Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/753

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A. D. i75^« Anno vlcelimo nono Georgi I II, C. 40.' nx^ ■ Contingencies, as the Houfes, Edifices, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, which fliall be purchafed from them refpectively, by the faid Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens as aforeiaid,- were reCpectively fettled, limited or affured, at the Time of fuch the purchafing of the fame, or fo many thereof, as at the Time of making fuch Conveyances and Settlements fhall be exifting, and capable of taking Effect. , . XVII, And to the Intent the Paffage over tiie faid Bridge may always be kept open and rendered more fafe and commodious, and be clear of all Buildings (except as herein is mentioned) Be it further enacted After the Houfes by the Authority aforefaid. That after the Houfes and Tenements intended as aforefaid, to be taken down, °" '*"^ Bridge dre Ihall be taken down, the Ground and Soil on which the fame now ftand, Ihall lie open, and be deemed and '^'"^" down, the iifed as a common and publick Highway for ever ; and that no Houfe or other Building fliall be erected on u'i""'^ '° * the faid Bridge (except_fuch Gates and ToU-houfcs as are herein provided and directed] and that all Car- and ca'rriages riages paffing over the faid Bridge from London fhall go on the Eafl: Side thereof as near as may be, and that paffing over from . all Carriages paffing over the faid Bridge to London fliall go on the Weft Side thereof as near as may be ; and -London, to go that no Coachman or Driver fliall ftand or ply for Hire with any Coach or other Carriage whatfoever upon °"*'^'=J^=*side; the faid Bridge, or leave any empty Coach or Carriage there ; and that no Carman, Carter, Drayman or !" on°the"w"ft° Driver ot any Carriage whatfoever, fliall wilfully remain with any Cart, Carr, Dray, Waggon or other Side. Carriage whatfoever on the faid Bridge, longer than fliall be necefTary for going over the fame, or leave any Carriages not to empty Cart, Dray or other Carriage upon the faid Bridge ; and that no Perfon fhall put any Filth, Dung, P'>' '""'; f^'fcon Aflies or Rubbifh on the faid Bridge, or do any Act which may be an Annoyance there ; and if any Coach- "^d"uu"/J man, Carman, Carter, Drayman, Waggoner or Driver, fliall offend herein, or any Perfon fliall annoy any "o be "hrowV '^' Part of the faid Bridge by putting or leaving any Filth, Dung, Aflies or Rubbifli there or otherwife, it fliall there, and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons to apprehend and take, or caufe to be apprehended and taken. Offender in every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending before the faid M.-yor of the City of London, or fome other Juftice '"^'""= 9== '° of the Peace for the faid City, ox before fome Juftice of the Peace for the Borough of Southwark, or for the %"a-<cf^i'^ County of Surry ; and every fuch Offender being of any of the faid OfFences convi(?ced by the Oath of one fined.' ' or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, before the Mayor or any other fuch Juftice, or by his or her Con- feffion, fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding twenty Shillings, nor lefs than two Shillings and fix Pence ; to go and be applied between the Parties informing againft, and apprehending every Fine to "o to the fuch Offender and OiTenders, as the Mayor or Juftice before whom the Party or Parties offending fliall be info'fnie? and convifted, fhall diredl: ; and in Default of im.mediate Payment thereof, the Offender or Offenders fliall be Apptehcnder. committed by the Mayor or Juftice before whom he, flie or they were conviffed, if in London, to xht London ^" Non-p3y- Workhoufe, and if in the County of Surry, to a Houfe of CorretSion for the faid County, there to be kept "be committed. to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding three Days, as the Mayor or fuch Juftice fhall think fit to order, or until he, fhe or they fliall have paid the Money directed by the Mayor or fuch Juftice to be paid. ' XVin. And forafmuch as by the taking down of the Houfes and Buildings which are nov/ ftanding upon London Bridge, or near adjoining thereto, the Re£tor of the united Parifhes of Saint Magnus 2ind Saint Mar- garet's, Nevj Flfi-Jlreet, London, will be deprived of recovering the Tithes belonging to him, and v/hich are now charged on fuch of the Floufes on London Bridge, as are in the faid Parifh of Saint Magnus ; and the Reftor of the Parifh of Saint Olave, Southwark, will be deprived of the cuftomary Payments in lieu of Tithes which are now charged on or payable by the Occupiers of fuch of the faid Floufes and Buildings, now ftanding on Lo7idon Bridge, as are in the faid Parifh of Saint Olave, Southvjark : And whereas there are Emoluments yearly arifing from Surplice Fees and Eajier Offerings to the Re£l:or of the faid united Pa- rifhes of Saint Magnus and Saint Margaret, New Fifl^-Jireet, and to the Reftor of the f..^d Parifii of Saint Olave, from the Occupiers of fuch Houfes on London Bridge, as are in the faid refpeftive Parifhes ;' Be it therefore enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That immediately after the pulling down any Houfes, Buildings Afte. culling or Tenements, on or contiguous to the faid Bridge, which are in the faid Parifti of Saint Magnus, under the downtiieHoufes, Authority of this Ad, all Tithes now payableto the RecSfor of the faid united Parifees of Saint Magnus and cuLmlrvVayt Saint Margaret, NetuFijh-ftreet, from any fuch Houfes, Buildings or Tenements, fhall be for ever charged on all ^^ms due from and Angular the Land?, Tenements and Flereditaments, belonging or in the Account of the Bridge Houfe of thence, to be the City of London, and that immediately after the pullin-g down any Houfes, Buildings or Tenements, on charged on the or contiguous to the faid Bridge, v.'hlch are in the faid Parifli of Saint 0/flW, Southwark, under the Au- Bndge Home thority of this Act, all cuftomary Payments in lieu of Tithes now payable to the Reftor of Saint Olave in ^" ^' Southivark, from any fuch Houfes, Buildings or Tenements, on or near the faid Bridge, which fliall be fo pulled down, or the Occupiers thereof, fhall likewife for ever be charged upon all and fmgular the faid Lands, Tenem/ents and Hereditaments belonging to or in the Account of the Bridge-houfe Eftate of the faid City of London; and that all Sums of Money payable as aforefaid, for or in lieu of Tithes, (hall be paid T.ihesto bepaid to the Redlors of the faid Parifl^es of Saint Magnus and Saint Margaret, Nevj Fi/h-Jireet, and Saint Olave in ^j'^-'j' y"'-lv,^and Southwark refpectively, for the Timre being, forever, clear of all Taxes and Deductions by the faid Mayor, " ^"' Commonalty and Citizens of the faid City of London, or fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid Mayor, Alder- men and Commons, in Common Council affembled, fhall appoint, out of the Rents and Profits of the faid Bridge-houfe Eftates, at the two moft ufual Feafts ; that is to fay. The Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin Mary, and the Feafl: of Saint Michael the Archangel, hy equal Payments in every Year ; the firft Payment ^ ,, j^^^ ^^^ ^^ thereof to begin and commence on fuch of the Feafl Days as fhall firft happen after the pulling down any b- pa'd yearly to of f^^ich Houfes or Tenements ; and that the 3rearly Sum of feven Pounds fifteen Shillings aitd one Penny, fhall Rcfter of Sainc be likewife paid as aforefaid, out of the faid Bridge-houfe Eftate to the Reverend Mafter Robert Gibfon, Magnus andSaint during the Time he fliall continue Rector of the faid Parifties of Saint Magnus and Saint Margaret, from IjJ^Jsu ',"^g and immediately after the pulling down the faid Houfes, in lieu of Surplice Fees and Eqfter, p^.s .^^^j j^^^^ clear of Taxes ; and the yearly Sum of four Pounds eleven Shillings and four Pence, fliall likewife be paid Oiierings; and out of the faid Bridge-houfe Eftate to the Reverend Mafter Simon Hughes Rector of the faid Parifli of Saint 4l. us. 4<* Olave, in lieu of Surplice Fees and Eajier Offerings, clear of all Taxes, during fuch Time as he fhall ^^^-^f^"'"^ continue Rector of the faid Parifn of -Saint C?i?w. , ,^T,r , , "" "

  • XIX. And