Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/635

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tels, whereof the owner thereof, at the time of the said asses sing to bee made, being out of this Realme, or in any other parts not knowne, or of and for the goods and chattels of any other perfon or persons, of any corporation, fraternitie, mysterie, or other whatsoever comonaltie, being incorporat or not incorporat, and all persons, having in their rule, gocernance and custody, any goods or chattels at the time of the said assessing, or any of them, to be made, or which for any cause, for and by collection, or for himselfe, or for any other, or by reason that he hath the rule, governance or custody of any goods or chattels, of any otherperson or persons, corporation, commonaltie, fraternitie, guild or mysterie, or any such other like, or as a factor, deputie or Attourney, of, or for any person, shalbe taxed, rated, valued and set to any summe or summes by reason of this Act, and after the taxation or assefssling upon any such person or persons as shalbe charged with,the receipt of the same happen to die, or depart from the place where he was so taxed and set, of his goods or chattels be so eloyned, or in such privie and covert maner kept, as the said person or persons, charged with the same, by estreats, or other writings, from the said Commissioners, or as many of them as shall be there unto appointed by the said Commission, as is aforesaid, can, nor may levie the same summe or summes, comprised within the same estreats, by distresse, within the limits of their collection, as is aforesaid, or cannot fell such distresse or distresses, as be taken for any of the said payments, before, the time limited to the high collector, for his payment to be made in the Qyeenes Majesties receipt, then upon relation thereof, with due examination, by the oth or examination of such person or persons, as shall be charged with and for the receipt and collection the same before the said commissioners, or as many of them as by the said commission that be thereunto appointed, where such person or persons, or other as is aforesaid, their goods and chattels, were set and taxed, and upon plaine certificat thereof made in the Qyeenes Majesties Excheker by the same commissioners, as well of the dwelling place, names, and summes of the said persons, of whom the said summes cannot bee levied and had as is aforesaid, then aswell the constables and other inhabitants appointed for the said, particular collection, against the high collector upon the account and oth in the said Excheker, to bee discharged thereof, and processe to bee made for the Qyeenes Majestie out of the said Excheker, by the discretion of the Barons of the said Excheker against such person, his heires or executours, so being behind with his payment. And over that the same commissioner to whom any such declaration of the premisses shall bee made in forme aforesaid, from time to time, shall have full power and authority to direct their precept or precepts unto the said persfon or persons charged with any summe, of, for or upon any such person or persons, or other as is aforesaid, or to any other Shiriffe, Seward, Bailiffe, or other whatsoever officer, minister, person or persons, of such place or places where any such person or persons so owing, such summe or summes shall have lands and tenements, or other hereditaments, or reall possessions, goods,, and chattels, whereby any such person or persons so indebted, his heires, executours, or assignes, or other having the custody, governance, or disposition, of any goods, chattels, lands, or tenements, or other hereditament's, or which ought or may by this Act lawfully be distreined, or taken for the sfame, hath and (shall have, goods, chattels, lands, tenements, or other possessions, whereof such summe or summes, which by any such person or persons may or ought to be levied, be it within the limits of such commssiion, where such person or persons was and were taxed, or without, in any place within this realme of England, Wales, or other the Qyeenes Majesties dominions, marches or tenetories, by which precept aswell such person or persons, as shall be charged to levie such money, as; the officers of the place or places, where such distresse may be taken, shall have full power and authority, to distreine every such person indebted charged, and chargeable by this Act, or his executours or administrators of his goods and chattels, his garaiavs, factors,' deputies, leasees, farmers, assignes, and all other persons, by whose hands or out of whose lands, any such person should have rent, fee, annuity, or other profit, or which at any time of the said assessings, shall have goods or chattels, or any other thing mooveable, of any such person or persons, being indebted, or owing such summe, and the distresse so taken, caused to be kept, appraised, and sold, in like maner and forme as is aforesaid, for the distresse to bee taken upon such persons to bee taxed to the said Subsidie, and being sufficient to distreine within the lemits of the collectors, inhabitant, or other officers, charged with, or for the same summes, so upon them to be taxed. And if any such distresse for non payment, happen to bee taken out of the limit of the said persons, charged and assigned to levie the same, the persons so charged for the levie of any such summe by distresse, shall receive and take of the same distresse, for the labour of every person, going for execution thereof, for every mile that any such person so labpureth for the same, two pense. And every farmer, tenant, gardian, factor, or other whatsoever person being distreined, or otherwise charged for paiment of any summe or summes, or any other summe by reason of this Act, shall bee of such summe or summes of him or them to bee levied and taken, discharged and acquited at his next day of paiment of the same, or at the deliverie of such goods and chattels, as hee that is so distreined had in his custody and governance, against him or them that shall bee so taxed or set, any grant or writing obligatorie, or other whatsovuer matter to the contrary made heeretofore notwithstanding. And if any such person that should be so distreined, have no lands or tenements sufficient whereby hee or his tenants and farmours may bee distreined, or hath eloined, aliened, or hid his goods and chattels, whereby hee should or might bee distreined, in such maner, that such goods and chattels shall not bee knowne or found, so that the summe, of, or by him to be paid in the sfaid forme, shall, nor can conveniently be levied: then upon relation thereof to the Commissioners, or to as many of them as by the said Commission shalbe thereunto appointed, where such person or persons was taxed and set, by the oths of him or them that shall bee charged with the levie and payment of that summe or summes, the same Commissioners shall make a precept in such maner as is aforesaid, for to attach, take, and arrest, the body of such person or persons, that ought to pay the said summes, and by this Act shall be charged with, and for the said summe and summes, and them so taken, safely to keepe in prison
