Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/298

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■BaMtf. 'Bargain ano ©ale. OSaton anti feme. 37. Affigneesnot to commence Suit in Equity without Confunt of Majority of Creditors, 5 Geo. 2. c. 30. § 38. 38. Bankers, Brokers and Fatlors, liable to the Statutes con- cerning Bankruptcy, 5 Geo. 2. c. 30. § 30. 39. Penalty on CommifTioners incurring unneceffary Expcnces, 5 Geo. 2. c. 30. § 42. 40. Payments made by aBankrupt in the Way of Trade without Notice valid, 19 Geo, 2. c. 32. 4«, Demands on Policies of Infurance, iffc. may be claimed be- fore the Contingency happens, gGeo. 2. c. 32. § 2. 42. Offences made Felony by 5 Geo. 2. c. 30. excepted out of the General Pardon, 20 Geo. c. 52. § 23. 43. Certificate obtained from fictitious Creditors to be void, 24 Geo. 2. c. 57. § 9. 44. Power of Attorney from a foreign Creditor to be attefied by a Notary, 24 Geo. 2. c. 57. § 10. 45. Bankrupts not obtaining their Certificates, excepted from the Jnfolvent Debtors Aft, 28 Geo. 2. c 13. § Z2, I Geo. 3. c. 17. § 30. 46. Members of Parliament made fubjecl: to Bankrupt Laws ; but not fubjecl to Arrelf, except in Cafes made Felony by thofe Laws, 4 Geo. 3. e. 33. For other Matters, fee Abatement 21, 30. '315arOtt and Jrctnc 8. CambzicU 10. Certificate 6. Contrition 3. Cbanccrf 25, 26. CoppholD 1. Cods, Debt, c5r. 3Djofcers 3. (tefcapc 17. (Sbitcnce 9, 10. JFatmet'S 3. felony tnftljout Clergy, litle H&auSrupt, JFifl) 37. 31nfurance 15. 2&anfc$J. 1. Who diftrainable to make them, M. C. 9 #. 3. c. 15. 2. How they are to be bounded, M. C. g H. 3. <-. 16. 3. Cutting down the Dikes in Marjhland in Norfolk made Felony, 22E 8. f. it. z £5f 3 P. C5f il/. <■. 1 9. 4. The Sea Banks in Norfolk to be repaired at the Charge of the Inhabitants, 27 El. c. 24. 5. Commiffions for fupporting them, 7 fa. 1. e. 20. 6. Removing Materials of Sea or Marfh Banks 20/. Penalty, &c. 10 G<?o. 2. r. 32. § 5. which is made perpetual by 31 Geo. 2. c. 42. § 5. 7. Penalty on cutting Star or Bent on Sand-hills, 15 Geo. 2. c. 33. §6. For <>//?-«■ Matter.', fee 015cDfO?tl 3Le)Cl, JfclOltl? lXUthOUt Clergy 2V//« ^anfee, l^etocts. IBattS Of ^attimonin See Marriage, OBaptifm. Child of Popifh Recufant to be baptized within a Month after its Birth, &c. 3 fa. 1. c. 5- § 14. JV other Matters, fee H5ittl;S W IBegifter, iBattjerss anti ©nvaeons. 1. How incorporated in London, 32 A". 8. c. 42. § 1. 2. How exempt from bearing Arms, or being put upon Watches or Inquefts, 3Z H. 8. c. 42. § I. 3. Barber not to exercife the Trade of a Surgeon in London, 32 • • H.8. r.42. §3. 4. Nor a Surgeon that of a Barber, 32 H. 8. r. 42. § 3, 5. And none to (have, but Freemen, 32 H. 8. c. 42. § 4. 6. Barbers and Surgeons to pay Scot and Lot, 32//. 8. r. 42. §6. 7. Any Perfon may keep a Barber or Surgeon as a Servant, 32

  1. . 8. c. 4Z. $ 7.

8. Four Matters are to be chofen of the Company, who are to punifh Offenders, 32 H. 8. c. 42. § 5* 9. Barbers Aprons to what Duties liable, jfW. & M. c. 5. § z. OBatryafasl ant! ©ales. 1. Bargains and Sales of Freehold are to be inrolled within fix Months, Z7 H. 8. c. 16. 2. The Power of Corporations to inroll Bargains and Sales by Hufband and Wife confirmed, 34 fjf 35 H. 8. c. 22. 3. How to be inrolled in Lancajhire, Chejhire and Durham, 5 El, e. 26. 4. In all Deeds of Bargain and Sale, the Words grant, bargain and fell amount to exprefs Covenants to the Bargainee, fcsVJ 6 Ann. c. 35. § 30. 5. A Copy of the Inrolment mail maintain a Plea of the Deed with a Profert, 10 Ann. c. 18. § 3. 6. Where Bargains and Sales are to be inrolled in the Hufiings of the City of London, 33 Geo. 2. c. 30. § 10, &c. For Regiftering Conveyances in Middlesex and Yorkfhire, fet lEegifter. For other Matters, fee ©ycCUtOJS. QBatilla o? @ap&o?a. To what Duties liable, 2 W. i^M.feJf. 2. c. 4. § 46. 1. Oaken Bark not to be regrated, 1 fa. 1. c, 22. § 19. 2. Penalty of felling Oaks to be barked, 1 fa, 1. c. 22. § 20. 'Batlep. See Corn. 25aton anti f erne* 1.. Where the Wife may be admitted to defend on Default of the Hufband, 13 Ed. 1. c. 3. 2. A Wife that continues with her Advowterer fhall be barred of her Dower, 13 Ed.,.ft. i. *, 34. 3. Nonage not to delay a Woman's Suit on the Alienation of her Hufband, 13 Ed. i.ft. 1. c. 40. 4. Where Alienations by a Woman, of Lands come from the Hufrand, &c. fhall be void, 1 1 H. 7. e. 20. 5. Hufband diiabled from difcontinuing his Wife's Eflate, 3 2 H. 8. f. 28. § 6. 6. Where Leafes by Hufband and Wife, of her Inheritance, are good, 32 H. 8. c. 28. § 7. 7. A Saving of the Cuftom of inrolling Bargains and Sales, csV. of the Lands of Femes Covert in Cities, C5V. 34 c? 35 H. 8. c. 22. 8. Wife of Bankrupt may be examined, 21 fa. 1. c. 19. § 6. .9. Of Women carried away with the Goods of their Hufbands, the King fhall have Suit, 1 3 Ed. 1. e. 34. For other Matters, fee SPtUnituftfatiOtl 10. Appeal I. Cambjicfe 6. CoppI)olD 6. Cffoins 5. JFmes 12, 14, C5V. fj?etr 1. iLeafes 4. 22. Sonconfojmifts 6, cjV. ISccufants 35, 15c. IRcnt 3, t^V. 15arQn& See Peers. IBatOttS Of tfje (SitdjeflUei*. See Exchequer. 23at!M£» See Buckrams. ■" ^arrato^. Howpunifhed, 3 Ed. 1. c. 33. &« 3ittojnies 2. 3Bai:t;eI& See Beer, Meafures and Vinegar. 3U5attart>