Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/135

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C. 2, 8$ Times, Place or Places, the Appeals of any Perfon or Perfons, who fhall think themfelves aggrieved by Collectors, n _ being over-rated by the laid Affeffors, may be heard and determined ; which Day or Days of Appeal, fo to £? e at what be appointed by the faid Commiffioners, fhall be at Ieaft thirty Days from the Time of figning, fealing, theXn^l ol'Tn and delivering the faid Duplicates to the fajd Collectors ; and every fuch Collector is hereby alio required, p er fon who° ""* ■within ten Days after the Receipt of fuch Duplicates from the faid Commiffioners, to caufe publick Notice /hall think him. to be given in every Parifh Church, or Chapel of Eafe, belonging to any fuch Parifh, within his Diitridl <&f aggrdved, by or Divifion, immediately after Divine Service on the Lord's Day (if any fuch Divine Service fhall be ^^h""^'^ performed therein within that Time) of the Time and Place fo appointed by the faid Commiffioners for determined * hearing and determining Appeals as aforefaid ; and fhall alfo caufe the like Notices to be fixed in Writing upon the Door of each of the faid refpective Parifh Churches, or Chapels of Eafe, belonging to any fuch Parifhes, on the fame Day, that all Perfons who fhall think themfelves over-rated may know when and whereto make their Appeal to the faid Commiffioners; and the faid Colle&ors are hereby alfo required, upon the Application of any Perfon or Perfons who fhall think himfelf or themfelves over-rated to the faid Rates and Affeffments, to permit fuch Perfon or Perfons, or their Stewards or Bailiffs, or other pro- per Reprefentatives, to infpect the Duplicates of fuch Rates or Affeffments upon the Divifion or Diftrict of which he is_Collector,at all feafonable Times in the Day, without any Fee or Reward for the fame ; and every Perfon fo intending to appeal to the faid Commiffioners, fhall, and is hereby required to give No- tice thereof in Writing to one or more of the Affeffors of the Parifh wherein he is rated, of fuch his Inten- tion to appeal, that fuch Affefforor Affeffors, if they fhall think proper, may then and there attend to juf- tify the faid Affeffment ; and it is hen by declared, that all Appeals once heard and determined by the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, or the major Part of them then prefent, on the Day or Days by them appointed for hearing Appeals as aforefaid, fhall be final, without any further Appeal upon any Pretence whatfoever : And the faid Commiffioners are hereby required to deliver, or caufe to be deli- farchmen^io^b vered, a Schedule or Duplicate in Parchment under their Hands and Seals, fairly written, containing the de]iv*eied"to°"- e whole Sum afleffed upon each Parifh or Place, and alfo the Chriftian Names and Surnames of the refpec- ther with tjhe " live Affeffors and Collectors, unto the Receiver General of each County, Riding, City, Borough, Town, Names of the Af- and Place refpeftiveiy, in England, Wales, and Berwick upon Tweed, or his Deputy ; and fhall tranfmit, or ] c " 0,s and Co1 - caufe to be tranfmitted, a like Schedule or Duplicate into the King's Remembrancer's Office of the Ex- R ec X« Gene ' chequer ;_ and this the faid Commiffioners fhall caufe to be done upon or before the eighth Day of Auguji ral ; and one to one thouland feven hundred and fixty-four, or within twenty Days after ("all Appeals to them being firft the Remem- determined) for which Duplicates the Remembrancer or his Deputy, fhall give to the Perfon who brings bra "" r ' s office >- the fame, a Receipt in Writing, gratis, under the Penalty of ten Pounds, to be recovered to the King's ^LnL'^t Ufe, as other Penalties are by this Act recoverable. (Iif ApjKft. determined.) Remembrancer to give Receipts gratis, on Penalty of iol. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Perfons fo appointed to be Colkaors The Rates to be as aforefaid, in England, Wales, and Berwick up 'on Tweed, fhall levy and collect all and every the Rates levied on the Par- and Taxes, fo affeffed and charged, according to the Intent and Direction of this Act; which faid Col- ties or Piffles,. jrr- %% hereb Y required to demand all and every the Sum and Sums of Money, which fhall be fo taxed andailelled, o. the Parties themfelves, as the fame fhall become due, if they can be found, or.elfe at the Flace of their aft Abode, or upon the Premiffes charged with the Affeffment : And the faid feveral Col- a L nd „ t0 be P aJd to lectors fhall colleft and levy the faid Monies fo charged for his Majefty's Ufe, and are hereby required and the ^ e «' v « sGe ~ enjoined to pay unto the Receivers General, or their Deputies, all and every the faid Rates and Affeffments ' by them relpectively collected and received, at fuch Time or Times, Place or Places, as the faid Commif- lioners, or any two or more of them, fhall appoint ; fo as the whole Sums due for each quarterly Payment; inall be paid or anfwered by the faid Colledors to the Receivers General, or their Deputies refpedivdy, . upon the Days and at the Times by this Act appointed for Payment thereof.. X. And be it further enacted and declf faid Collectors within their duly paid to the Receiver whereof Notice under the __ fioners, or any two or more ten Days after the next General Meeting, and fo, from Time to Time, within ten Days after every Death noners Notice. or Kemoval of any Deputy, if any fuch fhould happen ; and the Receipt of fuch Receiver General, his Deputy or Deputies, or any of them (which Receipt or Acquittance fhall be given gratis to the Colledors tor all Money by them paid) fhall be a fufficient Difcharge to every fuch Collector ; and the particular Col- lectors aforefaid are herebyrequired to pay in all and every the Sums fo received by them, to the faid Re- Conors not- ceivers General, or their Deputy or Deputies; for the Payment whereof the faid Colle&ors fhall not be obliged to travel obliged to travel above ten Miles from the Place or Places of their Inhabitations. above IO Miles - Ai. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Receiver General of any fuch * e ™ ™°1 . County or f- lace fhall die or be removed, or if any fuch Receiver General for the laft Aid fhall not be ap- °^ ° f ?"!'" pointed for the prefent, Notice thereof fhall be given by the Commiffioners for the Affairs of Taxes, to Itified to the two or more Commiffioners acting for each Divifion in fuch County or Place before the Time appointed Commiffioners,. by this Act for the firft quarterly Payment of the Aid hereby granted, and fo, from Time to Time, upon I -la °^. Kemovai of any fuch Receiver General ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof.' notwithltanding. /■ ' ■= ' XII. And be it further enacted, That the Sum of four hundred ninety-feven thoufantd four hundred 497.47 5 1- 4s- &' ieventy-nve bounds four Shillings and eight Pence Farthing, for the firft quarterly Payment of the faid aij|J^f 1 Af» Payment, to be