Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/461

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siitftn-fstfcsf. mm ©fuc?: Wam ot lato. io. Univerfities may file Bill in Equity to difcover Trulls, 1 2 Ann. ft. 2.c. 14. § 4. 1 1 . Pending Quare impedit, a Rule may be made for examining Patron and Clerk, 12 Am, ft. z. c, 14. § 5* 12. Incumbents of united Churches to be Graduates, 17 Car. 2. c. 3. § 6. 13. Prefenteeto refide, I W. & M. c. 26. § 6. 14.. Collegians refuting to take the Oaths, King may nominate Perfon to fucceed, 1 Geo. u'c. 13. § iz. 15. Mandamus lies to admit King's Nominee, 1 Geo. 1, c. 13. § ?3- 16. Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge may ail as Juftice of the County without the landed Qualification, 7 Geo, 2. c. 10. 17. The Univerfities and Royal Colleges excepted out of the Mortmain Aft, 9 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 4. 1 8. Colleges poffeffed of more Advovvfons than a Moiety of the Fellows, not to purchafe more, 9 Geo. 2. c. 36. § $. 19. Players not to aft within five Miles of the Univerfities, 10 Geo. 2. c. 19. zq. Diftillers felling Wine in Cambridge to take Licences, 10 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 3. 31. Grants made by Papifts of Ecclefiaftical Livings veiled in the Univerfities, void, 11 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 5. 22. Wine not to be retailed in the Univerfities without their Li- cence, 17 Geo. 2. c. 40. § 1 1. 23. Union of two Colleges in the Univerfity of St, Andrews, 20 Geo. 2. c. 32. For other Matters, fee HHerjOtlCeS 6. 2&ltettS 8. Ilgect, tiff. 1 2. 'HSoobs 8. llgieat) 7- Charitable 3Ufes 4. Cc* cleCaftical Courts c3V. Czeifc 16. Jfairo 9. JFtvft Jfruits 23. Routes 6. 3lufttces of ^Deace 34. IUa= ttjet 23. jjjtaittnain 18. SDaths, parliament 69. #oftc £>ffice 9. IReOfceuce 5. Scotland, Jpettoice, tiff. 5, 7, i$c. Solniers 13. £Mt'neiS39. ftlnrateti Ctootus. What the Drawback on unrated Goods exported, 2^3 yf»«. c. ■ 9- § 9- Fer «(tor Matters, fee 2DltlgS» SJoucIjec 1. The Vouchee before Juflices in Eyre fliallbe fummoned for the third or fourth Day, St. Marleb. 52 H. 3. c. 26. 2. Counterplea given in Mortdavceftor, that the Tenant was the firft that entered, St. Weftm. I, 3 Ed, 1. c. 40. 3. Not to be out of the Line, Ibid. 4. In a Writ of Right, that the Vouchee, tiff, had not Seifin fince the Time of whofe Seifin the Demandant counts, ibid. 5. Proceedings on foreign Voucher in London, 6 Ed. 1. c. z. 9 Ed. 1. 6. The Counterplea given by St. Weftm, 1. <r. 40. fliall be re- ceived though the Vouchee be prefent, St. de Foe, 20 Ed, 1. ft. 1. 7. Averment that the Vouchee is dead, or that there is no fuch Perfon, fliall be received, 14 Ed. $.ft. 1. r. 18. For other Matters, fee IScCOlJCt^, i&atratUE* fllpfjalffets. ?, Shall not make Beds and other Wares deceitfully, 11E 7. c. 19. 5 fcf 6 Ed. 6, c. 23. 2. Eeds fluffed with Flocks may be carried on board Ships for ne- ceffary Ufe, 12 Car, 2. c. 321 § 11. tHfejs anti Cruffjs. ?. Lands of which certain Traitors were feifed to the Ufe of others, not forfeited, 11 R, 2, c, 4. 2,1 i?, 2, f. 3* 5 ff, 4 f« 1. 7 £f. 4.. r. 5. § 12, 2. An Affile or other Aftion may be maintained againfl the Per- nor of the Profits, 1 R. 2. c . 9. 4 H. 4. c, 7. u H. 6. r. 3. 1 H. 7. c. 1. 3. The Afts of Ceftuy que Ufe made good againfl his Feoffees, 1 R. 3. c. 1. 4. Eftates of which the King was feifed to Ufe, veiled in the Co- feoffees, 1 S, 3. f. ;, 5. The Heir of Ceftuy que Ufe within Age, fhall be in Ward, &c 4#. 7, c. 17. 6. Lands in Ufe made liable to the Incumbrances of Ceftuy que Ufe, 19 H.j. c. 1 j. 7. Ufes transferred to legal Eftates, 27 H. 8. c. 10. 8. Gf/?»j que Ufe of Rent deemed in Poffefiion, 27 H. 8, c. 10, § 4> S- g. No Eilate of Freehold to arife by Bargain and Sale without In- rolment, 27 H. 8. c, 16. io. Trulls fhall be created and affigned by Writing, 29 Car. 2. c, 3- § 7- 1 1 . Lands fhall be liable to the Incumbrances of Ceftuy que Trnft, and be Affets by Defcent to his Heir, 29 Car. 7. c. 3. § 1.0. 12. Ufes of Fines and Recoveries may be declared by Deeds ex- ecuted afterwards, 4 Ann. c. 16. § 15. For other Matters, fee ^fineSj l^eiCj jMtttUreS, Sttillg, dftll'patiOlt. See Advowfon and Quare im- pedit. Clfurp. 1 . Shall not run againfl any within Age, St. Mert. 26 H, 3. c. j. 2. Prohibited to the Jews, St, de Judefmo ineerti temp. Vol. it, p. 189. 3. Punifhed after the Offender's Death, 15 Ed. 3, ft. 1. c. 5. 4. Bargains by Name of dry Exchange, void, 3 H. y. c. 5. 5. The Penalty of Brokers of ufurious Bargains, 3 H. 7, c. 6, 13 El. 8. 6. Ufurious Contrails punifhed with the Forfeiture of a Moiety, 1 1 H. 7. c, 8. 7. No Intereft to be taken above ten per Cent, 37/f. 8*^.9. 13 El, e.8. 8. Brokers and Solicitors ofContrafts incur Premunire, jtEI.n M 4 - 9. Ufury againfl 37 H, 8. c. 9. punifhable by Ecclefiaftical Law, 13 El. c. 8. §9. 10. Ufury generally prohibited, ; cjf 6 .RA 6. c 20. 13 El. a 8. §5. 1 1. Punifhable by the Ecclefiaftical Law, 13 El. c. 8. § 9. 12.. Intereft limited to eight per Cent. 21 Ja. 1. c. 17. To fix per Cent, 12 Car. 2. c. 13. To five per Cent, iz Ann, ft. Z, c. 16. For other Matters, fee 3S5?0&etg 3 JlrtfantS 2 a CitlatUjp. See Outlawry. w. (KHtoser of !afo. i, Shall not be required without Witnefs, M. C, g H. y, c. 28* 2i For the Plaintiff fe nihil recepiffe, iSc. Sth Wull. 12 Ed. . in JlppendtXi 3. Shall be admitted in London notwithftanding the Plaintiff's Pa- pers, 38 Ed. 2,. ft: 1. c. 5. 4. Granted in Trelpafs, for Trefpaffes committed by Compulfion in. an Infurreftion, 6 Ri 2. ft. 2, c. 5. 5. Where the Plaintiff fuggells an Account taken, the Jufticss % 2 mny