Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/130

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So C. 2. Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763,, For the Town of Lydd, the Sum of (even hundred fixty-nine Pounds nineteen Shillings and fix Pence.' For the Town and Port of Hithc, and Weft Hithc, within the Liberty of the faid Town and Port, the Sum of two hundred thirty-fix Pounds and fourteen Shillings. For the reft of the whole County of. Kent, the Sum, of feventy-five thoufand. ono hundred twenty-four Pounds four Shillings and four Pence. . For the County of Lancajier^ the Sum of twenty thoufand nine hundred eighty-nine Pounds fourteen Shillings and fix Pence Halfpenny. For the Borough- of Leiceflcr, the Sum of fix hundred thirty-nine Pounds and twelve Shillings. For the reft of the County of Leicefter, the Sum of thirty-four thoufand and forty-five Pounds ten Shil- lings and; one Penny Halfpenny. tor the County of Lincoln, with the City and County of the City of Lincoln, the Sum of feventy-one thoufand nine hundred feven Pounds and eight Pence. For the City of London, the Sum of one hundred twenty-three thoufand three hundred ninety-nine Paunds fix Shillings and feven Pence. For Serjeants Inn in Chancery Lane, the Sum of thirty-one Pounds and four Shillings. For the Inner-, Temple,- and Inns -of Chancery thereunto belonging, the Sum of four hundred Pounds. For the Middle Temple, and Inns of Chancery thereunto belonging, the Sum of two hundred feventy-two Pounds and fixteen Shillings. For the Society of Lincoln's Inn, and Inns of Chancery thereunto belonging, the Sum of three hundred, forty-one Pounds: feven Shillings and fixPence. ; For Grafs Inn, and the Inns of Chancery thereunto belonging, the Sam of two hundred fifty-two Pounds thirteen Shillings, and four Pence., For the Palaces of Whitehall and Saint James, the Sum of thirty thoufand feven hundred fifty-four Pounds fix Shillings, and three Pence. For the .City of Wejlminfter, and Liberties thereof, and Offices executed in Weft minfter Hall, the Sum of fixty-three thoufand and ninety-two Pounds "one Shilling, and five Pence. For the reft of the County of Middle/ex, the Sum of one hundred and feven thoufand fix hundred and two Pounds eleven Shillingsai^id. feven -Pence. For the County of Monmouth, the Sum of nine thoufand eight hundred and twelve Pounds fix Shillings' and five Pence .Halfpenny.; , ' , For the City and County of the City of Norwich, the Sum of eight thoufand five hundred eighteen Pounds eleven ShilliiigSj and, .eleyenPence, For the Borough of Great Yarmouth^ the Sum of two thoufand eight hundred and twenty Pounds three Shillings and one Penny. , : . For the Borough of King's Lynn, the Sum of one thoufand eight hundred fourteen Pounds and fourteen Shillings, j For fo much of the Borough of Thetford as lies in the County of Norfolk, the Sum of two hundred and : thirty-nine Pounds. For the reft of the County of Norfolk, the Sum of feventy thoufand nine hundred fourteen Pounds fix Shillings and fix Pence Halfpenny. For the Town of Northampton, the Sum of eight hundred thirty Pounds feven Shillings and ten- For tile reft of the County of Northampton, the Sum of forty-Fix thoufand eight hundred thirty-nine Pounds three Shillings and feven Pencei For the Town and County of the Town of Neivcajlle upon Tyne, the Sum of two thoufand five hundred' cighty/Pounds.fixteen Shillings and four Pence. For the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, the Sum of one hundred forty-five Pounds and three Shil- lings. . For the County of Northumberland^ the Sum of eleven thoufand eight hundred twenty-two Pounds and eighteen Shillings. For the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham^ the Sum of one thoufand fix hundred fourteen Pounds: ten Shilliings and feven pence Halfpenny* For the County of Nottingham, the Sum of tw«nty-five thoufand fix hundred fixty-two Pounds and two Pence.. 01 For the Uhiverfity of Oxon, the Sum of one hundred eleven Pounds fevehteen Shillings and two' Pence. For the City of Oxon, the Sum of three thoufand four hundred forty-four Pounds fix Shillings and three Pence. . For the reft of the County of Oxon, the Sum of thirty-five thoufand one hundred nmety-hve Pounds fixteen Shillings and four Pence, and ten twelfth Parts of a Penny*. For the County of Rutland^ the'Sum of five thoufand five hundred twenty-five Pounds three Shillings and ten Pence Halfpenny. For the Town of Ludlow, the Sum of two hundred twenty-fix Pounds and two Shillings. For the County of Sahpy the. Sum -of twenty-eight thoufand eight hundred thirty Pounds feventeen Shil- lings and one Penny Halfpenny. For the City and County of the City of Brijlol*, the -Sum of feven thoufand ihre? hundred ninety-one Pounds ten Shillings and eight Pence; ^ For I