Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/473

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77. Merchandises of the Staple Shipped in Creeks shall be forfeited, ib.
78. No Merchants shall ship any Merchandises of the Staple but at Wharfs assigned, &c. 72
18 Hen. 6. A. D. 1439
79. No Merchant Alien shall sell any Merchandises in England to another Merchant Alien. Mayors, &c. of Cities and Towns to execute this Act, ib.
80. It shall be Felony to carry Wool or Woolfells to any other Place than to Calais, saving such which pass thro' the Straits of Marrock, 74
20 Hen. 6. A. D. 1441.
81. It shall be High Treason for Welshmen to take and carry away Engishmen or their Goods into Wales, or there to with-hold them, ib.
82. A Reformation of the Partition of Money, arising by the Sale of Wools and Woolfels, by the Mayor and Constable of Calais, ordered for seven Years, 75
23 Hen. 6. A. D. 1444.
83. Welshmen indicted of Treason or Felony, that do repair into Herefordshire, shall be apprehended and imprisoned, or else pursued by Hue and Cry, and a Forfeiture of those which do not pursue them, ib.
84. No new Impositions shall be laid on them which buy Wines in Gascoyn or Guyen, by any of the King's Officers in those Parts, upon Pain of Forfeiture of twenty Pounds and treble damages, 76
25 Hen. 6. A. D. 1447.
85. All Statutes made against Welchmen confirmed. All Grants of Markets and Fairs to any Welshmen shall be void. The King's Villains in North Wales, shall be constrained to such Labour as they have done before, ib.
27 Hen. 6. A. D. 1448.
86. No Licence shall be available to carry Wools, Fells, or Tin, to any Place out of the Realm but to Calais. 77
87. A Rehearsal and Confirmation for three Years of the Statute of 20 Hen. 6. c. 3. provided against Welshmen that take any Engishmen, their Goods and Chattels, and carry them into Wales, 78
88. The King's Pardon granted to all Priests, as well seculars as religious, of several Offences, Forfeitures, &c. 79
28 Hen. 6. A. D. 1449.
89. Felony for any Welsh or Lancashire Man to take other Men, their Goods or Chattels, under Colour of Distress, where they have no Cause, ib.
29 Hen. 6. A. D. 1450.
90. John Cade attainted of Treason, and his Lands, Tenements, &c. given to the King, and his Blood corrupt, 80
31 Hen. 6. A. D. 1452
91. John Cade shall be adjudged a Traitor, and all Indictments and Acts done by his Authority shall be void, ib.
92. 81
93. A Remedy for several Extortions committed by the Officers of the Exchequer. 82
94. No Person brewing Ale or Beer in Kent to be sold, shall, during five Years, make above an hundered Quarters of Malt to his own Use, 83
95. No wrought Silk belonging to the Mystery of Silk Women, shall be brought into this Realm by the way of Merchandize, during five Years, ib.
96. Certain Privileges granted to the Abbot of Fountain, in the County of York ib.
1 Edw. 4.
97. Conviccio quor'dam d'nor' et alior' aucloritate parliamenti, 84
98. De Lancaster duche. 92.
3 Edw. 4. A. D. 1463.
99. What Kind of Apparel Men and Women of every Vocation and Degree are allowed, and what prohibited to wear, 93
4 Edw. 4.
100. From what Places and on what Conditions, English Wools shall be exported to Calais. 95
101. Certain Wools, Fells &c. which may be exported from Newcastle to the Staple at Calais. Penalty on those who do contrary to this Ordinance. 96
102. A Restraint for three Years of the Custom of contracting for Wool in certain Counties before it is shorn, unless it he used for Cloth or Yarn. 96
103. Merchandizes from the Duke of Burgundy's Countries prohibited, till English wrought Cloths are received there. 97
104. Patten-makers may make Pattens of such Asp as is not fit for Shafts, 98
105. What Persons shall take Passage, or land at Dover in Kent only, and who not. ib.
7 Edw. 4. A. D. 1467.
106. An Act for the Subsidies. 99
14 Edw. 4. A. D. 1474.
107. For the King's Tenants going in his Wars. 101
108. An Act touching Protections for such as go in the King's Wars. 102
17 Edw. 4. A. D. 1477.
109. An Alteration of Part of the Statute of 4 Ed. 4. c. 1. 103
22 Ediv. 4, A. D. 1482.
110. A Repeal of all former Statutes made touching the excess of Apparel. 104
11. An Act for the Price of Bows,. 105
1 Hen. 7.
112. Actus concernens Annex' Ducat' Lane' Cornub' et al', ib.
1 Hen. 7. A. D. 1485.
113. An Act to maintain a Formedon against the Pernor of the Profits of Lands infeoffed to Use. 108
3 Hen. 7.
114. A Certificate shall be made of Goods brought into one Port and removed to another. One man shall not enter Goods in the Name of another. 109
4 Hen. 7.
115. The Mayor of London, and his Successors, shall have the like Conservation and Authority, in all the Issues, Breaches, and Ground overflown, as far as the Waterebbeth and floweth, grown out of the River of Thames, as touching the Punishments for using unlawful Nets and Engines, as he hath within the said River. PR. 110
116. The Charges and Benefit of the Heir of Cestui que Use ib.
117. The Penalty for decaying of Houses of Husbandry, or not laying of convenient Land for the Maintenance of the same, 111
19 Hen. 7.
118. Several Charges imposed upon the. Lands: and Persons of Cestui que Use, 112.
3 Hen 8.
119. An Act for Payment of Wages to Soldiers, 113

120. An