Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/666

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■lqz APPENDIX. of the fame Book, with the Name or Names of him or them that (hall Authorize or Licenfe the fame, for a Teftimony of the Allowance thereof. AH Books from y, Aria 1 be it further enacted by the authority aforefaicl, That every Merchant of Books, and Per- . b| y bro U g" w fon or Perfons whatfoever, who doth, or hereafter mall Import or bring any Book or Books into this ' the Port of Lon- Realm from any Parts beyond the Seas, Ihall Import the fame in the Port of London only, and not elfe- dononly. where, without the fpecial Licence of the Archbilhop of Canterbury, and Bifhop of London for the time being, or one of them, who are hereby authorized to grant Licences for that purpofe, and (hall before fuch lime as the fame Buok or Books, or any of them be delivered forth, or out of his or their hand or hands, or expoled to Sale, give and prefent a true Note or Catalogue in writing of all and every fuch Book or Books, unto the Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury, and Lord Bifhop of London for the time being, or to one of them, and no Merchant or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever which (hall import or bring any Book or Books into the Port of London aforelaid, from any Parts beyond the Seas, (hall prefume to open any Dry-Fats, Bales, Packs, Maunds, or other Fardles of Books, or wherein Books are, nor (hall any Seaicher, Waiter, or other Officer, belonging to the Cuftom-houfe, upon pain of lofing his or 'And rot to be their Place or Piaces, fuller the fame to pais, or to be delivered out of his or their hands or cuftody, be- operud or utter- f ore f uc h r j me as t h e Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury and the Lord Bifhop of London for the time by'theArihhi b'ing, or one of them, (hall have appointed fome Scholar or Learned Man, with one or more of the (aid fhop of Camcr- Company of Stationers, and fuch others as they ihall call to their Affiftance, to be prefent at the Lo'idon 5 ^!! * °P? nm g thereof, and to view the fame ; And if there (hall happen to be found any Heretical, Seditious, otii'-Vhy^me'of Scandalous, Schifmatical, or other dangerous or offeniive Book or Books, or any part of fuch Book or them appoint- Books printed in Lnglijh, they (hall forthwith be brought to the faid Lord Archbilhop of Canterbury, cd - and Lord Bifhop of London for the time being, or to one of them, or to fome publick place to be aifigned Heretical, Sedi-'and chofen by the faid Lord Archbilhop, and Lord Bilhop for the time being, to the end the perfon and >usi or dan- p er f ons w h'.ch Imported!, or caufeth the faid offenfive Books to be Imported, may be proceeded againft i P orted,°how as an Offender againft this prefent Act ; And alio that fuch further courfe may be taken concerning geroiis Books to he proceeded the fame Offeniive Book or Books, as by the faid Lord Archbifhop and Bifhop for the time being, (hall u P on ' be thought fitting for the fuppreffing thereof. c.pies of Books, VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That no perfon or perfons (hall within biilToH'rfd'tn^" t '" s Kingdom, or elfewhere, Imprint or caufe to be Imprinted, nor (hall Import or bring in, or caufe tires, Whereof to be Imported or brought into this Kingdom from or out of any other his Majefties Dominions, nor any have Let- from any other Parts beyond the Seas, any Copy or Copies, Book or Books, or part of any Book or foic'i rlnthig f ° r Books, or Forms of Biank-bills or Indentures for any his Majefties Illands, printed beyond the Seas, or elfewhere, which any perfon or perfons by fo ce or virtue of any Letters-Patents granted or affigned, or which (hail hereafter be granted or affigned to him or them, or (where the fame are not granted by any Letters Patents) by force or virtue of any Entry or Entries thereof duly made or to be made in the Regifter-Book of the faid Company of Stationers, or in the Regiiler-Book of either of the Untveriities lefpectively, have or ihall have the Right, Priviledge, Authority, or Allowance, foley to Print, without the content of the Owner or Owners of fuch Book or Books, Copy or Copies, Form or Forms of fuch Blank-bills, nor Ihall Bind,' Stitch, or put to Sale any fuch Book or Books, or part of any Book or Books, The Penalty. Form or Forms, without the like confent, upon pain of lois and forfeiture of the fame, and of being- proceeded againft as an Offender againft this prefent Act, and upon the further penalty and forfeiture of Six (hillings eight pence for every fuch Book or Books, or part of fuch Book or Books, Copy or Co- pies, or Form or forms of any fuch Blank-bills or Indentures fo Imprinted or Imported, Bound, Stitch- ed, or put to Sale ; The moiety of which faid forfeiture and forfeitures (hall be to the ufe of our So- vereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other moiety to the ufe of the Owner or Owners, Proprietors of fuch Copy or Copies, Book or Books, or Form of fuch Blank-bills or Indentures, if he or they ihall fue for the fame within Six Months next after fuch Imprinting, Importing, Binding, Stitching, or putting to Sale ; And in default of fuch Suit by the Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Pro- prietors, commenced within the faid Six Months, Then the fame moiety (hall be to the ufe and behoof of fuch other perfon and perfons as within the fpace of one Year next after the faid Offence committed, (hall fue for the fame, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of ins Majefties Courts of Record held at JVeftminJicr, called the Kings-Bench, Common-Pleas or Exche- quer, wherein no Effoign, Wager of Law, or Protection (hall be allowed to the Defendant or De- fendants. Printers of VII. And b'e it further enacted and declared, That every perfon and perfons that (hall hereafter Print, Books, & j. ihall or caufe to be Printed any Book, Ballad, Chart, Pourtracture, or any other thing or things whatfoever, Names. tlUr '^ a " thereunto, or thereon, Print and fet his or their own Name or Names, and alfo (hall declare the Name of the Author thereof, if he be thereunto required by the Licencer under whofe Approbation the Licenfing of the faid Book, Ballad, Chart, or Pourtracture (hall be Authorized, and by and for Penalty. whom any luch Book or other thing is or (hall be Printed, upon pain of forfeiture of all fuch Books, Ballads, Charts, Pourtractures, and other thing or things Printed contrary to the Tenor hereof; And the Preifes, Letters, and other Inftrurnents for Printing, wherewith fuch Book, Ballad, Pourtracture, or other thing or things (hail be fo Imprinted, or fet or prepared for the Printing thereof, to be de- faced aid made unferriceable, And that no perfon or perfons (hall hereafter Print, or caufe to be Imprint- ed, nor (hall forge, put or counterfeit in or upon any Book or Pamphlet, the Name, Title, Mark, or V inner of any perfon or perfons which hath or (hall have lawful Priviledge, Authority or Allowance of fule Printing the fame, without the free confent of the perfon or perfons fo Prrviledged rirft had and obtained, upon pain that every perfon and perfons fo offending, Ihall forfeit and lofe ail fuch Books and 4- Pamphlets,