Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/502

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482 C. 15. Anno viccTimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. 5 Ann. c, 25. S Ann, c. 29. II & 13 W. 3 c. io. §.. 93. Shillings /itT Qiiarter, or under, Wheat at forty-eight Shillings /ifr Quarter, or under, in any Port of England or Wales, every Merchant, or other Ferfon, who £hall put on Shipboard, in fuch A'lanner as by the fiiid A6t is diredted, any Sorts of the Corn aforefaid, with Intent to export the fame to Parts beyond the Seas, and fliall bring a C ertificate in Writing under his Hand, containing the Qiiantity and Qiiality of the Corn fo fliipped, to the Farmers, Commifljoners, Collectors, or other Perfons ap- pointed to colle£l the Duties and Rales arifing by Cufloms within in any fuch Port, fhall, upon fuch Proof of the faid Certificate, and upon giving fuch Bond as by the fail A6t is required, hae and rcceivp from fuch Farmers, Commiflioncrs, Collcillors, or other Perfons, in any Port rcfpectively where the fame Corn fhall be fo fhippcd, for every Qeiarter of Barley or Malt, ground or unground, two Shil- lings and fix Pence ; for e'ery Qiiarter of K.yc, ground or unground, three Shillings and fix Pence; for every Qiiartcr of Wheat, ground or unground, five Shillings ; of which Sums every fuch Commif- fioner. Farmer, or other Perfon, is thereby authorized and required,, upon Demand by fuch Exporter, to make prefent Payment accordingly : And whereas by a Claufe in an A61 made in the fame Seffion of Parliament, intituled. An ASl for an additional Duty of Exclfe upon Beer, Ah, and other Liguo^s ; the Benefit and Advantage by the faid firft-mentioned AS: given to the Exporters of Corn from any Port in England or Wales, is alfo granted in like maniier to the Exporters of Corn from the Town and Port of Berwick uponTweed : And whereas by an A£t made in the fifth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, inti- tuled, A;i A£l for Eafe of her Majeftys Subjeils in relati'.n to the Duties upon Salt ; and for making the like Allowances upon the Exportation of White Herrings, Flejli, Oatmeal, and Grain called Beer, alias Bigz, as are to be made upon the Exportation of the like from Srotland ; it is, amongft other Things, enadled, f hat for all Oatmeal or Grain called Beer, alias Bigg, which fhall be exported from any Port of England, JVales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, to Parts beyond the Seas, by any Merchant or other Per- fon or Perfons whatfoever, there fliall be the like Precmium given upon the Exportation thereof as is to be given (by the Articles of Union) vpon the Exportation of Oatmeal or Beer from 5'«!//fl;;(f ; by which Articles of Union it is provided. That feeing by the Laws of England there are Rewards granted upon the Exportation of certain Kinds of Grain, wherein Oats grinded or ungrinded are not expreflTed, from and after the Union, when Oats fliall be fold at fifteen Shillings Sterling /if/- Quarter, or under, there fliall be paid two Shillings and fix Pence Sterling for every Quarter of the Oa'meal exported in the Terms of the Law, whereby and fo long as Rewards are granted for Exportation of other Grain, and that the Beer of Scotland have the fame Rewards as Barley : And whereas by another Claufe in the faid Aft made in the fifth Year of the Reign of Qiieen Anne, it is enadted. That every Merchant, or other Perfon, exporting Malt made of Wheat, fhall have and receive for every Quarter of Malt made of Wheat, or Wheat Malt, ground or unground, five Shillings, to be paid by the re- fpecSive Perfons mentioned in the faid Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of King JVillia7n and Qiieen Mary, intituled, An Act for the encouraging the Exportation of Corn : And whereas by an Act made in the third Year of the Reign of his prefent Majeflry, for better preventing Frauds in the malt- ing of Corn for Exportation, it is enafted, That there fliall be paid to the Malfters and Makers of of Adalt for Exportation, for every twenty Quarters of Barley, or other Corn or Grain, that fhall be entei-ed and made into Malt for Exportation, an Allowance of thirty Q^iarters after the f'.me fhall be dried and made into R-lalt, and no more, upon the Exportation thereof, according to the fiid Aft made in the firfl Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Alary, intituled. An ASi for the encouraging the Exportation of Corn ; and in fuch Cafes where by the faid Aft they are intitled to the fame ; and fo in proportion for a greater or lefTer Qiiantity ; payable in fuch Manner as by the faid Aft made in the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign is direfted : And whereas by a Claufe in an Aft made in the twelfth and thirteenth Year of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled. An ASf for granting an Aid to his Majejly for defraying the Expence of his Navy, Guards and Garrifons for one Tear, and for other nceej/ary Oecafions ; it is, amongfl: other Things, enafted. That if the Colleftor of the Cuftoms of any Port wherein Corn fhall be exported, fhall not have fufficient in his Elands to fatisfy and pay fuch Sum or Sums of Money which are or flmll be due to any Exporter by virtue of the faid Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of King William and Qiieen Mary, arifing out of the Cuftoms and Duties out of which it ought to be paid, upon Demand, according to the Intent of the faid Aft, that then fuch Colleftor fhall give to the Perfon demanding fuch Sum or Sums of Money, without Fee or Reward, a Certificate under his Hand of what is due to fuch Perfon for the Corn exported from fuch Port, certi- fying to the Comniifiioners of the Cuftoms at London, that he hath not Monies in his Hands fufficient to pay the f^ime; which Certificate being annexed to the Debenture for the Corn fo exported, and being produced to his Majefly's Commiffioners of the Cuftoms at London, they the faid Commidioners are thereby authorized and required, on Demand by the Perfon that fhdl bring the fame, to caufe tlie Monies thereby due to be paid in three Months by the General Receiver or Cafhier of the Cuiloni?,, out of fudi Monies as fhall be in his Hand, arifing out of fiich Cuftoms or Duties in the faid Port of London as arc chargeable with the Payment of any Money for the Exportation of Corn, according ta the faid Aft, without Fee or Reward, as in and by the faid feveral Afts above recited or mentioned. Relation being thereunto refpeftively had, may more fully appear ; And whereas by reafon ot the great Qiiantity of Corn which of late hath been exported, the Revenue applicable to the Payment of the Bounty on the Exportation thereof (being charged alfo with other Payments) hath not been luflj- cient to fatisfy and pay all fuch Monies due for Corn exported, as by virtue of the faid Aft made in the twelfth and thirteenth Year of the Reign of King William the Third, are in Manner therein men- tioned, payable by the faid General Receiver or Cafliler of the Cuftoms ; and divers Debentures for fuch Monies fo payable do and may for that Reafon remain imfatisfied ;' Now, for making a rcafonable Coni- X pcnfation