Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/60

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C. 10.
Anno tertio Georgii III.
A.D. 1762.

Pounds ten Shillings for each Serjeant, and two Pounds for each Drummer, with the Addition of one Found for each Serjeant Major, and each Drum Major; and with respect to the private Militia Men, where the Militia hath been imbodied, or having not been imbodied, hath not been cloathed within three Years, at the Rate of one Pound ten Shillings for each, private Man.

The above Sums are not to he paid, if Pay has not before been isssued, till the Lord Lieutentant or Deputies shall have certified to the Treasury and Receivers General the lnrolment three Fifths of the Men and OfficersII. Provided nevertheless, That in any County, Riding or Place, where Pay has not been yet issued for the Militia, no Pay be issued until his Majesty's Lieutenant, or in his Absence, any three Deputy Lieutenants of any such County, Riding or Place, shall have certified to the Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, and to the Receiver General of the Land Tax, that three Fifths of the Number of private Militia Men of such County, Riding or Place, have been inrolled ; and that three Fifths of the Proportion of their Commission Officers have accepted their Commissions and entered their Qualifications as by Law required.

The Monies to be paid by the Receiver General to the clerk of the Regiment or Battalion (except the Allowances to the Clerks of the Meetings upon producing the Warrant of his Appointment;III. And be it: enacted, That all such Sums of Money aforesaid, except such as shall be due to the several Clerks of the Meetings aforesaid, shall where the Militia has never been imbodied, be paid by the said Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, into the Hands of the Clerk or Clerks of the Regiments or Battalions of Militia belonging to such County, Riding or Place, upon his or their producing his or their Warrant or Warrants of Appointment to such Office, under the Hand and Seal of his Majesty's Lieutenant for such respective County, Riding or Place; and where the Militia hath been imbodied, into the Hands of the Clerk or Clerks of the Regiments or Batta lions, upon his or their producing his or their Warrant or Warrants of Appointment to such Office, under the Hand and Seal of the Colonel, or where there is no Colonel, of the Commanding Officer of each Regiment or Battalion respectively, notwithstanding such Militia shall have been disimbodied; and for independent Companies, to the respective Captains, or to their order and where the Militia shall be formed into an Independent Company, or Independent Companies, such Sums as aforesaid shall be paid by the said Receiver or Receivers General of the in Land Tax, into the Hands of the respective Captain of each Independent Company of Militia, or to such Person as such respective Captain shall authorize to receive the same, according to the Number of Persons hereby intitled to receive Pay and Cloathing, of which such Regiment or Regiments, Battalion or Battalions, Independent Company or Independent Companies, shall have been appointed to consift ;according to the estblishment laid down in the Malitia Act of the last Sessionaccording to the Establishment laid down in an act paffed in the laft Session of Parliament, intituled, An Act to explain, amend, and reduce into one Act of Parliament, the several Laws now in being relating to the raising and training the Militia within that Part of Great Britain called England ; A second Payment is also to be made within 3 Months after the first ; and such Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax shall also, within four-teen Days after the Expiration of the third Calendar Month from the Time of the said first Payment, make a second Payment for four Calendar Months in advance;and a third within three Months after the second. and shall also, within fourteen Days after the Expiration of the third Calendar Month from the Time of the said second Payment, make a third Payment for four Calendar Months in advance, for the Pay and contingent Expences of the Militia, and for the Allowances to the Regimental or Battalion Clerk or Clerks aforesaid, in the Proportions herein before mentioned; Recepits of the Persons to whom the Money shall be so paid, dischare the Receivers General. and the Receipts of such Clerk or Clerks, and of such Captain of an Independent Company, or Captains of Independent Companies, or of such Person or Persons as such Captain or Captains shall so authorize to receive such Money as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient Discharge to such Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, for the several Sums of Money so by him or them paid.

The Regimental and Battalion Clerks are to pay in Advance one Month's pay to the Adjutant;IV. And be it enacted, That the Clerk of each Regiment or Battalion of Militia shall forthwith, after the Receipt of such Sums of Money as aforesaid, pay or cause to be paid, one Calendar Month's Pay in advance to the Adjutant of such Regiment or Battalion respectively ;and two Months Pay to each Captain the Serjeants, Drummers and contingent Expences of the said Company; and to the Captain or Commanding Officer of each Company belonging to such Regiment or Battalion, two Months Pay in advance for the serjeants, Drummers, and the contingent expences of his respective Company ; Captain to pay for each Man one Penny Month out of the contingent Money, towards Charges of the Hospital; and for the Serjant Major and Drum Major; to be paid to the Commanding Officer of the company to which they belong out of which said contingent Money each Captain shall pay to the Commanding Officer of each Regiment or Battalion one Penny a Month for each Private Man and Drummer, for defraying the Expences of the Hospital; and also to the Commanding Officer of the Company to which the Serjeant-major and Drum-major shall belong, two Months Pay in advance for such Serjeant and Drum Major; Captains to distribute the pay accordingly; and so from time to time, so long as any Money on that Account shall remain in his Hands : Which pay every such Captain or Commanding Officer is hereby required to distribute to each Person belonging to his Company by this Act intitled to receive the the same , as it shall become due; and account for the same yearly to the Clerk of Receiver General, if an Independent Company, according to the following Form; and shall once in every Year, give in to the Clerk of the Regiment or Battalion to which such Company shall belong, or if Captain of an Independent Company, to the Receiver General, an Account of the several Payments he shall have made in pursuance of this Act, according to the following Form :
