Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/472

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1 Edw. 3. A. D. 1327.
29. A Confirmation of the Banishment of Hugh Spencer the Father, and Hugh Spencer the Son, ib.
30. None shall be impeached which took Part with the King against his Father, 32
31. The Repeal of the Exile made void, ib.
32. The Executors of those that were wrongfully slain shall have Action to recover their Testators Goods. All Assurances made to the Rebels by Duress shall be void, ib.
10 Edw. 3. A. D. 1336.
33. Statutum de cibariis utendis editum apud Nottingham, 33
14 Edw. 3. A. D. 1340.
34. Reciting some former Grants, and limiting the Custom on Wool, Plate, &c. 34
15 Edw. 3. A. D. 1341.
35. A Confirmation of the Great Charter and former Statutes, 35
36. The Peers of the Realm and great Officers for great Offences shall be tried in Parliament, ib.
37. The Chancellor and other great Officers to swear to keep the Laws, 36
38. At every Parliament the King may take several great Offices into his Hands, and retain them four or five Days. Those that attempt Suits against the Laws and Statutes of the Realm shall answer it in Parliament, ib.
39. Punishment of Usury by the King or the Ordinaries, ib.
40. Ministers of the Church shall not answer before the King's Justices for Things done touching the Jurisdiction of the Church, ib.
25 Edw. 3. A. D. 1350.
41. The King granteth to the Commons an Aid of Disme and Fifteen by them before granted to him, all the Issues, Fines, Forfeitures and Amerciaments levied of Labourers, Artificers, Regrators, Victuallers and Servants, 37
31 Edw. 3.
42. Ordinatio facta pro statu terras Hibernie, ib.
46 Edw. 3.
43. Rotulus Parliament de Anno Regni Regis Edwardi Tertii, quadrageiimo sexto, 43
10 Rich. 2.
44. The King's Commission to the Chancellor and others to examine into the State of his Courts, Revenues, Grants and Officers Fees, 46.
11 Rich. 2.
45. The Archbishop of York and others attainted of High Treason, 49
46. Clause to prevent fraudulent Conveyances of their Estates, 52
47. The Estates of the Bishop of Chichester and others also forfeited, 53
48. The Penalty of concealing any Part of the said Estates after Proclamation made. Estates possessed by a Traitor in another's Right, excepted, ib.
49. Issues in Tail, and Jointures of Women also excepted, ib.
50. Penalty of petitioning the King for any Grant of the said Estates, during the War. 54
21 Rich. 2. A. D. 1397.
51. A Repeal of the Commission granted by the King to certain Noblemen to inquire into certain Abuses, and of the Statutes made 10 Rich. 2. 54
2 Hen. 5.
52. De unione jurium et possessionum comitatus Hereford Ducatui Lane. f'ca 56
3 Hen. 5.
53. De ducatu Lancast & ip'ius seaescallis, 60
8 Hen. 6.
54. The Citizens of London may take Apprentices according to their antient Customs, ib.
55. There shall not be excepted in the Protections of those that shall go with the King into France, Assize of Novel Disseisin, 61
56. Wools, Fells, &c. shipped out of England, Wales or Ireland, for any Place but Calais, shall be forfeited by the double, except by Merchants of Jean, Venice, &c. ib.
57. Certain Ordinances made for the Prices of Merchandises, and Maintenance of the Town and Mint of Calais, 62
58. If a Mariner shall receive into his Ship any Merchandises, or carry them to any other Place than to the Staple at Calais, the Goods and Ship shall be forfeited, ib.
59. No Merchant of Calais shall buy beyond the Sea, any Merchandise of the Staple, 63
60. A Repeal of all Licences granted to Men of Newcastle and Berwick, to carry Merchandises to other Places than to Calais. ib.
61. The Mayor of the Staple of Calais shall continue two Years in his Office, ib.
62. A Remedy for the Inhabitants of Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester, against the Commonalty of the Forest of Dean, &c. to prevent future Robberies and Injuries to the Navigation on the Severn, 64
9 Hen. 6. A. D. 1430.
63. All Assises and Nisi prius shall be adjourned during this Parliament until certain Days, 65
64. English Merchants may sell their Merchandise to Aliens, giving them only six Months Credit, notwithstanding the Statute of 8 Hen. 6. c. 24. ib.
65. The Proceedings against Owen Glendour, attainted of High Treason, shall stand good, notwithstanding any Error ,Misprision, &c. but shall not prejudice his Heirs, 66
66. No Sheriff, &c. of the County of Hereford shall extort Money, or do Wrong in his Turn, by Colour of his Office, ib.
67. A Rehearsal and Confirmation of the Statute of 3 Hen. 1. c. 2. authorising certain Abbots and other religious Persons to make their Attornies, 67
10 Hen. 6. A. D. 1432.
68. Recognizances taken before the Mayor, &c. of Calais, shall be effectual in England, ib.
69. A Rehearsal of the Statute of 21 R 2. c. 18. touching the Maintenance of certain Places about Calais, 68
70. All Wools and Wool Fells, that shall be carried to any other Place than to Calais, shall be forfeited to the King and the Finder, ib.
11 Hen 6. A. D. 1433.
71. They that dwell at the Stews in Southwark, shall not be impannelled in Juries, nor keep any Inn or Tavern but there, 69
72. The Statute of 9 H. 6. c 7. which restraineth the Sheriff of the County of Hereford to take Money by Extortion, &c. revived for three Years. 69
73. What Wax Chandlers shall take for their Work of Wax, 70
74. A Confirmation for three Years of the Statute of 8 Hen. 6. c. 18. that Wool, &c. brought to Calais shall be sold for ready Money, ib.
75. It shall be Felony to ship or carry any Merchandises of the Staple in Creeks, during three Years, ib,
14 Hen. 6. A.D. 1435.
76. Wools and Fells shall not be exported but to Calais. Special Exceptions in favour of the King and his Council, and the Merchants of Venice, Jean, &c. 71

77. Mer-