Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/134

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84. C. 2. Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. rying on his Majefty's Services hereby required; nevertheless, not thereby to reflrain the faid Commiflio- ners, or any of them, from ailing as Commiflioners in any other Part of the County or Place for which they are appointed. A Lift of the VIII. And, for the more effectual Performance thereof, Be it enacted and declared, That the Commif- Commiflionti-stof 101 ' iers at f ucn General Meeting, or the major Part of them then prefent^ fhall alio agree and fet down in .-idi ineach Divi- Writing, who, and what Number of the faid Commiflioners fhall act in each of the faid Divifions or Hun- lion, to be given dreds, and fhall deliver true Copies of fuch Writings to the Receiver General, to be appointed by his Ma- to the Receiverj e fl.y^ or j n p ur f uance f hj s Directions, to the end there may be no Failure in any Part of the due Exe- cution of the Service by this Act required : And the laid Commiflioners within the feveral Hundreds, Lathes, Wapentakes, Rapes, Wards, or other Divifions, in England, JVales, and Berwick upon Tweed, or any two or more of them, are hereby authorized and required to caufe the feveral Proportions charged on the refpective Hundreds, Lathes, Wapentakes, Rapes, Wards, or other Divifions, as aforefaid, for or to- wards the Aid hereby granted, to be equally taxed and affeffed within every fuch Hundred, Lathe, Wa- pentake, Rape, Ward, or other Divifion, and within every Parifh and Place therein, according to the Cornmlfiimerstobefr. of their Judgments and Difcretions ; and for that End and Purpofe to direct their feveral or joint Pre- fummon fit Per- ce pt or Precepts to fuch Inhabitants, High Conftables, Petty Conftables, Bailiffs, and other Officers and tons to be AfTef- ]/[j n jft erSj anc ] f uc h Number of them as they in their Difcretions fhall think molt convenient, to be Pre- ' r [, e f ore fentors and AflefTors, requiring them to appear before the faid Commiflioners, at fuch Place and Time, them iii S Days ; not exceeding eight Days after the Date of fuch Precept, as they fhall appoint ; and at fuch their Appear- and thentogi-.e ances, the faid Commiflioners, or fuch of them as fhall be then prefent, fhall openly read, or caufe to be them a Charge, read unto them, the feveral Rates, Duties, and Charges in this Act mentioned, and openly declare the Ef- fect of their Charge to them, and how, and in what manner, they fhould and ought to make their faid Af- feffments, and how they ought to proceed in the Execution of this Act, according to the true Meaning of Peribns abfent- the fame. And if any fuch Conftable, Petty Conftable, Bailiff", Officer, orMinifter, or other Inhabitants, ing, or refilling to whom any Precept fhall be directed, fhall abfent themfelves without lawful Excufe, to be made out by to (erve, forfeit, ^g Q atn f two or mol - e credible WitnefTes (which Oaths the faid Commiflioners, or any two or more of nor left than los] them, are hereby impowered to adminifter) or if any Officer or Perfon appearing fhall refufe to ferve ; ' then every fuch Officer or Perfon fo making Default, or refilling to ferve, fhall, for every fuch Default or Refufal, forfeit or lofe to his M?jefty fuch Sum or Sums of Money as the faid Commiflioners, or fo many of them as fhall be prefent, or the major Part of them being prefent, fhall think fit, not exceeding the Sum Affeflbrs to be 2 °f ^ ve Pounds, nor lefs than forty Shillings; and at and after fuch Charge given as aforefaid, the faid Com- at leaf}, and fuf- miflioners fhall take care that Warrants be ifliied, and directed to two at leaft of the moft able and fuf- ficientlnhabi- ficient Inhabitants of each Parifh, Townfhip, or Place, within the refpective Divifions thereby appointed, u " ts ' , requiring them to be AfTefibrs of all and every the Rates and Sums of Money by this Act impofed; and brought^n at * ^o therein appointing and prefixing a certain Day and Place for the faid AfTefibrs to appear before them, and Day and place to bring in their Affeflments in Writing ; which faid Affeflbrs are hereby ftrictly enjoined and required with prefixt. all Care and Diligence, to affefs the full Sum given them in Charge refpectively upon all ready Money, The full Sum Debts, Perfonal Eftates, Offices, Employments, Annuities, and Penfions, chargeable as aforefaid, ar- feffeT" 1 10 cording to this Act, and by an equal Pound-rate upon all Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Heredita- ments, and other the Premifles, within the Limits, Circuits, and Bounds of the refpective Parifhes or A Certificate ofp] aceSj for which they fhall be appointed AffefTors as aforefaid; and fhall bring with them at the Time the Afleflment an£ j pj ace fo as aforefaid prefixt for their Appearance, a Certificate in Writing of the faid Afleflment, and with the ColleS-ft 13 ^ tnen '^° retum tbe Names of two or more able and fufficient Perfons, living within the Limits and ers Names. Bounds of thofe Parifhes, Townfhips, Conftablewicks, and Places, where they fhall be chargeable re- fpectively, to be Collectors of the Monies which fhall be affeffed as aforefaid, and to be paid to his Ma- jefty by this Act ; for whofe paying in to the Receiver General, or his Deputy, in manner herein after mentioned, fuch Monies as they fhall be chargeable withal, the Parifh or' Place wherein they are fo em- ployed fhall be anfwerable: And if any AfTefTor fo appointed, or to be appointed, fhall neglect or refufe to ferve, or fhall make default at the Time appointed for his Appearance, not having lawful Excufe, to be made out by the Oaths of two credible WitnefTes (which Oaths the faid Commiflioners, or any two or Afivffor?, &c more of them, have hereby Power to adminifter J or fhall not perform his Duty ; every fuch AfTefTor fhall, negkciing thdi- for every fuch Neglett, Refufal, or Default, forfeit and lofe to his Majefty fuch Sum as the Commiflioners, Duty, to befined or fo many of them as fhall be prefent, or the major Part of them, fhall think fit, not exceeding the Sum not above 40I. f f orty p oun d s , to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chatties, in like man- ner as by this Act is appointed for levying the feveral Rates and Affeflments herein mentioned, in cafe of Neglect or Refufal of Payment, and to be charged upon the refpective Receivers General, together with the faid Rates and Affeffments. And for compleating the whole Sum charged to be railed in England, Affeflbrs to deli-^ 7 ^' ant ^ Berwick upon Tiveerl, as aforefaid ; and to the end the aforefaid Sums, charged upon the feve- - ver one Copy of r al and refpective Counties, Ridings, Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and Places, for or towards the fame, the 'Affeflments may be duly collected, and true Accounts thereof made, the faid Affeflbrs are hereby required to deliver to the Commifii- one Copy of their refpective Affeffments fairly written, and fubferibed by thern, unto the faid CommifE- n Cr f' th e oners 5 within the Time to be prefixed as aforefaid : And the faid Commiflioners, or any three or more of of U to be fi^ned/them, are hereby required and ordered to fign and feal two Duplicates of the fame Affeflments ; and one &c. and one de- of them to deliver, or caufe to be delivered, to two or more honeft and refponfible Perfons to be Collectors, livered to the which the faid Commiflioners are hereby authorized to nominate and appoint for each Parifh or Place, with Col r, e w" S ' &C ' Warrant to the faid Collectors to collect the fame Affeflments, payable as aforefaid, fo as the faid feveral for ' colleftin" . Sums may be paid to the Receiver General at the refpective Times hereby limited : And the faid Commifli- Commiffioners oners are hereby alfo required, at the fame Time, to give the faid Collectors Notice at what Time or required to give Times,