Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/379

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3utiffm&nt$ 3ltitie& Title Utort, i&i'gbtoaps Monopolies s. eaoot 9. 9. ^attufaffuvee, faints, 3iVOl1 CSHlCC See Wire, SltUflE A Duty of Excite granted to the Town, 9 Geo. 2. f. 27^ SlttUCll [Eftei] See Mercy. Hlfelatttu i, Compofition Fifh to betaken as ufual of Subje&s travelling into Ifeland, 5 El. c. 5. § 5. 2» Fifhing Veffels not to proceed on their Voyage to Weftnwny anil/eland, till the loth of March yearly, 15 Car. 2. f. 16. $ '■ 3!fle Of <£!?. See Ely. Mt Of ^att* See Man. 3ifle Of (HHff&t. See Wight. 3fftte0. See General Iflue. t. The Sheriff to be amerced if he anfwers not fufficiently, 5"/, Weftm. I. 3 Ed. I. c. 4$. 2. Iffues to be delivered in the Wardrobe, z&V. 3. What Things are Iffues to be diftrained, 5/. Wcftm, 2. 1 3 £</. 1. c. 39. 4. Iffues fhall not be levied till they are eilreated, St. de Fin. levat. 27 Ed. 1, ft. 1. c. 2. jj. Where Iffues loft lhall be difcharged, 1 Ja. i.e. 26. § 11, tiff. For other Matters, fee ©ftmtS and JtttiCS, 1. For Payment of the Judges Wages, 10 H. 6. 2. Their Commiffions, how to be made, and Salaries afcertained, and how they may be removed, 12^13 Jf. 3. f. 2. §3. 3. Their Salaries augmented, 32 Geo. 2. c. 3;. 4. To continue during good Behaviour, no twith Handing the De- mife of the Crown, 1 Geo. 3. c. 23. For other Matters, fee 3ltlftiCCS Of Utfltfc, and of the /eve-, ral Courts. 3!uoffnientS)- 1. Judgments againft the Great Charter, tiff, void, 25 Ed. 1. c, 2. 2. Peers to be ele&ed in Parliament to give Judgment where it is delayed, 14. Ed. 3. _/?. 1. f. 5. 3. Judgments given lhall ftand in Force till they are reverfed by Law, and lhall not be examined in Council, tiff. 4/?. 4. f. 23. 4. Where Judgment lhall not be arretted or revelled, 1 6 £sf 1 7 Car. 2. f. 8. 5. On Death of either Party after Verdift, Judgment may be en- tered in two Terms, 17 Car, 2. e. 8. 6„ Judgments as againft Purchafers (hall only relate to the Day of the Signing, 29 Car. 2. f. 3. § 15. 7. For the doggeting and better Difcovery of Judgments, 4 tif 5 W. & M. c. 20. Made perpetual, 7 W. 3. c. 36. 8. Judgments not doggeted not to affett Purchafers, 4^5 W. fcf M. c. 20. § 3. 9. What Fees payable to Clerk of the Judgments, 4^5 W.13 M. c. 20. § 4. 5 £ff 6 W. tif M. c . 1 2. 10. The Capiatur taken away in Trefpafs, 5 W. & M. c . 12. 1 1. Judgments in Wales and the Counties Palatine, to be marked as of the Time of Signing, 8 Geo. i. c. 25. § 6. For o-her Matters, /e Abatement 23, 2?. SUmcnfcmeitt 3, 4. ^Fcloni? ttsitrjout Ciergp., Title Judgment, 8?eir, jeofails, JUafes 12.' JUberties 3. JU'mitationg 9. Vol. IX. T a b. 3lut1eg; 1. Where it is neceffary, Perfons lhall be fworn that have Char- ters of Exemption, St.Marleb. 52 H, 3. f. 14. 2. The Juftices lhall put none in Ailizes or Juries but thofe who were firft fummoned, St. Weftm. 2, 13 Ed. 1. c. 30. 3. More than 24 lhall not be fummoned in one Aflize; and old Men of feventy, infirm Perfons, and they who do not refide in the Country, lhall not be fummoned, nor any who have lefs than zos. a Year, St. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c. 38. 4. None lhall be put in Ailizes to pafs out of the County, unlefs they have Lands to the yearly Value of 100 s, St. de its qui ponend. tiff. 21 Ed. l.ft. 1. 5. A Pro vifo for Cities, &c. ibid. 6. Shall be of the mod fufficient and of the neareft. Art. fo'pty Cart, 28 Ed. l.ft. 3. f. g, lFd. 3. c . 4. 7. Inquefts lhall not remain untaken on Account of Challenge for. the King, 33 Ed. i.ft. 4. 8. The Punifhment of a Juror that takes Money of the Parties, c Ed. 3. c. 10. 34- Ed. 3. f. 8. 3$ Ed. 3. ft. i.e. 12. 9. The Partie: lhall fee the Panel if they defire it, 42 Ed. 3. e. n . 10. No Panel lhall be delivered by an Officer, but the Sheriffs fhall return the Juries of themfelves, 46 Ed. 3. in Appendix. 1 1. Jurors on Inquefls to be returned indifferently, or Indiftment to be void, 11 H. 4. e. 9. 1 2. In Juries of Life and Death, and real Actions, and where the Damages amount to 40 Marks, the Jurors fhall have Lands of 40/. a Year, 2 H. e,./t. 2. c. 3. 13. Sheriffs fhall not return their Officers <x their Servants, 23 H, 6. f. 9. 14. Jurors in Middle/ex fhall be called the fourth Day, and their Appearance recorded, 8 Ed. 4. f. 3. 15. Qualifications of Jurors impanelled in the Torn, 1 R. 3. f. 4. 16. Juftices of Peace may impanel a Jury to inquire of the Con- cealments of other Juries, 3 H. 7. c. 1. 33 H. 8. c. 6. § 20. 17. The Ability of Jurors in London, 11 H. 7. f. 21. 4/7.8.^3, 5 H. 8. f. 5. 18. Panels of Grand Juries to be reformed by the Juftices, 11 H. 7. c. 24. 3 H. 8. f. iz. 19. The Sheriffs of Hampjhire, Surry and SuJJex^ may fummon Jurors of lefs Ability to their Turns, 11 H.y. c. 26. igH.-j. c. 16. 20. The Qualification in Copyhold of a Juror to inquire of Riots, 19//. 7. f. 13. 21. Forfeiture of grand Jury making default in Attaint, 23 H, 8. c. 3. § 5. 22. Jurors in Cafes of Felony, tiff, in Cities and Towns, to be " worth 40/. in Goods, 23 H. 8. c. 13. 23. For the ftrift Cuftody of Jurors in Wales, 26 H. 8. e. 4. 24. Power given to Juftices of Peace to reform Panels, 33 H. 8. •f. 10. 25. For the Return of Juries at Nift prius, 35 H. 8. c. 6. Made perpetual, 2 Ed. 6. c. 32, 26. A Tales de circumftantibus may be granted at Nift Prius, 35 H. 8. f. 6. § 6. 27. The Statute of Tales de circumftantibus extended to Cafes of the Crown, 4 tif c P. tif M. c. y. 28. To Wales and the Counties Palatine, 5 El. e. 25. 29. A Tales, tiff, may be granted at the Prayer of the Defendant, 1 4 £7. c. 9. 30. The Qualification of Jurors to be returned at Nift prius, 27 ib c- 6. 31. The Penalty of returning IfTues upon a JurOr not fummoned, 27 EL c. 6, 5 ', 32. Two Hundredois appearing fhall be fufficient, 27 El.c. 6. § 5- 33. The Place of Abode of a Juryman fhall be mentioned in the Return, and in the Eftreat of 'iffues, Z7 El. c. 7* Made per- petual, 39 El. c. 18. 34. Jurymen to have zohperAnn. Freehold, 16 tif 17 Car. 2, c. 3. N 35- jurymen