Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/634

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possessed lands, and other hereditaments, in their owne right, of the yeerely value of twentie pounds, or goods, to the value of two hundred markes at the least. And the persons severally by the discretions of the same Commissioners, in Shires, Ridings, Lathes, Wapentakes, Rapes, Cities, Townes corporat, and other whatsovuer places, as well within places priviledged as without not being foreprised within this Act, to be high Collectors, and have the collection and receipt of the said sums, set and leviable within the precinct, limit, and bounds where they shall be so limited to gather and receive, to every of the which Collectors so severally named, the said Commissioners, or two of them at the lead, shall with all speed & without delay, after the said whole sum of the said subsidie, be set by all the limits of the same their commission, or in such limits as the high Collectors shalbe so severally assigned, shall under their seales & signes manuell, deliver one estreat indented in parchment to every of the said high Collectors, comprising in it the names of all such persons as were assigned to levie the said particular sums, and the sums of every Hundred, wapentake, towne or other place aforesaid, with the names and surnames of the persons so chargeable, according to the estreat so first thereof made, as is aforesaid, and delivered, and the Collector to be assigned, shall "be charged to answere the whole summe comprised in the said estreat limited to his collection, as is aforesaid.

XXIII. Provided alwayes, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that the said Commissioners having authority by this Act, to name and nominate the said high Collectors of the said Subsidie, shall immediatly upon the nomination and election, take by authority of this present Parliament, sufficient recognisances or obligations, without any see or reward to be paid therfore of every person so by them to be named to be high Collector, to be bound to the Queens Majestie in the double summe of the summe of his collection, and to bee indorsed and made upon such condition: The conditions of the Recog, of the Collectors of the Subside. that is to say, for the Collection of the said first paiment of the said Subsidie, "that if the said Collector, his heires or executors do truely content and pay to the use of the Queens Majestie, her heires or executors, in the receipt of the said Exchequer, before the said foure and twentieth day of June next comming, so much or the summe of money allotted and appointed to his collection, as he shall collect and gather, and content and pay the residue of his collection and charge, within one moneth next after such time as he hath gathered and collected the same residue, that then the said recognisance or obligation to be void, or else to stand in full strength and vertue." And for the collection of the second paiment of the said Subsidie,The like for the second paiment upon condition, "that if the said Collector, his heires or executors, doe truely content and pay to the use of the Queens Majesty, her heires or executors, in her receipt of the Exchequer, before the first day of March, which shalbe in the yere of our Lord God a thousand five hundred fifty nine, so much of the said sum of mony allotted & appointed to his collection, as he shall collect and gather, & content and pay the residue of his collection and charge, within one moneth next after such time as he hath gathered and collected the same residue: that then the said recogisfance or obligation to be void, or els to stand in full strength and vertue:" which said several recognisances or obligations so taken, the said Commissioners shal severally certifie & deliver into the Queens Majesties Exchequer, with the several certificats of the said taxations & rates of the paiments of the said Subssidy, at & by the time to them presfcribed & appointed by this Act, for the certificat of the said several taxations of the said Subsidy, upon pain of forfeiture of to the Queens Majesty, for every recognisance or obligation not certified. And that every such collector so elected named & chosen, upon request to him made, shall knowledge & make the said recognisance or obligation, upon like paine and forfeiture of to the Queenes Majestie for the refusall thereof, and every Collector so deputed, having the said estreat in parchment, as is aforesaid, shall have authority by this Act, to appoint dayes and places within the circuit of his Collection, for the payment of the said Subsidy, to him to be made, and thereof to give warning by Proclamation or otherwise, to all the Constables or other persons, or Inhabitants, having the charge of the particular collection, within the Hundreds, Parishes, Townes, or other places by him or them limited to make payment for their said particular Collection of every summe, as to them shall appertaine. And if at the said day and place so limited and prefixed by the said Collector, the said Constable, Officers, or other persons or inhabitants, as is aforesaid, for the said particular collection, assigned and appointed within the Hundred, City, Towne, or other place, doe not pay unto the said Collectors, the summe within their severall Hundreds, Townes, Parishes, or other places due and comprised in the said estreat thereof, to him delivered by the said Commissioners, or some of them, as is aforesaid, or so much thereof as they have by any meane received two pence of every pound for the said particular collection as is aforesaid, alwayes to be thereof allowed, excepted and abated, that then it shall be awfull to the said high Collectors, and every of them, and to their assignes, to distreine every of the said Constables, Officers, and other inhabitants, for their said severall and particular collection of the said sumrnes comprised in the said estreat and writing thereof, to them and every of them, as is before expressed, delivered, or forasmuch of the summe as so then shall happen to be gathered and levyed, and be behind and unpaid, by the goods and chattels of every of them, so being behind. And the distresse so taken, to bee kept appraised, and solde as is aforesaid, and thereof to take and levy the summes so then being behind and unpaid. And the ouerplus comming of the sale of the said distresse (if any be) to be restored and delivered unto the owner, in forme above remembred.

XXIV. Provided alwayes, that no person inhabiting in any City, Borough or Towne corporate, shallbe compelled to be an Assessor or Collector, of, or for any part of the Subsidy, in any place or places out of the said City, Borough or Towne corporate, where he dwelleth.

XXV. And it is also by the said authority enacted, That if any inhabitant or officer, or whatsoever person or persons charged to and for the collection or receipt of any part or portion of the said Subsidie, by any maner of meanes, according to this Act, or any person or persons for themselves, or as keeper, gardian, deputie, factor or Attourney, of, or for any other person or persons, of any goods and chat-tels