Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/61

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A.D. 1762.
Anno tertio Georgii III.
C. 10.

County of Dr.Per ContraOr.

  £ s d   £ s d
To cash received of Mr.
Regimental or Battalion Clerk, of Receiver General,
as the case shall be,
for two Months Pay in advance.
00 00 00 Paid Sejeant for Days
Pay from theof
to theoffollowing.
00 00 00
        Ditto as Serjeant-major (if one in the Company)      
          Paid Serjeant for Days Pay from the of tothe of following      
          PaidDrumer Days at 6d from the of tothe of following      
          PaidDurrmer Days at 6d from the of tothe of following      
        Ditto as Drum-major (if one in the Company)      
          PaidDrumer Days from the of tothe of following      
        Two Months Contingencies for Men and two Drummers at 6d. per Month each      

and pay back the Surplus Monies in his Hands, except the contingent Expences, which is to be accounted forAnd shall pay back to the said Clerk, or to the Receiver General, as the Case shall be, the Surplus (if any) of the Money by him, from Time to Time, received and then remaining in his Hands, except the Money by this Act allowed for contingent Expences, which shall once in every Year be accounted for by the Captain of each Company respectively, in Manner aforesaid, and the Balance thereof shall be by him paid into the Hands of the Clerk of the Regiment or Battalion to which such Company shall belong, to be applied to the general Use of the said Regiment or Battalion, as the Field Officers and Captains thereof, or the greater Part of them, shall direct ; and the Captain of each Independent Company is hereby required to distribute to each Person belonging to his Company intitled thereto, such Money as he shall receive by virtue of this Act ; and the said Money allowed for the contingent Expences of each Independent Company of Militia shall be respectively applied to the particular Use of such Independent Company by the Captain thereof.

Clerk to retain Money in his Hands for his own Salary;VI. And be it enacted, That the said Regimental or Battalion Clerk may and shall retain to his own Use, out of the Money so by him received, such further Sums as {hall complete the Allowance herein before made for his Salary;and discharge the Cloathing Bills and such Regimental or Battalion Clerk shall pay to such Person or Persons as shall produce an Order from the Commanding Officer of such Regiment or Battalion, such Sums of Money as shall be due and owing for or on account of the Cloathing of the said Regiments or Battalions, not exceeding the Rates herein before mentioned.

VII. And be it further enacted, That when ever his Majesty's Lieutenant, or any three or more Deputy Lieutenants of any County, Riding or Place, shall have fixed the Days of Exercise for the Militia, he or they shall, as soon as may be, certify the same to the Receiver General of such County, Riding or Place, specifying the Number of Men, and the Number of Days such Men are to be absent from Home on Account of such Exercife ;Receiver General to issue thereupon Pay for Officers and Men to the Regimental Clerk,&c. and such Receiver General is hereby required, within fourteen Days after the Receipt of such Certificate, to issue and pay to the Clerks of the several Regiments or Battalions, or to the Captains of the Independent Companies, as the Cafe shall be, at the Rate of three Shillings and six Pence per Day for each Lieutenant, and of three Shillings per Day for each Ensign ; and also at the Rate of one Shilling per Day for each private Militia Man, with the Addition of six Pence per Day for each Corporal of the Militia, so to be called out to Exercise, for the Number of Days such Officers and Men shall be absent from Home on Account of such Exercise;who is to pay over the same to the respective Captains and the said Regimental or Battalion Clerks are hereby required forthwith to pay to each Captain of the said Regiments or Battalion the Proportion of Pay belonging to their respective Companies.

Captains to make up their Account according to the following Form;VI. And be it further enacted, That the Captain of each Company shall make up an Account of all Monies received and paid by him on account of such Exercise, according to the following Form ;

County of Dr. Per Contra Cr.

  £. s. d.   £. s. d.
To cash received of Regimental or Battalion Clerk, of Receiver General,
as the case shall be,
for Pay in advance.
00 00 00 Paid Malitia Men Days 00 00 00
      Paid additional pay toCorpralsDays      
