Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/148

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98 C, 2. Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 176^ j' in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand [even hundred and fixty-three; or any Receiver Ge- neral, or any Collector of any Aid granted to his Majefty, fhall be capable of acting as a Commiffioner in the Execution of this prefent Aft in England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. NoCommiffioner XCI. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid', That no Perfon fhall be capable ot the City or c acting as a Commiffioner in the Execution of this Aft, or any of the Powers herein contained, within be«yo"'st'. r Mar- the City of London, and Liberty of Saint Martin le Grand, unlefs fuch Perfon be feifed and poffefTed of tin le Grand, to Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, being Freehold, Copyhold or Leafehold, over and above all Ground aft, unlefs rated Rents, Incumbrances, and other Refervations, payable out of or in refpeft of fuch Leafehold Eftates, at 20 1 , per Ann. w hich were taxed, or did pay, in the (aid City or Liberty for the Value of twenty Pounds per Annum, or Eftate &c° more, of his own Eftate, or unlefs fuch Perfon was taxed, or did pay, in the faid City or Liberty for the Value of one hundred and fifty Pounds Perfonal Eftate, or more, by virtue of an Act made and palled in the third Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ac! for granting an Aid to his Maje/i'y by a Land Tax, to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Tear one thoufandfeven hundred and fixty-three. NoComrnifTioner XCII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon mall be capable of of Weftmmfter' a< ^ ul g as a Commiffioner in the Execution of this Aft, or any of the Powers herein contained, within the to aft, unlefs' City and Liberty of We/l?nin/ler, unlefs fuch Perfon be feifed and poffefTed of Lands, Tenements or Here- rated at aoi. per ditaments, being Freehold, Copyhold or Leafehold, over and above all Ground Rents, Incumbrances, and Ann. of his own o;her Ref:Tva;ions, payable out of or in refpeft of fuch Leafehold Eftates which were taxed, or did pay, Eftaie. j n the f^j Q lt y or Liberty f or the Value of twenty Pounds per Annum, or more, of his own Eftate, by virtue of an Aft made and paffed in the fecond Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for granting an Aid to his Majejiy by a LandTax, to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufandfeven hundred andflxty-two. Perfons difabled, XCIII. And it is hereby further enafted, That if any Perfon intended by this Aft to be difabled for any toforfe!t S ol trle Caufes aforefaid, fhall neverthelefs prefume to aft as a Commiffioner in the Execution of this Aft, or 50 any the Powers therein contained, every fuch Perfon, for every fuch Offence, fhall forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds to any Perfon or Perfons who will inform or fue for the fame; to be recovered in any of his Ma- jefty's Courts of Record, by Aftion of Debt, or on the Cafe, Bill, Suit or Information; wherein no Ef- foin, Protection, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance, fhall be allowed. Collectors of the XCIV. And be 'it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the refpeftive Perfons who have received or New Water- collefted, or fhall receive or colleft, the yearly Profits of the New Water-works within the City and chareeaMe.* "' County of Exon, for the Time being, fhall be and are hereby charged and chargeable with the Payment of the Tax that fhall be afTeffed on the faid Profits refpeftively by this Aft, to be levied in fuch manner as other Aids and AfTeffments in and by this Aft are directed; and the refpeftive Perfons fo charged as afore- faid, and paying the fame, fhall be allowed the fame on their refpeftive Accounts, by their refpeftive Employers or Proprietors for the Time being; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Her Majefty the XCV. Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft, or Queen not an y Thing herein contained, fhall not charge, or be conftrued to charge, her Majefty the Queen with the chargeable; a bove mentioned Duty or Payment of four Shillings out of every twenty Shillings by the Year, for or in refpeft of any Sums of Money or Annuities given or granted by his Majefty to her faid Majefty; but that fuch Sums of Money and Annui:ies, and her Majefty, and her Treafurers or Receivers General for the Time being, in refpeft of the fame, fhall be free and clear of all Taxes, Impofitions, and other publiclc Charges whatfoever; any Thing in this Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. nor her Royal XCVI. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That this Aft, or any Thing herein contained, Highnefs the fljgji not charge, or be conftrued to charge, her Royal Highnefs the Prirjcefs Dowager of TVales with the ofWales .° wa£er above mentioned Duty or Payment of four Shillings out of every twenty Shillings, by the Year, for or in refpeft of any Sums of Money or Annuities given or granted by his late Majefty to her faid Royal High- nefs; but that fuch Sums of Money and Annuities, and her Royal Highnefs, and her Treafurers or Re- ceivers General for the Time being, in refpeft of the fame, fhall be free and clear of all Taxes, Impofi- tions, and other publiclc Charges whatfoever; any Thing in this or any former Aft to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. nor his Royal XCVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft, or any Thing herein con- Higlinefs the t a j nec | 5 {hall not charge, or be conftrued, deemed or taken to charge his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cttm- berland nort"he berland, or her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Amelia, or the Officers or Servants attending their Perfons,. Princefs Amelia, with the above mentioned Duty or Payment of four Shillings out of every twenty Shillings by the Year,, for or in refpeft of any Annuities, or yearly Payments, granted by his late Majefty, or to be granted by his prefent Majefty, to their faid Royal Highneffes; but that fuch Annuities, or yearly Payments, and their Royal Highneffes, and their Servants for the Time being, in refpeft of the fame, fhall be free and clear from all 7 axes, Impofitions, and other Charges whatfoever. Superannuated XCVIII. Provided always, That this Aft, or any of the feveral Claufes therein contained, fhall not to a "a° ffi & r - S "rio'r extenc ^ to charge the Penfions of any fuperannuated Commiffion or Warrant Sea-officers, or the Penfions. Poor Knight" of of Widows of Sea-officers, flain in the Service of the Crown; or the Revenue of the Moft Noble Order of Windfor. the Garter; or the Penfions of the Poor Knights of JVindfor, payable out of the Exchequer only; but that the fame fhall not extend to leffen the Sum provided by this Aft.

  • XCIX. And whereas the Rents and Revenues belonging to the Refidentiaries of the Cathedral

' Churches in England and Wales are chargeable to the Land Tax granted by this prefent Aft, and in fome

  • Cafes the Overplus of the faid Rents and Revenues,, above fuchTax, Repairs, and other Charges, is ta

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