Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/131

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C. 2, 81 For the City of B&ih, the Sum of four hundred forty-three Pounds and fix Shillings. For the City of Wells, the Sum of four hundred eighty-one Pounds feventeen Shillings and fix Pence. For the Borough of Bridge-water, and Haygrove-Titbing, the Sum of three hundred fix ty-fix Pounds and five Shillings. For the reft of the County of Somerfet, the Sum of fixty-three thoufand {even hundred ninety Pounds four Shillings and four Pence. For the Town and County of the Town of Southampton, the Sum of feven hundred ninety-four Pounds ten Shillings and one Penny. For the Ifle of Wight, the Sum of fix thoufand two hundred feventy-three Pounds and fixteen Shil- lings. For,the reft of the County of Southampton, the Sum of forty-feven thoufand eight hundred feventy-two Pounds five Shillings and five fix Parts of a Penny. For the City and County of the City of Litchfield, the Sum of four hundred twenty Pounds nineteen Shillings and four Pence. For the County of Stafford, the Sum of twenty-fix thoufand feven hundred Pounds three Shillings and ten Pence. _ ' ' y . . For the Town of Ipfwich, the Sum of two thoufand fixty-one Pounds three Shillings and fix Pence, For the Borough of Bury Saint Edmonds, the Sum of two thoufand one hundred and fix Pounds and three Shillings. For the Borough of Dunwicb, the Sum of forty Pounds three Shillings and fix Pence. For the Borough of Eye, the Sum of five hundred and two Pounds. For the Borough of Sudbury, the Sum of five hundred and fix Pounds eight Shillings and eight Pence. For fo much of the Borough of Thetford as lies in Suffolk, the Sum of feventy-nine Pounds and four Shillings. For the reft of the County of Suffolk, the Sum of fixty-eight thoufand two hundred eleven Pounds and four Pence, and two third Parts of a Penny. For the County of Surrey, the Sum of fixty-fix thoufand one hundred thirty-two Pounds nineteen Shil- lings and fix Pence Halfpenny. For the Town and Port of Hajlings, and Liberties thereof, the Sum of three hundred feventy-eight Pounds and fix Shillings. For the Liberty of Scaford, the Sum of one hundred forty-one Pounds and eighteen Shillings. For the Liberty of Pevenfey, the Sum of one thoufand eighty-eight Pounds and ten Shillings. For the Town and ParifiV of Rye, the Sum of four hundred feventy-three Pounds and eighteen Shil- lings. For the Town of Winchdfea, the Sum of four hundred and five Pounds. For the reft of the County of Suffix, the Sum of fifty -feven thoufand fix hundred and three Pounds eighteen Shillings and feven Pence. For the City and County of the City of Coventry, the Sum of two thoufand four hundred fixty-three Pounds fourteen Shillings and nine Pence. For the County of Warwick, the Sum of thirty-feven thoufand three hundred twenty-five Pounds nine- teen Shillings and feven Pence. For the City and County of the City of Worcejler, the Sum of two thoufand two hundred twenty-eight Pounds feventeen Shillings and eight Pence. For the County of Worcejler, the Sum of thirty-one thoufand three hundred fifty-three Pounds nine Shillings and three Pence. For the City of New Sarvm, the Clofe of the fame, and Clarendon Park, the Sum of one thoufand nine hundred thirty-five Pounds fixteen Shillings and fix Pence. For the reft of the County of Wilts, the Sum of forty-nine thoufand feven hundred twenty-one Pounds eleven Shillings and five Pence. For the County of Wejlmorland, the Sum of three thoufand and forty-five Pounds three Shillings and nine Pence Halfpenny. For the Ifle of Anglefea, the Sum of one thoufand fix hundred thirty-three Pounds feven Shillings and eleven Pence. For the Borough of Brecon, the Sum of one hundred feventy-feven Pounds nineteen Shillings and eight Pence. For the reft of the County of Brecon, the Sum of two thoufand eight hundred feventy-three Pounds eigh- teen Shillings and four Pence. For the County of Cardigan, the Sum of one thoufand three hundred feventy-two Pounds fixteen Shil- lings and two Pence. ior the County Borough of Carmarthen, the Sum of two hundred twenty-nine Pounds eighteen Shil- lings and eight Pence. tor the- County of Carmarthen, the Sum of four thoufand one hundred forty Pounds three Shillings and eleven Pence Halfpenny. For the County of Carnarvon, the Sum of two thoufand three hundred thirty-feven Pounds fix Shillings and feven Pence. For the County of Denbigh, the Sum of fix thoufand eight hundred Pounds. For the County of Flint, the Sum of two thoufand three hundred fourteen Pounds and feventeen Shillings. Vol.. IX. M For