Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/87

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A.D. 1762.
Anno tertio Georgii III.
C. 14.

Malt, whereby the Revenue and the fair Trader have been greatly injured ; Be it therefore enacted by the King's moll Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That Makers of Malt for Home Consumption, not but being Compounders, are to give due Notice to the proper Officer of Excise, before their wetting any Corn or Grain for Malt; from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thousand seven hundred sixty-three, during the Continuance of any of the Duties on Malt, every Master or Maker of Malt for Home Consumption (not being a Compounder for the Duties on Malt) whose Malt-house or Malt-houses is or are situate in any City, or the Suburbs thereof, or in any Market Town, shall, the proper Officer of at least twenty-four Hours before he or she shall begin to wet any Corn or Grain to be made into Excise, before their Malt, give or cause to be given to the Officer of Excise under whose Survey such Malster or Maker shall ten be, a Notice in Writing of the particular Hour or Time of the Day when he or she intends to wet Corn or Grain to be made into Malt ; and every other Malster or Maker of Malt for Home Consumption (not being a Compounder for the Duties on Malt) whose Malt-house or Malt-houses is or are not situate in any City, or the Suburbs thereof, or in any Market Town shall, at least forty-eight Hours before he or she shall begin to wet any Corn or Grain to be made into Malt, give or cause to be given a like Notice in Writing ;and if they do not keep to or near the Time mentioned, they are to give fresh notice. and in Case any such Malster or Maker of Malt shall not begin to wet his Corn or Grain, and immediately proceed to cover the Whole thereof with Water at the Flour or Time mentioned in such respective Notice, or within three Hours next after the Expiration of the said Hour and Time, then every such Notice shall be and is hereby declared to be null and void ; and every such Malster or Maker of Malt shall be obliged to give a fresh and like Notice, before he or she shall begin to wet his or her Corn or Grain ; Hours of setting to work. and that no such Malster or Maker of Malt shall begin to wet any Corn or Grain to be made into Malt, but between the Hours of four in the morning and nine in the Evening :100 l. Penalty of omitting their Duty in the Premisses; or being guilt of any Fraudulent Transaction therein And in cafe any such Malster or Maker of Malt shall neglect or refuse to give such Notice, or, having given Notice which shall become void, shall neglect or refuse to give a fresh and like Notice, or, having given such Notice or Notices, and begun to wet any Corn or Grain in pursuance thereof, shall neglect or refuse immediately to proceed to cover the Whole thereof with Water, and to continue the same so covered for the full Space of forty Hours from the Time of its being first wet and covered, or shall begin to wet any Corn or Grain at any other Time than between the Hours of four in the Morning and nine in the Evening ; or if any such Malster or Maker of Malt, after the Officer hath taken an Account of the Corn or Grain steeping in the Cistern, Uting-fat, or other Wetting Place or Utensil, shall add any fresh Corn or Grain to the Corn or Grain so steeping ; every such Malster or Maker of Malt offending in any of the said Cases, shall for every such Offence respectively, forfeit and lose the Sum of one hundred Pounds.

Recovery, Mitigation and Application of PenaltiesII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Penalties or Forfeitures for any Offence against this Act shall and may be sued for, levied and recovered, or mitigated, by the same Ways, Means and Methods, as any Penalty or Forfeiture given by any of the Laws of Excise upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, can or may be sued for, levied, recovered or mitigated, or by any Law or Laws of Excise, or by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster ; and that one Moiety of such Penalties or Forfeitures shall be to the Use of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, and the other Moiety to him or them that shall discover, inform, or sue for the same.

An Act for the Encouragement of John Harrison, to publish and make known his Invention of a Machine or Watch, for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea.

WHEREAS by an Act: Premable reciting Clauses in Act 12 Ann. c. 15.made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for providing a publick Reward for such Person or Persons as shall discover the Longitude at Sea ; it is enacted, That in case the Commssioners thereby appointed shall be so far satisfied of the Probability of any such Discovery, as to think it proper to make Experiment thereof, and shall certify the same to the Commissioners of the Navy, with the Names of the Persons making Proposals for that Purpose, then any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding two-thousand Pounds, shall be paid by the Treasurer of the Navy to such Person or Persons as shall be appointed by the Commissioners of the Longitude, to make those Experiments : And it is thereby further enacted, That the first Discoverer or Discoverers of any Method for finding the Longitude, shall have a Reward of ten thousand Pounds, if it determines the Longitude to one Degree of a great Circle, or sixty Geographical Miles; fifteen thousand Pounds if to two Thirds of that Distance ; and twenty thousand Pounds if to one Half of the same Distance ; to be paid by the Treasurer of the Navy, by the Appointment of the said Commissioners, when a Ship should sail to any such Part of the West Indies as they should appoint, without losing the Longitude beyond the Limits before mentioned : And it is thereby further enacted, That if any Proposal should in the Judgment of the said Commissioners be found of considerable Use to the Publick, the Author thereof should have such less Reward as the said Commissioners should think reasonable : And whereas by an Act made in the twenty-sixth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second,26 Geo. 2. c. 25. to render more effectual the Act herein before recited, with regard to making Experiments of Proposals for discovering the Longitude, reciting the aforesaid Act; and that
