Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/64

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C. 11.
Anno tertio GGeorgii III.
A. D. 1762.

Assize Loaves; upon penalty of forfeiting not exceeding 40s nor less then 10s. and every Person who shall offend in the Premisses, and be convicted of any such Offence in Manner hereafter specified, shall for every such Offence, forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding forty Shillings, nor less than ten Shillings, as the Justice or Justices before whom any such Offender or Offenders shall be convicted shall from time to time adjudge.

Justices at any General Quarter, or Petty Session, may appoint which of sorts of Assize or Prized loaves, II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although no Assize of Bread shall be set pursuant to the Directions of the said Act, the Justices of the Peace of every County, Riding, Division, of the Sorts of Assize or City, Town, Liberty and Place, shall and may, at any General or Quarter-Session of the Peace which shall be held within their respective Counties, Divisions, Cities, Towns, Liberties or Jurisdictions, or at any Petty Session which shall be held by any such Justices within their respective Jurisdictions, from time to time, ascertain and appoint (as often as they shall think proper) for all or any Part of their respective Jurisdictions, which of the Sorts of Assize or Prized Loaves shall be allowed from time to time to be made and sold within their respective Jurisdictions; and what other Sorts of Bread, and of what Grain, shall be made for Sale; they causing an Entry to be made of such Orders; which is to be free for Inspection; and also what other Sorts of Bread, and of what Sort and Sorts of Grain shall be allowed to be made and sold within their respective Jurisdictions, or within any Part thereof; and every Order which shall be so from time to time made in or touching the Premisses by any such Justices, shall be entered in a Book to be provided and kept for that Purpose by such Justices, and which Book shall and may be inspected by the Makers of Bread for Sale, within the respective Jurisdiction of any such Justices, at all seasonable Times in the Day-time, and without paying any Fee or Reward in respect thereof; and a Copy thereof to be set up in some market, or other publick place; and after the making every such Order by any such Justices, the Justices who shall make the same shall, with convenient Speed, cause a Copy of every such Order to be affixed or put up in some other publick Place; Market or other publick Town within the Division or Part of the County, Riding, Liberty, Rape, Wapentake, City, Town or Place, in which such Order is to be observed and take Place; or published in the Country News Papers. or else every such Justices, within their respective Jurisdictions, shall cause a Copy of every such Order to be, with all convenient Speed after the making thereof respectively, inserted in some publick News paper which shall be published in the County, Riding, Division, Liberty, Rape, Wapentake, City, Town or Place, or some Part thereof, in which every such Order respectively is to be observed and take Place.

The only Sorts of Assize Bread made of wheat which shall be allowed. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Justices within their respective Jurisdiction shall at any Time allow the making for Sale, or selling any Sorts of Assize Bread made of the Flour or Meal of Wheat, other than and besides Wheaten and Houshold Bread, and Loaves of White Bread of the Price of two Pence, or under.

A like Proportion, as to weight, is to be kept between the White and Wheaten Bread, and the Wheaten and Household Assize Bread; viz. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although the Assize of Bread shall not be set pursuant to the said Act, every Maker of Bread for Sale shall observe and keep the same or like Pro- portion between White and Wheaten Bread, and Wheaten and Houshold Assize Bread, as to Weight, as is mentioned or intended, enacted and referred to, in the said Assize Tables; that is to say, Every White Loaf of the Price of two Pence, or under, shall always weigh Three Parts in Four of the Weight of the Wheaten Loaf, of the like Price, as near as may be; and every Wheaten Assize Loaf of Bread, of whatsoever Price the same shall be, shall always weigh Three Parts in Four of the Weight of every Houshold Assize Loaf of Bread of the like Price, as near as may be; and that every Houshold Assize Loaf of Bread, of whatever Price the same shall be, shall always weigh One Third Part more than every Wheaten Assize Loaf of the like Price, as near as may be; and every Person who shall make for Sale, fell, offer or expose to or for Sale, or have in his or her Custody for Sale, any Loaf of White, Wheaten or Houshold Bread, in which the said Proportions or Regulations shall not be observed and kept, as near as may be, shall, on Penalty of forfeiting, not exceeding 40 s on being convicted of any such Offence in Manner herein after mentioned, forfeit and pay, for every such Offence, a Sum not exceeding forty Shillings, as the Justice or Justices before whom any such Offender or Offenders shall be convicted shall from time to time adjudge.

A Proportion in the price is to be kept in Peck Loaf and Half Peck; and its other Subdivisions, both in the Wheaten, V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although the Assize of Bread shall not be set pur- suant to the said Act every Peck, Half Peck, Quarter of a Peck, and Half Quarter of a Peck Loaf, made for Sale, of the Meal or Flour of Wheat, and called Wheaten Bread, shall always be sold in Proportion to each other respectively, as to Price;

and in Houshold Bread; and the household bread is to be One Fourth cheaper than the Wheaten; and that every Peck, Half Peck, Quarter of a peck, and Half Quarter of a Peck Loaf, made for Sale, of the Meal or Flour of Wheat, and called Houshold Bread, shall always be sold in Proportion to each other, and for One Fourth less in Price than the Loaf made for Sale with the Meal or Flour of Wheat, called Wheaten Bread, of the same Denomination; and every Person who shall in any wise offend in the Premisses shall, for every Loaf of either the said Wheaten or Houshold Bread which shall be sold by him or her, or offered or exposed to or for Sale, or found in his or her Custody for Sale, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, on penalty of forfeiting, not exceeding 40s. nor less than 10s. forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding forty Shillings, nor less than ten Shil- lings, as the Justice or Justices before whom any such Offender or Offenders shall be convicted shall from time to time adjudge.

The Weight the Peck Loaf, and its subdivisions, are to weigh in every sort of Bread which shall be made for Sale; viz VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although the Assize of Bread shall not be set pursuant to the said recited Act, the several Loaves herein after mentioned of every Sort of Bread which shall be made for Sale; shall always weigh in Averdupois Weight as follows; that is to say, Every Peck Loaf, seventeen Pounds six Ounces ; every Half Peck Loaf, eight Pounds eleven Ounces;

