Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/299

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voftato* %ttt anti 8<c* 25affat& ant> TBaffattw. 1. Perfons born before Marriage to be deemed Baftards, Z0H.3. e.g. 2. Baftardy alledged againft Perfons born beyond Sea (hall be tried by Certificate of theBifhop, 25 Ed. 3. ft. 2. 3. How Proclamations are to be made before the Award of the Writ to certify Baftardy, gH. 6. c. 1 1. 4. Caufes of Baftardy to be in the King's Name, and tefted by the Bifhop, 1 Ed. 6. c. 2. § 3. ft Reputed Parents how chargeable for the Relief of Baftards, and puniftiable by the Jultices, 18 El. c. 3. 6. All Juftices to have Jurifdiftion to execute, i8£/, c. 3. con- cerning Baftardy, 3 Car, 1. e. 4. 7. The Punilhment of the lewd Mothers of Baftards, 7 Ja. I . c. 4. 8. Concealing the Death of Ballard Children to be punifhed as Murder, 21 Ja. 1. r. 27. 9. The Expence of maintaining Baftards may be levied on the Goods of the Father and Mother, 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 12. § 19- 10. Women delivered of Baftards in Parifhes to which they do not belong, their Settlement deemed the Settlement of the Ba- ftard, 17 Geo. 2. c. 5. § 25. 1 1 . For apprehending the Putative Fathers of Baflard Children, 6 Geo. 2. c. 31. For other Matters, fee Cccleffattical ^erfOltfi, 2&at&. 1 . For paving and lighting the Streets, and regulating the Chair- men and the Watch, 12 Geo. 2. c. zo. 30 Geo. 2. c. 65. 2. For erecting an Hofpital there, 12 Geo. 2. c. 31. 3. Penalties in the Horfe Race Aft incurred in Somerfetftiire, given to the Hofpital at Bath, 13 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 6. &* TOttjopg, 'Batter?- See AlTaulr. battle. 1. The Champion's Oath in a Writ of Rigffr, 3 Ed. r. e. 41. 2. Battle and the great Aflife does not lie of Lands in Wales, St. Wall. 12 Ed. i.fol. 82. 3. In what Cafes Battle and the grand Aflife may be joined, St. de Magnis Affifis incerti temp. I Vol. 1 89. See IRape. OBatoUp Scutes. 1 . Directions for profecuting them at the Expence of the Parifh, 25 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 5. 28 Gio. 2. c. 19. § 1. 2. Pariihioners may be Witneftes, 25 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 9. S« Certiorari 14. Confiablc 14. CbiOencc 14. 23aj?£. See Drapery. QBeaH0. See Bugles.

  • 35ean0. See Corn.

Si&eamttnrfg in the County of Anglefea. Its Quarter-SefEons how to be adjourned, 1 Geo. l.ft. 2. c. 26. § 8. TBeaupIeatJer. No Fine to be taken for it, 52 //. 3. c. 1 1. 3 Ed. i. c. 8. 1 Ed. I. ft. 2. f.8. 15ea&ec (Sftfnjs. 1. To what Duties liable, 8 Geo. 1. r. ic. § i». ' Vol. IX. Tab. 2. Being of the Product of the Britifh Plantations, fliall be im- ported direftly into Great Britain, 8 Geo. 1. c. 1 5. § 24. 3. What Drawback on Exportation, 8 Geo. 1. <-. 15. § 14. 4. Former Duties on Beaver Skins repealed, and other Duties granted in lieu thereof, 4 Geo. 3. e.g. For other Matters, fee /§)fcins. 1. Adventurers how made a Corporation, and how to aft, 15 Car- 2. c. 17. 2. Their Lands how to be taxed, 20 Car. 2. e. 8. 3. Repeal of a Claufe in 15 Car. 7. concerning the dividing of Commons, 1 Ja. 2. r.'zi. 4. Confervators of Bedford Level difcharged of a Debt to the Duke of Bedford and Earl of Lincoln, 27 Geo. 2. f. 19. 5. Executors of Sir C. Orby and 7". Or£y Hunter difcharged from paying 100/. per Ann. to the Confervators of Bedford Level, 27 Geo. 2. c. 19. 6. Proprietors of Lands in the North Level enabled to raife Mo- ney to difcharge their Debt, 27 Geo. 2. c. 19. 7. Taxes on Bedford Level regulated, and Directions given for the draining it, 27 Geo. 1. c. 19. 8. Malicioufly deftroying the Works in Bedford Level, Felony without Clergy, 27 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 49. 9. 100/. Penalty for malicioufly up any Drain in Bedford Level, 27 do. 2. c. 19. § 49. 10. A Fund ellabliihed for Payment of the Bonds of the Confer- vators of Bedford Level, 29 Geo. 2. c. 9. 1 1 . Confervators of Bedford Level impowered to fell invefted Lands, 29 Geo. 2. e. 22. § Z9. 30 Ge.. 2. c. 35. § 26. 12. For draining certain Lands in the South Level between Bran- don Ri<ver and Sam's Cut Drain, 30 Geo. 2. c. 35. 13 For draining Lands in the Townfhip of Ely, and in the Parifh of Liuleport in the Ifle of Ely, and in the Parifhes of Milden- hall and Lakenhiaih in Suffolk, and He/gay in Norfolk, between the Rivers of Mildtnball and Brandon, within Bedford Level, 33 Geo. 2. e. 32. For other Matters, fee ^attheS. 'Befcg* See Upholders. 'BEtfCf) CRLtOOtl. See Fewel. T&tit* 1. What Price it mull be at when exported, 12 Car. 2. c, 4. in. 2. Beef nnportedhow feizable, 1 8 Car. 2. c. 2. 20 Car. 2. r. 7. 5 3;. 3. Ships importing it forfeited, 20 Car. 2. c. 7, § 5, cjfr. 4. Perfons neglecting to "feize forfeit 100/. and thofe confpi- ring to evade Seizures, incur a Praemunire, 20 Car. 2. c. 7. § 4> 10 - 5. Any Perfon may export it, 22 Car. 2. e. 13. § 4. 6. And to Alien Friends Duty free, 3 tif 4 ^'. ci? A/. <-. 8. 7. What Allowance on faked Beef exported, 3 Geo, 2, r. 20. § 16. 5 Geo, 2. r. 6. § 4. iBeec anti ale* 1. Prices of Ale, 51 H. 3. ft. 6. § 3. 2. Aflize of Ale fhall be according to Pcice of Corn, Ordin, for Bakers, &c. Temp. H. 3. and Ed. I & 2. 3. Beer fhall not be exported without giving Security to import Clap-board, 35 H. 8. e. 8. 35 £/. <r. ri. 4. Penalty on brewing with corrupt Plops, 1 Ja. i.e. 18. 5. Beer may be exported when Malt does not exceed 16s. the Quarter, importing Clap-board, 3 Ja. I. c. 11. 6. Penalty of felling Beer to unlicenfed Ale-houfes. 4 Ja. r. f. 4. C 7. May