Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/467

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£$faC Mr* (KKootu 14. Perfons reftrained from keeping Wine in their Houfes, 7 ■Ed. 6. c. 5. § 2. 15. The Number of Taverns reftrained, 7 £</. 6. f. 5. § 3. 16. Selling Wine to" be drank in the Seller's Houfe prohibited, 7 Ed. 6. ft J. §4. 17. The Price of Wines by Retail to be limited by Proclamation, 5 El. c. 5. §25. 18. Wine not to be retailed without Licence, 12 Car. 2. c. 25. 19. The Penalties of retailing mixed Wine, 12 Car. 2.^.25. § n. • zo. The Prices of Wines to to be limited by the Lord Chancellor, &c. 12 Car. 2. c. 25. § 13. 21. Duty on Wine, iffc. imported, 18 Car. 2. c. 5. § 6. Conti- nued, 1 Geo. 3. c. 16. 22. An Import upon Wine, 20 Car. 2. <-. 1. 22 Car. 2. c. 3. 30 Car. 2. r. 2. 23. The Profits of the Wine Licences revelled in the Crown, and an Equivalent granted to the Duke of Tori, 22 iff 23 Car. 2. c. 6. 24. A Duty of 8/. per Ton upon French Wine, and 12 A upon other Wine, 1 Ja. 2. r. 3. 25. Made perpetual by 9 Ann. c. 21. & 3 Gra. 1. <-. 9. and Part of the South-Sea Fund. 26. Retailers to fell Wine only in Pewter Meafures, 1 W. iff M. c. 34. §19. zW. iff M.ft. 2. . 14. §. 3. 27. Penalty of adulterating Wine, 1 #'. iff M. c. 34. § 30. 28. Wines of Hungary may be imported from Hamburgh as #/;*- »//2> Wine, 1 Ann. ft. 1. c. 12. § H2. 29. Contents of the Gallon of Wine, 5 Aim. c. 27. § 17. 30. Importation of French Wine permitted, 9 Ann. t. 8. 31. The Allowance on damaged Wines regulated, 6 Geo. 1. c. 12. § 2. 32. The Times for exporting Wines enlarged, 6 Geo. i.e. 12. § 5- 33. Not to diminifh the Duties of Prifage and Butlerage, 6 Geo. 1. c. 1. 33. No Allowance for Freight of Wine, unkfs fhipped in Cafk from its Place of Growth, 8 Geo. 1. c. 18. § 19. 35. Allowance for Wines Branded, 8 Geo. 1. c. 18. §20. 27 Geo. 2. c. 18. § 5. 36. Damaged Wines may be fold for diftilling, or making Vine- gar, 12 Geo. I. c. 28. § 20. 37. The Duties on Wine Lees altered,- 1 Geo. 2. c. 17. 38. Wine not to be imported in Bottles or fmall Cafks, 1 Geo. 2. <r. 17. § 7. _ 39. Saving of the Privileges of the Univerfmes, 10 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 2. 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 9. 40. Wine not to be fold without Licence at the Univerfities, 17 ' Geo. 2. c. 40. § 1 1. 41. An additional Duty of Tonnage on Wine, 18 Geo. 2. c. 9. 42. Wine imported in the Out Ports not to be brought within zo Miles of the Royal Exchange, without paying the London Duty, 26 Geo. 2. c. 12. 43. The Commiflion for granting Licences to retail Wine by Vir- tue of 12 Car. 2. to ceafe, and the Duties together with new Duties to be levied by the Commiffioners of the Stamp- Office, 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. 44. The Aft not to be prejudicial to the Vintners Company, 30 Geo. 2. e. 19. 45. The Penalty of retailing abated, 32 Geo. 2. c. 19. 46. No Difcount on Wine Licences, 32 Geo. 2. <-. 19. § 2. 47. An additional Duty of 8 /. per Ton on all Fiench Wine im- ported, 3 Geo. 3. c. 12. And on all other Wines imported 4I. per Ton, ibid. For other Matters, fee H5titlerage } Cuftoms, gauging, JlonSOHj £$ercl)ants ic, |9V. $J)onopoltcs, €>?prjane 4'. istytps 6, 8, 32, iffc. ^stamps, injects, Uniterm CtlCS 22. Vol. IX. Tab. mite. 1. Penalty on importing foreign Card Wire or Iron Wire for making of Wool Cards, 13 © 14 Car. 2. c. 19. 2. Iron Wire, 2 W. iff M. Jeff. 2. c. 4. § 16. 3. Steel Wire, 2 W. iff M. ftjf. 2. c. 4. § 17. 4. Lattin, Brafs or Copper Wire, and Gold and Silver Wire im- ported, to what Duties liable, 4 W. iff M. c. ;. § 2. 5. Brafs Wire how exempt from Payment of Duties on Exporta- tion, 7 Ann. c. 8. § 8. For other Matters, fee, CuftOW6j ©OlB, JlrOlt, ittfhimtfaC* tureSj e&tool 35. (KUitC&Ctaft. See Conjuration. attitnefljeg. 1. Procefs how awardable againft them to prove a Deed, 12 Ed. 2. ft. I. C. 2. 2. For Prifoners to be fworn in capital Cafes, as Witneffes for the Crown are, 1 Ann. ft. 2. c. 9. § 3. For other Matters, fee %t, iffc. 27. UlSanJvrUpt 7. HBarOtl atm jFeme 8. IBatDDE-rjoufes 2. -JBjinges zo. Cofts, Cbtticnce, 5felon2 3i. 31"ftt'tes of fjeace 25. f->ate ing, 44. f->erjur£ 2. fMap&, £3V. 19. f-tooj 29. Ctxa* C01152. Crtal 8. mills 12. S&littaro. Mifdemeanors of Spinners there, how punifhable, 7 Jd. 1. ^.7. ftSJcaB* See Ships, caiomen. 1. The Chancellor to vacate Obligations, Statutes or Recogni-' fauces obtained from Women by Fraud and Impofuion, 3 1 H. 6. c. 9. 2. Shall have Livery of their Lands at fourteen, 39 H. 6. c. 2. 3. The Penalties of taking away Women Children from their Guardians, or marrying them, 4 iff 5 P. iff M. c. 8. 4. The Penalty of a Woman Child confenting to a Ravifhment, 4 iff 5 p. y M. c. 8. § 6. For other Matters, fee Hkceffart? 4. Appeal r. H5aron ana JFeme, HUaftarD 7. Clcrgp. 27, 29. emblements, ;ffe* lom'es toith. anD tDitrjout Clergy, Title aaJomen. ^labourers 25; IRape, IKecufants 35. Cum 2. 5»a= grants. 1. What Number of Standils fliall be left on the cutting down any Wood, and how long the Spring fhall be preferved, 35 H.S. c. 17. 13 El. c. 25. § 18.' 2. Woods not to be turned to Tillage or Pafture, 35 H. 8. c. ij. §3- 3. On felling Woods where others have Common, one Quarter to be inclofed, 35 H. 8. c. 17. § 7. 4. After two Years Owners may put Colts and Calves into in- clofed Woods, 35 H. 8. c. 17. § 20. 5. Penalties of exporting Wood without Licence, 1 iff 2 P. iff M. a -5. 6. Timber Trees (hall not be coaled for Iron Works, 1 EI. c. 15, 7. Oaks to be felled in barking Time, 5 El. c. 8. 8. Woods to be inclofed two Years longer, and farther Directions about putting in Cattle, 13 EL c. 25. § 18. 9. Wood growing within 22 Miles of London, iffc. not to be coaled for Iron Works, 23 El. c. 5. 27 El. c. ig. .10. Penalties of Healing Wood or deftroying j'oung Trees, 15 Car, 2. c. 2. A a 11. For