Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/83

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A.D. 1762. Anno tertio Georgii III. C. 12. 33 1A. B. do fwear, That I will faithfully execute the Trufl: repofed in me, as a Manager and Di- The Oath j redtor cv the Lotteries, eftablifhed by an Act made in the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign; and that I will not ufe any indirect Art or Means, or permit or direct any Perfon to ufe any indirect Art or Means, to obtain a Prize or Fortunate Lot, for myfelf, or any other Perfon whatfoever; and that I will do the utmoft of my Endeavour to prevent any undue or finifter Practice to be done by any Perfon whatfoever; and that I will to the beft of my Judgment, de- clare to whom any Prize, Lot or Ticket, pf Right does belong, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Act.' Which faid Oath fhall and may be adminiftered by any two or more of the other Managers and to ° e adminiftered by Directors. two Managers. LV. Provided always, That it fhall and maybe lawful to and for the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers, Cartiiqr on receiving. the having given Security as aforefaid, at any Time or Times before fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers fhall have Refidue of the Sunu received any Book or Books for the faid refpective Lotteries from the faid Managers, comprehend- Mfcnbed, ing the faid thirty-five thoufand Tickets for each Lottery in three Columns as aforefaid, to receive from any Perfon or Perfons who will voluntarily offer, contribute and advance the Refidue of any Sum of ten Pounds, or feveral Sums of ten Pounds, upon this Act as aforefaid, the Sums fo offered to be contributed or advanced at one intire Payment, upon both or either of the faid Lotteries, or in fuch Proportions and Manner as aforefaid, before fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers fhall have received fuch refpective Book or Books; and the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers fhall give a Note or Receipt under to give Receipts for his or their Hand or Hands for the Sum or Sums fo contributed, fpecifying the Lottery in refpect the fame > whereof fuch Monies are paid; and fhall be obliged thereby, and by this Act, to give the Bearer "id the Bearers intitled of every fuch Note or Receipt, a Ticket or Tickets of the extreme Column of the three Columns to one Lottery Ticket Book or Books aforefaid in the fame Lottery, for every ten Pounds fo contributed, paid or an- orevel 7 IO • ° r a| • fwered, as foon as he or they fhall be enabled thereunto, by Delivery of any fuch Book or Books to him or them from the faid Managers as aforefaid; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. LVI. Provided alfo, That in cafe any fuch Contributor or Adventurer as aforefaid, who fhall •Contributor! not making have advanced and paid down to fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers, a Proportion of his, her or their Confi- ^ refpea t? rhTraU deration-money towards the faid refpective Lotteries, his, her or their Executors, Adminiftrators, Lotteries w j t hin t ), e Succeffors or Affigns, do not advance and pay unto fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers the remaining Part of Tunes limited, to for, his, her or their Conftderation-money fo to be paid in full for fuch Tickets as aforefaid, on or be- feit their Depofits j fore the refpective Times for paying thereof as aforefaid, that then and in every fuch Cafe, every fuch Contributor or Adventurer fhall forfeit and lofe to his Majefty, for the Ufe of the Publick, the Proportion of his, her or their Purchafe-money which he, fhe or they fhall have fo paid down as aforefaid, towards and upon account of the Lottery in relation to which fuch Default fhall be made; and in fuch Cafe, no Ticket or Tickets for fuch Lottery fhall be delivered out by the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers to fuch Contributor or Contributors making fuch Default, but the Ticket and Tickets which fhould have been delivered to fuch Contributor and Contributors, had they paid the full Mor- ney for the fame, fhall be returned and delivered to the faid Managers and Directors by the faid Ca- fhier or Cafhiers, together with the other Ticket or Tickets (if any) in the outermoft Column of the refpective Book and Books firft herein mentioned, and directed to be prepared, which fhall not have been difpofed of to Contributors as aforefaid; and fuch T'icket and Tickets, upon and for and the Tickets for fuch which Defaults of Payment fhall have been made as aforefaid, fhall be delivered into the Receipt of Sums to be delivered lack his Majefty's Exchequer, with other the faid undifpofed Tickets (if any) there to be retained and mt0 tiie h: " h:o . u «> kept as Cafh, and to be iffued, fold and difpofed of, for the Purpofes and in the Manner herein be- fore directed and appointed with refpect to the faid undifpofed Tickets; and the faid Contributor and Contributors making fuch Default fhall not have or receive, or be intitled to have or receive any Benefit or Advantage for or in refpect of the Money which he, fhe or they fhall have paid for or towards the Purchafe of fuch Ticket or Tickets; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. L VII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That out of the Monies Treafury to reward the to arife by and out of any of the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament, it fhall and may Managers and Clerks, be lawful to and for any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or the High Trea- c^^fcKheLoctT 1 * furer for the Time being, to reward the faid Managers and Directors, and the Clerks and Officers to be imployed by and under them, and any other Officers and Perfons that fhall and may be any ways imployed in this Affair, for their Labour and Pains, and to difcharge fuch incident Expences, as fhall neceffarily attend the Execution of this Act, in fuch Manner as any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall from time to time think fit and reafonable in that Behalf; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwith- ftanding. LV1II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall fell Limitation of Salt of the Chance or Chances of any Ticket or Tickets, or any Share or Shares of any Ticket or Tickets chanc et. &=. in:each or either of the faid Lotteries, fpr a Day, or Part of a Day, or for a longer Time lefs than the whole Time of drawing the Lottery then to come; or fhall receive any Money whatfoever in Confideration of the Repayment of any Sum or Sums of Money, in cafe any Ticket or Tickets in each or either of the faid Lotteries fliall prove Fortunate; or fhall lay any Wager relating to the Vol. IX. F drawing