Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/474

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4 Hen. 8.
120. An Act for Punishment of Murder 114
121. An Act for sealing of Clothes of Gold and Silver, ib.
122. An Act concerning Richard Strode, 115
22 Hen. 8.
123. An Act concerning the Trial of forren Pleas pleaded by Felons, ib.
23 Hen. 8.
124. An Act concerning Restraint of Payment of Annates to the See of Rome, 117
28 Hen 8.
125. An Act for the Establishment of the Imperial Crown of this Realme, 119
31 Hen. 8.
126. An Act for abolishing of Diversity of Opinions in certain Articles concerning Christian Religion, 127
32 Hen. 8.
127. An Act concerning the Lands and Goods of the Hospitals of St. John of Jerusalem in England and Ireland, to be hereafter in the King's Hands and Disposition, 133
33 Hen. 8
128. An Act concerning Cross Bows and Hand Guns, 136
129. An Act concerning certain Lordships translated from the County of Denbigh to the County of Flint, 140
1 Edw. 6
130. An Act for the punishing of Vagabonds, and for the Relief of the Poor and impotent Persons, 141
3 & 4 Edw. 6.
131. An Act touching the Punishment of Vagabonds and other idle Persons, 145
1 Mary.
132. An Act declaring the Queen's Highness to have bene borne in a most just and lawful Matrimonie, and also repealing all Acts of Parliament and Sentences of Divorce had and made to the contrary, 148
2 & 3 Phil. & Mar.
133. An Act that Purveiors shall not take Victuals within five Miles of Cambridge and Oxford, 150
1 Eliz.
134. An Acte giving Authoritee to the Qyene's Majestie upon the Avoidance of any Archbishoppriche or Bishoppriche, to take into her Handes certeine of the Temporal Possessions thereof, recompensing the same with Parsonages impropriate and Tenthes, 151
135. An Act of a Subsidie and two Fifteenes and Tenth, by the Temporaltie, 152
8 Eliz.
136. An Act for Bowyers, and the Prices of Bows, 166
13 Eliz.
137. An Act for the bringing in of Bow Staves into this Realme, 167
27 Eliz.
138. An Act for explaining of the Statute for the amending of the Highwaies betweene Middleton and the Kings Ferry, leading into the Isle of Sheppey, in the County of Kent, 168
39 Eliz.
139. An Act for Punishment of Rogues, Vagabonds, and Sturdie Beggars, 169
4 Jac. 1.
140. An Act for Explanation of the Statute made in the third Yeere of the Reigne of King James, intitled, An Act for the bringing of a fresh Streame of running Water to the North Partes of the Citie of London, 172
7 Jac. 1.
141. An Act for the bringing of fresh Streams of Water, by Engine, from Hackney Marsh, to the Citie of London, for the Benefit of the King's Colledge at Chelsey, 173
12 Car. 2. AD. 1660.
142. An Act erecting and establishing a Post-Office, 175
13 Car. 2. Stat. 1.
143. An Act for ascertayning and establishing the Fees of the Matters of the Chancery in ordinary, 178
144. An Act for Safety and Preservation of his Majesty's Person and Government against treasonable and seditious Practices and Attempts, 180
145. An Act for the establishing Articles and Orders for the regulating and better Government of his Majesty's Navies, Ships of War, and Forces by Sea, 182
13 & 14 Car. 2.
146. An Act for establishing an additional Revenue upon his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, for the better Support of his and their Crown and Dignity, 186
147. An Act for providing of Carriage by Land and by Water, for the Use of his Majesty's Navy and Ordnance, 189
148. An Act for preventing Abuses in Printing seditious, treasonable, and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets, and for regulating of Printing, and Printing Presses, 190
17 Car. 2.
149. An Act for continuance of a former Act for regulating the Press, 196
1 Jac. 2.
150. An Act for erecting a new Parish to be called the Parish of St. James, within the Liberty of Westminster, 197
1 W.& M.
151. An Act for a Grant to their Majesties of an Aid of twelve Pence in the Pound for one Year, for the necessary Defence of their Realms, 203
2 W. & M.
152. An Act for preventing vexatious Suits against such as acted for their Majesties Service in Defence of the Kingdom. 212
5 & 6 W. & M.
153. An Act for raising Money by a Poll, payable quarterly for one Year, for carrying on a vigorous War against France, ib.
154. An Act for the licencing and regulating Hackney Coaches and Stage Coaches, 213
6 W. & M.
155. An Act for granting to his Majesty certain Rates and Duties upon Marriages, Births and Burials, and upon Batchelors and Widowers, for the Term of five Years, for carrying on the War against France with Vigour, 216
1 Ann.
156. An Act for enabling her Majesty to appoint Commissioners to treat for an Union between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, 231
4 Ann.
157. An Act to prevent Frauds frequently committed by Bankrupts, 232
5 Ann.[typo 1]
158. An Act to explain and amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for preventing Frauds frequently committed by Bankrupts, 235


  1. The relevant act is in 6 Ann by other sources.