Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/82

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n 9 Method to tie nbferved in drawing, &c. C. 12. Anno tertio Georgii III. A. D. 1762. Firft Lottery te begin LII. And be it further enadcd by the Authority aforefaid, That on or before the thirtieth Day drawing on or before 30 f ju tl y one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, the i'aid Managers and Diredors fhall caufe m or' before 18 Nov? the faid feveral Boxes, with all the Tickets therein for the firft Lottery, and on or before the twenty-eighth Day of November one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, the faid Managers and Directors fhall caufe the faid feveral Boxes with the Tickets therein for the fecond Lottery, to be refpedively brought into the Guildhall of the City of London, (o that the fame may be there, and placed on a Table provided for that Purpofe, by Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon of the faid respective Days, and (hall then and there fcverally attend this Service, and caufe the two Boxes, containing the faid Tickets, to be feverally taken out of the other two Boxes, in which they fhall have been locked up ; and the Tickets or Lots in the refpedive innermoft Boxes being, in the Pre- fence of the faid Managers and Directors, or fuch of them as fhall be then prefent, and of fuch Adventurers as will be there for the Satisfaction of themfelves, well fhaken and mingled in each Box, diftindly; fome one in'diiferent and fit Perfon to be appointed and dire&ed by the faid Ma- nagers, or the major Part of them, or fuch of them as fhall be then prefent, fhall takeout and draw one Ticket from the Box where the laid numbered Tickets fhall be as aforefaid put ; and one other indifferent and fit Perfon to be appointed and directed in like Manner, fhall take out a Ticket or Lot from the Box where the faid five thoufand eight hundred Fortunate, and the twenty-nine thoufand two hundred Blank Tickets fhall be promifcuoufly put as aforefaid ; and immediately both the Tickets fo drawn fhall be opened, and the Number, as well of the Fortunate as the Blank Ticket, fhall be named aloud ; and if the Ticket taken or drawn from the Box containing the For- tunate and Blank Lots fhall appear to be a Blank, then the numbered Ticket fo drawn with the faid Blank at the fame Time drawn, fhall be both put upon one File ; and if the Ticket fo drawn or taken from the Box containing the Fortunate and Blank Lots fhall appear to be one of the Fortu- nate Tickets, then the Principal Sum written upon fuch Fortunate Ticket, whatfoever it be, fhall be entered by a Clerk, which the faid Managers, or the major Part of them as aforefaid, fhall im- ploy and overfee for this Purpofe, into a Book to be kept for entering the Numbers coming up with the faid Fortunate Tickets, and the Principal Sums whereunto they fhall be ifititled refpedively, and two of the faid Managers fhall fet their Names as Witneffes to fuch Entries ; and the faid For- tunate and numbered Tickets fo drawn together, lhall be put upon another File ; and fo the faid Drawing of the Tickets fhall continue, by taking one Ticket at a Time out of each Box, and with opening, naming aloud, and filing the fame, and by entering the Fortunate Lots in fuch Me- thod as is before mentioned, until the whole Number of five thoufand eight hundred Fortunate Tickets, and one more for the laft drawn as aforefaid, (hill be completely drawn in each Lot- After each Day's Draw- tery ; and as the fame cannot be performed in one Day's Time, the faid Managers or Directors lMked up^ndVeakl ^ a ^ cau ^ e f ^ e Boxes to be locked up and fealed in Manner as aforefaid, and adjourn till the next Day, and fo from Day to Day, and every Day (except Sundays, Chrijhnas-day, Thankfgiving and Faff Days) and then open the fame, and proceed as above, till the faid whole Number of five thou- fand eight hundred Fortunate Tickets, and one more, fhall be completely drawn in each Lottery refpedively as aforefaid ; and afterwards the faid numbered Tickets fo drawn, with the Fortunate Tickets drawn againft the fame, fhall be and remain in a ftrong Box locked up as aforefaid, and under the Cuffody of the faid Managers, until they lhail take them out to examine, adjuft and fettle the Property thereof. LIII. And to the End the Fortunate may know, whether abfent or prefent, to what Degree they have been fo, Be it enaded, That the faid PVlanagers lhall as foon as conveniently may be, after the faid drawing of each Lottery is over, caufe to be printed and publifhed, the Number of the Tickets drawn againft each Fortunate Ticket, and the Principal Sum written on the fame; and if Dilutes relating thereto, any Contention or Difpute fhall arife in the adjufting the Property of the faid Fortunate Tickets, Le adjufted by the • the major Part of the (aid Managers agreeing therein lhall determine to whom it doth or ought to belong; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall forge or counterfeit any Ticket or Tickets, Certificate or Certificates to be made forth by this Ad, or alter any the Numbers thereof, or utter, vend, barter, or difpofe of, or offer to difpofe of, any falfe, altered, forged or counterfeit Ticket or Tickets, Certificate or Certificates, or fhall bring' any forged or counterfeit Ticket or Certificate, or any Ticket or Certificate the Number whereof is altered (knowing the fame to be fuchj to the faid Managers, or any of them, or tothe Cafhier or Accomptant General of the Bank of England for the Time being, or to any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, with a fraudulent Intention ; --' n y- then .every fuch Perfon or Perfons being thereof convicted in due Form of Law, fhall be adjudged a Felon, and lhall fuffer Death as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy ; and the faid Managers and Directors, or any two or more of them are hereby authorifed, required and im- poweredj to caufe any Perfon or Perfons bringing or uttering fuch forged or counterfeit Ticket or Tickets, Ceitificate or Certificates as aforefaid, to be apprehended, and to commit him, her or them to his Majefty's Gaol of Newgate, or to the Common Gaol. of the County or Place where fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be fo apprehended, to be proceeded againft for the faid Felony accor- ding to Law. Managers to be fwovn. LIV. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon that (hall be apppointed as aforefaid to be a Manager and Director for putting this Ad in Execu- tion, before his ading in fuch Commiflion, fhall take the Oath following; that is to fay, Numbers of the Fortu- nate Tickets, and the Sums in eacli Lottery to be printed Managers. JPenaJty of forging Tickets or Certificates, 'I A.Br