Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/501

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A. D. 1753. Anno vlcefimo fexto Georgii II. C. 14, 15. 481 CAT. XIV. An Acl for the fettling and afcertaining the Fees to be taken by Clerks to JuPdccs of the Peace. ' '^/'f^ ERE AS fome Doubts have arifen touching the Fees due to Clerks of Juftices of the Peace: ' VV And whereas it would tend to the due Execution of the Laws, and to the Eafe of the Subjeft, ' that the Fees to be taken by the faid Clerks (hould be afcertained ;' Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiriiual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Juftices of>ft:ces to fetiii the Peace throughout that Part of Great Britain called' Ef7gland, at their refpedive General-Qiiarter Sef-^ Table of I-Vca fions of the Peace, to be held next after the twenty-fourth Day of Ju!7e one thoufand feven hundred and'° ^'"n^'^t" '^^ fifty-three, fjiall, and they are hereby required to make and fettle a Table of the Fees which fhall be taken "' " ' by Clerks to Juftices of the Peace within the County, City, or other Divifion, for which fuch refpec- tive General-Quarter Seffions fhall be held ; and fuch Vefpedive Tables of Fees, being approved bj^ the Juftices ot the Peace at the next fucceeding General-Q^iarter Seffions of the Peace for fuch County, City, or other Divifion, with fuch Alterations as fuch Juftices of the Peace fo affembled fliall think fo be "tiffed by proper, fhall be laid before the Judges at the next Affizes, or at the Great Seffions for the Principality of'['!.J^S== "f JFales, and Counties Palatine of CheJIer, Lancajler and Durham^ for the refpeftlve County, City, or "^'^' other Divifion ; and the faid Judges are hereby authorized and required to ratify and confirm fuch refpective Tables of Fees, in fuch Manner and Form as the fame ftiall be made, fettled and approved of by the faid Juftices, or with fuch Alterations, Additions or Abatements, as to fuch Judges fhall appear to bejuftand reafonable; and it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Juftices of Peace, in their refpeftive Quarter-Sef- j-un-j^j ^3 fions aflembled, from Time to Time to make any other Table of Fees to be taken, inftead of the Fees make new Ta- contained in the Table which fhall have been ratified and confirmed by the Judges of Affize ; and after the ties of fees ; fame fhall have been approved by the Juftices of the Peace at the next fucceeding General Quarter-Seffions, in Manner as aforefaid, to lay fuch nev/ Table of Fees before the Judges at the next Affizes, or at the'o te ratified I'n Great Seffions for the Principality of Wdes and Counties Palatine of Che/ier, Lancqjler and Durham, who"= fame Man- are hereby impowered and authorized to approve and ratify the fame in A4anner as aforefaid, if they think"^"^' fit; but no Table of Fees to be made and fettled by the faid refpeifive Juftices of Peace, Ihall be of any^ , Gt^^T 6 Validity or EfFeiSl whatfoever until the fame fhall be ratified and confirmed by the faid Judges. mutable bi'uJ- ihfcx is to hi ratified ly Chief Juflices, &c. II. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any Time after the Space of three Penalty of 20I. Calendar Months from the Time that fuch Table of Fees fhall be made and ratified as aforefaid, any Clerk °" clerks taking or Clerks to any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or any Perfon or Perfons afting as fuch, fhall, under " ^'^'^^' Pretence of any Matter or Thing done, tranfacSed or performed by fuch Juftice or Juftices in the Execu- tion of his or their Office or Offices, or done, tranfafted or performed by fuch Perfon or Perfons as Clerk or Clerks to fuch Juftice or Juftices, demand or receive any other or greater Fee than fhall have been afcertained, ratified and confirmed in Manner as aforefaid, fuch Perfon fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay twenty Pounds to any Perfon who fhall fue for the fame by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or In- formation, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejiminfter, wherein no Effoin, Privilege, Protec- tion, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fhall be granted or allowed. III. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Tables of Fees which fhall berables of the made and fettled, and ratified and confirmed from Time to Time as aforefaid, fhall be depofited with theFees tobedcpo- Clerk of the Peace for the refpeftive County, City, or other Divifion ; and each of the faid Clei'ks of the"^'^ ™t^ 'lia Peace fhall caufe true and exaft written or printed Copies of the faid Tables to be placed and to be keptp^"^^ " ^'^^ conftantly in a confpicuous Part of the Room or Place where the General or Quarter Seffions fhall be ' held ; under pain of forfeiting the Sum of ten Pounds for each Offence, to be recovered by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at IFejiminJier, whsrein^^'^^^^P'" '""!'- no Eflbin, Privilege, Protcftion, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fliall be granted or°lf.°^^J^^"^^"^ allov.'ed. the Seffions are held, under Penalty of lol. IV. Provided always, and be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all St^its and Adlions r_;mita;:ons ^f which flrall be brought or commenced by Virtue of this Act, fhall be brought before the End of three Aftions. Months after the Offence committed, and not otherwile. Ccnurmngjujikss of Peac! fe t:. T.-]. And farther IJ Geo, z. c, 16 & 20, I C?ij, 3.1:. J3. CAP. XV. An A61 for allowing Interefl: upon certain Debentures for the Bounty granted on the Exportation of Corn. li E R E A S by an A6t made in the firft Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, j -^y ^._ jj ^ j_ intituled. An A£l for the encouraging the Exportation of Corn, it is enacted. That when Malt ore. 13. Barley, Winchefler lA^Ams, (hall be j.t twenty-four Shillings *fr Quarter, or under, Rye at thirty-tv/o Vol. VIE Q.q q ' Shillings