Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/65

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A.D. 1762.
Anno tertio Georgii III.
C. 11.

every Quarter of a Peck Loaf, four Pounds five Ounces, and one Half Ounce; and every Half Quarter of a Peck Loaf, two Pounds two Ounces and three Quarters of one Ounce : And every Person who shall make for Sale, or offer or expose to or for Sale, or have in his or her Possesssion for Sale, any Peck, Half Peck, Quarter of a Peck, or Half Quarter of a Peck Loaf, in any wife deficient of the due Weight the fame ought to be as aforefaid, shall, on Forfeiture not exceeding 5 s - nor less than 1s. for every Ounce wanting in the weight; on being convicted of any such Offence in Manner herein after mentioned, forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding five Shillings, nor less than one Shilling, for every Ounce of every Loaf of such Bread which shall at any Time be found wanting, or deficient of or in the due Weight the same ought to be as aforefaid; nor exceeding 2 s. 6.d nor less than 6d. for all under 1 oz. and for every such Loaf of Bread which shall be found wanting less than one Ounce of the due Weight fame ought to be as aforefaid, a Sum not exceeding two Shillings and six Pence, nor less than six Pence, as any Justice or Justices before whom any such Loaf of Bread, which shall not be of the due Weight the same ought to be as aforesaid, shall adjudge; {{R sidenote|the same to be weighed before a Justice, with n 24 hours after being sold, or exposed to Sale, &c. if within any City, Town corporate, *c. or within the Bills of Mortality; so as all such Bread which shall be complained of, as wanting at any Time of the due Weight the same ought to be in any City, Town Corporate, Borough, Liberty or Franchise, or the Jurisdiction thereof, or within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, shall, from time to time, be brought before some Justice or Justices, having juris- diction in the Premisses, and shall be weighed before such Justice or Justices within twenty-four Hours after the same shall have been baked, sold, or exposed to or for Sale, or found in any Per- son's Custody for Sale; and in otheer places, within three days; and so as all such Bread which shall be complained of as wanting at any Time in the due Weight the same ought to be as aforesaid, in any Hundred, Riding, Division, Rape, Wapentake, or other Place, out of any City, Town Corporate, Borough, Liberty or Fran- chise, or the Jurisdiction thereof, or out of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, shall, from time to time, be brought before some Justice or Justices of such Hundred, Riding, Division, Liberty, Rape or Wapentake, or other Place, and shall be weighed before such Justice or Justices within three Days after the same shall have been baked, offered or exposed to or for Sale, or found in any Per- son's Custody for Sale; unless such Deficiency shall be satisfactorily accounted for. unless it shall be made out to the Satisfaction of any such Justice or Justices before whom any such Bread shall be brought, by or on the Behalf of the Party or Parties against whom any such Complaint or Information shall be made, that such Deficiency in Weight wholly arose from some unavoidable Accident in Baking or otherwise, or was occasioned by or through some Contrivance or Confederacy.

Bread of an inferior Qua-ulity to Wheaten, not to be sold at a higher price than the household; VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although an Assize of Bread shall not be set pursuant to the said Act, no Person shall sell, or offer or expose to or for. Sale, or have in his or her Custody any Bread of an inferior Quality to Wheaten Bread, with Intent to sell the same at an higher Price than Houshold Bread shall at the same Time sell for in the Place where any Bread of such inferior Quality shall be sold, or offered to or for Sale, or be found for Sale in any Person's Custody; on Forfeiture, not exceeding 20s. upon Pain that every one who shall offend in the Premisses, shall, for every such Offence, on being thereof convicted in Manner herein after mentioned, forfeit and pay not exceeding the Sum of twenty Shil- lings, as the Justice or Justices before whom any such Offender or Offenders shall be convicted shall from time to time adjudge.

A large Roman (W) to be imprinted on all Wheaten Bread made for sale; VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although the Assize of Bread shall not be set pursuant to the said Act, all Persons who shall make for Sale, sell, offer or expose to or for Sale, or have in his or her Custody for Sale, any of the said Wheaten or Household Bread, shall from time to time cause to be imprinted on every respective Loaf thereof, as followeth; that is to say, on every Loaf of the said Wheaten Bread, a large Roman ( W) and a large Roman (H) on all household bread; and on every Loaf of the said House- hold Bread, a large Roman (H); And if any Person after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three shall make for Sale, sell, offer or expose to or for Sale, or have in his or her Custody for Sale, any Loaf of the said Wheaten or Household Bread, which shall not be marked as hereby is directed, so as the same may, on the View thereof, be ascertained under what Denomination or Sort of Bread every such Loaf was and ought to be weighed (except as to such Loaves which shall be rasped after the bespeaking or purchasing thereof, by the particular Desire of the Person who shall order the same to be so rasped for his or her own Use) he or she who shall so offend in the Premisses, and shall be thereof convicted in Manner herein after mentioned, for on Penalty of forfeiting not exceeding 40s. nor less than 10 s. shall for every Loaf of such Bread not marked as hereby is directed, which shall be found in his or her Custody, forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding forty Shillings, nor less than ten Shillings, as the Justice or Justices before whom any such Offender or Offenders shall be convicted shall from time to time adjudge; unless such Omission shall be satisfactorily accounted for. unless it shall be made out to the Satisfaction of such Justice or Justices, by or on the Behalf of the Party or Parties against whom any such Complaint or Information shall be made, that the not marking or not duly marking thereof wholly arose from some unavoidable Accident in baking, or otherwise, or was occasioned by or through some Contrivance or Confederacy.

Bread made of any other Grain than Wheat, to be impressed with such Letters as the Justices shall order; IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, although the Assize of Bread shall not be set pursuant to the Directions of the said Act, every Loaf of every Sort of Bread made of the Meal or Flour of any other Sort of Grain than Wheat, which shall be made for Sale, or be sold, carried out, offered or exposed in any wise to or for Sale, shall be marked with some significant and distinct Letter or Letters, not more than two thereon respectively, as the Justices of any County, Riding, Division, Liberty, City, Town or Place, at any General or Quarter-Session of the Peace which shall be holden within their respective Counties, Ridings, Divisions, Liberties, Cities, Towns or
