue of this Act to make up, true Lifts in Writing of the Names of Perfons qualified to ferve on Juries, in order to affift them to complete fuch Lifts, purfuant to the Intent of the faid Act, fhall (upon Requeft by him or them made to any Parilh Officer or Officers who fhall have in his or their Cuftody any of the Rates for the to be made from Poor or Land Tax in fuch Parilh or Place) have free Liberty to infpect fuch Rates, and take from thence theRates in each the Name or Names of fuch Freeholders, Copyholders or other Perfons qualified to ferve on Juries, an ' dwelling within their refpective Parifhes or Precincts for which fuch Lift is to be given in and returned, purfuant to the faid Acts ; and fhall yearly and every Year, twenty Days at leaft before the Feaft of an d yt3r y fi xec j Saint Michael the Archangel, upon two or more Sundays, fix upon the Door of the Church, Chapel and upon church every other publick Place of religious Worfhip within their refpective Precincts, a true and exact Lift Doors > of ail fuch Perfons intended to be returned to the Quarter-Seffions of the Peace, as qualified to ferve on Juries, purfuant to the Dire<Sions of the faid Act, and leave at the fame Time a Duplicate of fuch Lift with a Churchwarden, Chapelwarden or Overfeer of the Poor of the faid Parilh or Place, to be perufed by the Pariihioners without Fee or Reward, to the End that Notice may be given of Perfons fo qualified who are omitted, or of Perfons inferted by Miftake who ought to be omitted out' of fuch Lifts ; and if Perfons not any Perfon or Perfons, not being qualified to ferve on Juries, (hall find his or their Name or Names men- qualified maybe tioned in fuch Lift, and the Perfon or Perfons required to make fuch Lift (hall refufe to omit him or ol'arter-Seffif them, or think it doubtful whether he or they ought to be omitted, it (hall and may be lawful to and oik, for the Juftices of the Peace for the County, Riding or Diviiion at their refpective General Quarter- Seflions, to which the faid Lifts (hall be fo returned, upon Satisfaction from the Oath of the Party com- plaining, or other Proof, that he is not qualified to ferve on Juries, to order his or their Name or Names to be ftruck out or omitted in fuch Lift, when the fame (hall be entred in the Book to be kept by the Clerk of the Peace for (hat Purpofe, purfuant to the faid Act. _ II. And be it further enacted, i hat if any Perfon or Perfons required by the faid Acts to return or give in, or by Virtue of this Act to make up any fuch Lift, or concerned therein, (hall wilfully omit out of any fuch Lift any Perfon or Perfons whole Name oi' Names ought to be inferted, or (hall wilfully wilfully omit- infert any Perfon or Perfons who ought to be omitted, or (hall take any Money or other Reward for ting' orWertJ-g omitting or inferring any Perfon whatfoever, he or they fo oil ending (hall, for every. Perfon fo omitted I wrong Perfons,. or inferted in fuch Lift, contrary to the Meaning of this Act, forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings for ™ t " s » s ' every fuch Offence, upon Convition before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace of the County, Riding or Diyffion where fuch Offender (hall dwell, upon the Cqnteffion of the OSender, or Proof bv one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes on Oath ; one Half thereof to be paid to the informer, and the other Half to the Poor of fuch Parilh or Piace for which the faid Lilt is returned ; and in cafe fuch Penalty fhall not be paid within five Days after fuch Conviction, the fame fhall be levied by Dirtrefs and Sale ot the Offender's Goods, by Warrant or Warrants from one or more Juftice or Juitices of the Peace, returning the Overplus,' if any there be; and the faid Juftice or Juitices, before whom fuch Perfon (hall be convicted of fuch Offence, fhall, in Writing under their Hands, certify the fame to the Juftices at their next General Quarter-Seflions which fhall be held for the County in which the Perfon or Perfons fo omitted or inferted fhall dwell, which Juitices fhall direct the Clerk of the Peace for the Time being to infert or ftrike out the Name or Nanus of fuch Perfon or Perfons as (hall by fuch Cer- tificate appear to have been omitted or inferted in fuch Lifts, contrary to the Meaning of this Act ; and Duplicates of Dupl.cates of the faid Lifts, when delivered in at the Quarter-Seflions of the Peace, and entred in fuch tw!.'.^^^ Vol. VI. E ^ BooklbTS"*