Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/460

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0negat% (ttifletatf. '. Shall be amerced, faving his Wainage, 9 H. 3. c. 14. 2. To be fworn of Inquelts for want of Freemen, St. Exon. 14 Ed. 1. 3. The Lord mall be preferred to any other Mafter in retaining his Villein for a Servant, provided he does not retain more than are neceffary, 23 Ed. 3. c. 1. 4. The Lord may allege Villenage by way of Exception, or feize his Villein, notwithstanding a Libertate probanda depend- ing, 25 Ed. 1. ft. 5. c. 1 3. 5. Counterplea of the Exception of Conufance of Villenage, 37 Ed. 3. c. 17. f>. Commiflions to inquire of rebellious Villeins, 1 R. 2. c. 6. 7. The Lord (hall not be barred of his Villein by his Anfwer in Law, g R. 2. r. 2. 8. The King's Villeins in North Wales fhall be obliged to do the fame Services as before, 25 H. 6. 9. Exception of Villenage, 3 H. 7, c. 2. § 4. , Every Ton of Vi- ") I. negar imported for defraying the Ex- > pence of Coinage, pays And every Ton ofl Vinegar imported J , And if by Englftj- 1 men • — — J , And if by Strangers , Every Barrel of Vi- negar, or Liquor prepared for Vine- gar, that hath run through Rape, &c. . And '• — , And . And lBm> anti aierfufce. d. o 18 Car. 2. e. 5. § 6, O 1 Ja. 2. e. 3. § 2, o 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. n. § 2;. O 13 y 14 Car. 2. c 1 1. §25. 9. And every Barrel of Vinegar-Beer made oiEngijfh Materials 10. And 11.. And 12. And ■ 1.3. And 14. And 15. And made of Eng- lijh or foreign Ma- terials — — — — — 16. And ! 080 2W. &M.fef. 2. c. 10. §2. o 4 o 4. W. £ff ,M. c. 3,.§.2. o 4 o $W.l£ M. c. 7. § 27. o 4 o 5 JT. y M. c. 20. § 10. 006 12 Car. 2. f. 23. § 6. o o o o o o o 06 12 Car. 2. c. 24. § 20. 6 22 y 23 Car. z. r. 5. § r. 3 o 2 ftP tif M.fejf. 2.c. 10. § 2. 1 6 5 JT. y A/, r. 7. § 27. 1 6 5 r.yif.zo. § 10. 8 o 10 y 11 jr. 3. c. 21. § 9, 244 ^»». r. 6. § 9. 098 Ann* c, 7. § 1. 17. Drawback on the Exportation of Vinegar, 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 1 1. § 25. 18. Penalties on concealing Vinegar from the Gauger, 7 y 8 jr.. 3. c. 30. § 16, y<-. ig. Duties on Vinegar by former Acts taken off, and a new Duty impofed, 10 y 11 W. 3.. f..2i. § 8, y<-. 20. What to be deemed Vinegar or Liquors preparing for Vine- gar, 1 o y 1 1. W. 3 .. c . 2 1 .. § 1 1 . 21. Thirty-four Gallons to be deemed a Barrel of Vinegar, ioy 1 1 W. 3 . c. 2 u § 1 5 .. 22. Informations againft Vinegar-maker for a falfe or Mifentry, y< to be laid within three Months, y 13 W. 3. c. 11. 5 17- 23. Vinegar made for Pickles for Sale to pay Duties, 8 Ann.c. 7. §4- 24. Vinegar made by the Manufactures of white Lead exempt from Duties, 8 Ann. c. 7..$ 5, 3 fBnftetfitie& 25. Verjuice bought or made for Sale how chargeable with Du- ties, 7 y 8 w. 3. c. 30. § 28. 26. Every Hogfhead of Verjuice to pay 5 d. 8 //«». c. 7. § 1. 27. Additional Duty of 87. /><r Ton on French Vinegar imported, 3 Geo. 3. c. 12. And on all other Vinegar imported, 4/. per Ton, #W5 For other Matters, fee Cuftomg, Cycife, (HJaugMg z. Inquiry in Eyre to be made of the Goodnefs and Meafure of their Wines, Judic. Pillor. 51 H. 3. p. 6. § 2. /or c//^r Matters, fee %l, &C. WLilKS, GlifttQh 1. The King to be Vifitor of Colleges and other religious Foun- dations, that were exempt from the Ordinary's Vifitation, 25 H.S.c. 21. § 20. z. Abbeys, isfc. that were exempt from Ordinary Vifitation, to befubjeft to fuch Vifitation as the King mould appoint, 31 If. 8. c. 13. § 23-_ 3. Queen Mary impowered to make Statutes for the Collegiate Churches founded by King Henry VIII. 1 Mar. ft. 3. c. 9. 4. The Crown to vifit Manchefter College, while the Wardenfhip is held by the Bifhop of Chefter, 2 Gen. 2. c. 29. (RttCUftomeQ <0OO$£. See Cuftoms and India Goods. CTlHieC'S&mff* See Sheriff. (Knift^mitp* See Service and Sacraments. 1 anion of €&urcljes?. 1. Poor Churches within a Mile of each other may be united, 37 H. 8.c. 21. 2. For the Union of Churches in Towns Corporate, 17 Car. 2, c. 3. 3. Impropriators may give Tithes without Licence of Mortmain, 17 Car. 2. c. 3. § 7. 4. Union of Churches in London, 22 Car. 2. c. 11. § 62. 5. Parilhioners of the Parifh united, to contribute to the Repairs, y c . 4 ;r. y m. c . 12. For other Matters, fee $>0jfe, ^nion of CnrtiantJ anu f&cotlanti. See Scotland. SJnifeerfitieg. 1. What Clerks refiding there fhall be difpenfed with from Resi- dence, 28 H. 8. c 13. 2. Purveyors not to take Victuals within five Miles of the Uni- verfities, 2 y 3 P. y M. c. 1 ;. 13 £V. r. 21.. 3. Grants to the Univerfuies, &c. in Difcharge of the Payment of Firft- Fruits and Tenths, confirmed, 1 EI. c. 4. § 34. 4. The Franchifes of the Univerfuies confirmed, 13 El. c. 29. 5. On College Leafes a third Part of the Rent fhall be referved in Corn, 1 8 El. c. 6. 6. The Penalty for taking Reward for a Vote for a Scholarfhip, &c. in any Church Collegiate, College, y<:, 31 El. c. 6. 7. Where any Fellow, &c. rcfigns for Reward, the Perfon for whom it is given made incapable, &c. 31 El. c. 6. § 3. 8. The Univerfities and Royal Colleges excepted out of the Sta- tute of charitable Ufes, 43 El. c. 4. § 2. 9. The Prefentation to Benefices belonging to Papifts given to the two Univerfities, 13 Ja, 1. c, 5. § 18, 19. i IV. & M. c. 26. 12 Ann. c. 14,- IQ, Univerfities