Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/63

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A.D. 1762.
Anno tertio Georgii III.
C. 11.

Officers on Half-pay serving in the Militia may receive the Subsistence-money payable to Lietenants or Ensigns, they take the following Oath before a Justice. XIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That any Person being on Half-pay, and Officers on Half-pay serving in the Militia, shall and may, and he is hereby impowered to receive and take the Subsistence-money by this Act directed to be paid to Lieutenants or Ensigns; and the receiving and taking such Subsiftence-money by any such Lieutenant or Ensign shall not be deemed a Receiving Lieutenants or Taking Pay, so as in any Manner to prevent such Person on Half-pay receiving his Half-pay ; and such person hall take the following Oath before some Justice of the Peace, who is hereby impowered to administer the same;

The OathI A. B. dow swear, That I had not, between the any Place or Imployment of Profit Civil or Military under his Majesty, besides my Allowance of Half-pay as a reduced in late Regiment of save and except my Subsistence as a Lieutenant or Ensign, as the Case may be, for serving in the Militia of the County of

And the taking the said Oath shall be sufficient to intitle such Person to receive his Half-pay, without taking any other Oath ; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

XV. And whereas by an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, An Act to explain, amend and reduce into one Act of Parliament, the several Laws in being, relating to the raising and training the Militia within that Part of Great Britain called England ; it is enacted, That his Majesty's Lieutenant of every County, Riding and Place, together with any two or more Deputy Lieutenants, and on the Death or Removal, or in the Absence of his Majesty's Lieutenant, any three or more Deputy-Lieutenants, shall meet annually on the last Tuesday in May, or on the last Tuesday in October, as they shall think most convenient for the due Execution of this Act, and at a General Meeting shall appoint the Time and Place, or Times and Places, for the training and exercising of the Militia: And whereas the appointing the Time and Place, or Times and Places, for training and exercising the Militia at such General Meetings so fixed as aforefaid, may be found inconvenient in the Year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three;' Be it therefore further enacted, That Ld. Lieut. to appoint, on or before 30 April, the time and Places of Exercise; it shall and may be lawful to and for his Majesty's Lieutenant of every County, Riding and Place, on or before the thirtieth Day of April next, to appoint the Time and Place, or Times and Places, for training and exercising the Militia in the Year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three ;and on his Default, 3 D. Lieuteants may appoint the same. and in case any such Lieutenant shall not appoint the Time and Place, or Times and Places, for training and exercising the Militia on or before the said thirtieth Day of April, it shall and may be lawful to and for any three or more Deputy Lieutenants of any such County, Riding or Place, to appoint the Time and Place, or Times and Places, for the training and exercising the Militia in the Year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three.

An Act for explaining and amending an Act made in the thirty-first Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, intituled, An Act for the due making of Bread, and to regulate the Price and Assize thereof; and to punish Persons who shall adulterate Meal, Flour or Bread.

WHEREAS the Statute made in the thirty-first Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Second, intituled,31 Ceo. 2. c. 29. An Act for the due making of Bread, and to regulate the Price and Assise thereof; and to punish Persons who shall adulterate Meal, Flour or Bread; is deficient in several of the Provisions thereby made, when an Assize of Bread is not set pursuant to the Directions of the said Act : For Remedy wherein, and in order that Makers of Bread for Sale, and the Sellers thereof, may in all Places, although the Assize of Bread shall at any Time not be set, be under due Regulations ; Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the fame,After 1. May 1763 no assized and prized Bread to be made at the same Time in the same place That from and after the first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although no Assize of Bread shall be set in pursuance assized and prized Bread of the said Act, no Loaf or Loaves of Bread, called or deemed Assize Loaf or Loaves in the Tables of the Assize and Price of Bread in the said Act enacted and referred to, and the Weight ofwhich varies according to the Variation in the Price of Grain, shall be made for Sale, sold or carried out for Sale, or be offered or exposed to or for Sale, or be allowed to be sold in any Place, where any Loaf or Loaves of the Bread called or deemed prized Loaf or Loaves in the said Tables of the Assize and Price of Bread, in and by the said Act enacted and referred to, and the Price of which varies according to the Variation in the Price of Grain, shall at the same Time be made for Sale, or be allowed to be sold ; that is to say, No Assize Loaves of the Price of three Pence, and viz, prized Loaves called Half Quartern Loaves, nor Affize Loaves of the Price of fix Pence, and prized Loaves called Quartern Loaves, nor Affize Loaves of the Price of twelve Pence, and prized Loaves called Half Peck Loaves, nor Affize Loaves of the Price of eighteen Pence, and prized Loaves called Peck Loaves, shall at the same Time, in any Place be made for Sale, fold or carried out for Sale, or be offered or exposed to or for Sale, or allowed to be sold ; that unwary Persons may not in any wife be imposed on, and prejudiced by buying Assize Loaves referred to in the said Tables, as or for prized Loaves referred to in the laid Tables, or by buying such prized Loaves as or for such Assize}}
