Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/468

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snooL Klool. 1 1 . For the Prcfervation of Timber in the Forc-Il of Dean, 20 Car. 2. c. 3. 12. Penalties on malicious cutting down Trees, 1 Geo, t.r. 48. 6 Geo. !. ft 16. 13. Damage to be made good by Parilh, 1 Geo, 1. c. 48. 6 Go. 1 . ft 16. 14. Wood, underwood and Coppices, how taxable, 30 Gw, 2. <-. 3. $ 4. 15. Collector, £sV. impmvered to cut down and fell Wood grow- ing on Wood-lands aill'lfed, where no Diflrefs is to be had, 4 Ceo. 3. c. 2. § 38. For other Ma fee UlppiobClllCnt, CuflotUfij ^Fo?fftlS, Jfrut't Crccc, 31ron j.'yv. fDlantations 27. S>tojcc, Ci'mbcr ^rccSj Cithes 2. Wool and Yarns may be fold in W r oo Ijiock on Mai ket and Fair Davs, 18 El. r. 21. For ether- Matter/, fee $f)arlbO?OUgr). tiaobi* 1. Maletoute of Wool releafed, 25 .EV. 1. V. 7. 2. Nothing mall be taken in Name of Maletoute of a Sack of Wool, St, de Tall. non. cinced. lEd. 1,7?. 4. c. 3. 3. Exportation of Wool prohibited, 11 Ed. j.-vri. By Englijb- men, Felony, 27 £</. 3.^. 2. c. 3. ft 7. ft 12. 31 Ed. I- ft. I. ft 9. 38 £</. 3.7?. 4. c. 6. 4. Cuftom on Wool limited, 14 Ed. 3. ft, 3. 5. The Price of Wool mail be free, iS Ed, yft. 2. c. 3. 0. The Seller not bound to warrant the Packing, unlefs by Deed, 28 Ed. 3. (. 13. The Packing not to be warranted, 13 R. 2. ft. i.e. 9. 7. Weight for Wool, 31 Ed. 3. ft. 1. ft 2. 8 WhatRefufe may be made of Wool, 31 Ed. }.ft. 1. e. 8. 13 R.z.ft.i.e.g. 9. Subfidy (hall not be paid for the Package, 34. Ed. 3. <:. 19. 10. Licence to Denizens to export Wool, 34^/. 3. c. 21. 1 f. Nothing mall be demanded but the ancient Cullom, and no Subfidy fhall be fet on Wool without AfTent of Parliament, 36 Ed. 3. c. 11. iz. The Forfeiture of Lands and Goods on Denizens exporting Wool difch.irged, 46 Ed. 3. 13. Regrating of Wool prohibited, 14^. 2. c. 4. 2zH.S, c. 1. 37 W. 8. c 1 5. 5 y 6. £V. 6. r. 7. 14. None mail buy Woollen Yarn but to make Cloth, 8 H, 6. ft 5. 15. Wool for Exportation fhall be duly packed, 8 H. 6. c, 22. 1 7?. 3. r. 8. § 14. 16. Thrums and Woollen Yarn not to be exported, 8 H, 6. c 23. 23 H. 6. c. 2. 17. Exportation of Wool to the North of Teefe, &. prohibited, 3 Ed. 4. c. 1. J 8. From what Places Wool may be exported to Calais, 4 Ed, 4. 19. Contracting for Wool before it is morn, retrained, 4 Ed. 4. ft 4. 4 H. 7. ft 1 1. 20. To be carried only to Cdais, 1.2 £^4. c. ;. 14 £V. 4. e. 3. 21. Exportation of Cloth unfhorn, permitted, 5 H. 8.e. 3. 2Z. Revocation of Letters Patent made to the Citizens of York for (hipping Wool, 21 H.S.c. 17.. 23. Againft Deceits in winding and packing Wool, 23 H, 8. c. 17. Made perpetual, 13 ELc. 25- 24. Inhabitants of Halifax permitted to buy Wool and fell it again, z y 3 P. & M. c . 13'. 25. Wool and Yarn may be freely bought and fold in the Market and Fairs at XeiM WooJflock, 18 El. c, zl ; . s6. Wool Cards not to be imported, 39 El. e. 14. § 2. 37. Penalties of Whipping, y<r. on Artificers imbezilling Wool or Yarn, 7 ^a. 1. ft 7. 1 Ann. ft. 2. r. 18. 28. Offenders not making Satisfaction to be fet in the Stocks, 7 fa. I. ft 7. § 2. 29. Exportation of Sheep, Wool, Wool Fells, Fuller's Earth, and Scouring Earth prohibited, 12 Car, 2. c. 32. Made Felony, 13 y 14 Car, 2. c. 18. _ 7 y 8 JT. 3. c. 28. geff 10 #'.3. r. 40. 30. Penalty on Owners of Ships knowing Offences, z Car. 2. c. 32. § 3. 31. Ships of Aliens importing prohibited Wool forfeited, 12 Car. 2, e, 32. § g, 32. Not to extend to Wool exported from Southampton to ftrfcy, Guernfy, c5V. 12 Car. 2. ft 32 § 13, 14. 33. The Preffing of Wool into Package, or laying it near the Shore, prohibited, 13 y l^Car, 2. c. 18. § 7. 34. Wool not to be carried in the Night, 13 y 14 Ca<-. 2. c. 18. §9. 35. Foreign Wool Cards or Card Wire, or Iron Wire not to be imported, 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 19. 36. For burying in Woollen, 18 Car. 2. c. 4. 37. No Corps to be buried but in Woollen, and Affidavit to be made, 30 Car. 2. c. 3. 32 Car. 2, c. 1. 38. Directions for the entering and regiflering of Wool that is re- moved, 1 W. Is M. c 32. 7 y 8 IV. 3. c, 28. 9 y 10 IF. 3. ft 40. § 3. 39. Quantity of Wool -that may be tranfported to Guernfey, Jer- fey, CSV. I W. y M.ft. I. c. 32. § 14. 40. Ship exporting Wool forfeited with treble Value, £5V. 7 & 8 W.t,. ft 28. §8. 41. Ships to cruize to prevent Exportation, 7 y 8 W, 3. ft 28- §14. 10 C3" II ^T. 3. f. 10. § 16. 5 Gee. 2. ft 21. 42. /r//2> Wool not to be imported at Exeter, 4 ts'$ IV. y M^ c. 24. § 10. 43. Directions for buying and felling Wool in Kent and Suffex, 9 cS" 10 £f. 3. r. 40. § 4. 44. Wool and Woollen Manufactures fhall not be exported from. Ireland to any Place but England, ioS 1 1 1 IV. 3. c. 10. 45. Ship importing contrary to the Aft forfeited, 10 y 1 1 W. 3. c. 10. § 2, 46. The Ports in Ireland and England for fhipping and landing Wool, 10 y 1 1 JF. 3. c. 10. $ 10. Ann.c7. 12 Geo. z. c. 21. § 5. 25 Gfu. 2. f. 14. y 19. 26 Geo. 2. f. 8. 47. Penalty on Commanders of Ships conniving at Exportation of Wool, 10 y 11 W, 3. c. 10. % 18. 48. No Wool or Woollen Manufacture of the Plantations fhall be exported, 10 y 11 W. 3. c. 10. § 19. Not to extend to Gunners Stores, &e. 1 1 y 12 li 3. c. 13. § 9.. 49. Regulations of the Penalties of exporting Ir'ifh Wool, 3 Geo. I.e. 21. §4. 50. Exporters of Wool not paying the Penalty, may be tranf- ported, 4 Geo. c. 1 1 . § 6. 51. Returning, Felony without Clergy, 4. Geo., i.e. 11. .§6. 52. Provifions againit exporting Wool, extended to Wool Fells, Fullers Earth, &c. 5 Geo. l. c. 1 1. § 14. 53. Wool laid near the Shore in Ireland, forfeited, 5 Geo. I. e. 11. § 21. 54. Length of Warping Bars and Thrums, 13 Geo. 1. c. 23. § IW 55. Tenters to be meafured and infpefted, 13 Geo. 1. c, 23. § 10. 56. Sixteen Ounces to the Pound of Wool, 13 Geo, 1. e. 23. § 2- 57. Ships to cruize round Great Britain and Ireland, to prevent the unlawful Exportation of Woollen Manufactures, 5 Geo, 2.. ft. 21. 58. The Duties on hijh Woollen Yarn imported, taken off, V2 Geo. 2. c, 21. 59. Wool, to be carried only in Britijh or lifh Ships, 12 Geo. 2. ft 2.1. § 6. 60.. Ships how to be qualified for loading Wool,. 1.2 Gio. 2. c. 2U ' §7- ' . r . 61. Exporting Wool, y>. contrary to the Regulations, Forfei- ture of the Ship, yV, 12 G«. 2. <-. 21. § 11. 62. Oppofmg