Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/88

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C. 14.
Anno tertio Georgii III.
A.D. 1672.

John Harrison had made Proposals for the Purposes in the same Act mentioned, with which the Commissioners of Longitude were so far satisfied, that they had thought it proper to make Experiments thereof, and had certified the same from time to time to the Commissioners of the Navy, together with the Name of the said John Harrison ; and that the Treasurer of the Navy had there-upon paid one thousand two hundred and fifty Pounds to the said John Harrison, as Part of the two thousand Pounds mentioned in the abovesaid Act of the twelfth of Queen Anne ; and also reciting, That five hundred Pounds had likewise been paid to Matter William Whiston for the like Purposes ; so that only two hundred and fifty Pounds remained out of the said Sum of two thousand Pounds; and further reciting, That by continuing to encourage ingenious Persons to make further Improvements and Experiments in order to discover the Longitude, such Discovery might at length be produced, as might effectually answer that End ; it is enacted, That two thousand Pounds more might be issued and paid by the Treasurer of the Navy for the making further Experiments under the like Directions as aforesaid : And whereas by an Act2 Geo. 3. c.18. made in the second Year of his present Majesty's Reign for rendering more effectual the above mentioned Act of the twelfth Year of Queen Anne, with regard to making Experiments of Propoals for discovering the Longitude, reciting to the Effect above recited ; and that the Money granted for making Experiments, pursuant to both of the said Acts, had been wholly expended, the further Sum of two thousand Pounds was granted by the said Act of the second Year of his present Majesty, for the like Purposes, and to be applied in the like Manner: And whereas the Utility of the Invention of the said John Harrison has been proved in a late Voyage to Jamaica, under the Directions of the Commissioners of the Longitude : And whereas the said Commissioners at their Meeting on the seventeenth Day of Augus last did adjudge, that by the Trial made of the said Instrument, it was found of considerable Use to the Publick, and did thereupon make an Order for the Payment of the Sum of two thousand five hundred Pounds to the said John Harrison, in Manner therein mentioned ; videlicet, one thousand five hundred Pounds, Part thereof, immediately, and the remaining one thousand Pounds when he, or any Person employed by him, should return from making a further Trial in the West Indies ; but it was to be understood, that the said Sum of two thousand five hundred Pounds should be esteemed as Part of either of the Rewards granted by Act of Parliament for discovering the Longitude: And whereas the said John Harrison has accordingly received the said Sum of one thousand five hundred Pounds ; and has represented to the Commissioners of the Longitude, That he would not by any Means decline any further Trial of the Instrument or Watch which he has invented, before the Principles thereof shall be made publick ; but that his present advanced Age, the Weakness of his Sight, and the Danger of the Voyage to the Health and Life of his Son, upon whom alone the Success of the said Invention will depend, may risk the Loss of so useful a Discovery, not only to the Disadvantage of the said John Harrison, but also to the very great Detriment of Mankind : And whereas the Commisssioners of Longitude having received the said Representation did, at their Meeting on the twenty-sixth Day of February last, unanimously agree to recommend to the said John Harrison to make an Application to Parliament, in order that his said Invention may be made known to the Publick, upon such Terms and in such Manner as to the Parliament shall seem meet : Therefore, Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That Upon a discovery by J. Harisson of the principles of his Watch, and of the Method of constructing the same,to the Committee here mentioned, so soon as the said John Harrisson, his Executors or Administrators, shall make or cause to be made a full and clear Discovery of the Principles of his said Instrument or Watch for Discovery of the Longitude, and of the true Manner and Method in which the same is and may be construeted, unto the Right Honourable Lord Charles Cavendish, the Right Honourable the Earl of Morton, the Right Honourable Lord Willoughby of Parham, George Lewis Scott Esquire Fellow of the Royal Society, Master James Short Fellow of the Royal Society, the Reverend Master John Mitchell Woodwardian Professor at Cambridge, Master Alexander Cumming, Master Mudge of Fleet Street, Master William Frodsham, Master Andrew Dickie, and Master James Green of Fenchurch Street, who, as well as the said John Harrison, and their publising the same are hereby required to publish and make the same known, so that other Workmen may be enabled to make other such Instruments or Watches for the same Purpose ; and so soon as the said Lord Charles Cavendish, the Earl of Morton, Lord Wiloughby of Parham, George Lewis Scott, James Short, John Mitchel, Alexander Cumming, Master Mudge, William Frodsham, Andrew Dickie, and James Green,and certifying such Discovery to the Comissoners of the Navy;or the major Part of them shall certify in Writing under their Hands and Seals, to the Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy for the Time being, that the said John Harrison hath fully and clearly made the said Discovery for the Purposes aforesaid, then,the Comissioners are to make out Bills for 5,000l,payable to him by the Treasurer of the Navy. upon producing such Certificate, the said Commissioners of the Navy are hereby authorized and required to make out a Bill or Bills for the Sum of five thousand Pounds payable to the said John Harrison, his Executors or Administrators, by the Treasurer of the Navy ; which Sum the Treasurer of the Navy for the Time being, is hereby required to pay immediately to him the said John Harrison, his Executors or Administrators, out of any Money that shall be in his the said Treafurer's Hands unapplied for the Use of the Navy.

So soon as the sais Instrument shall by future trials appear to be a proper method for finding out the Longtitude within the limits prescribed Act 12 Annæ, and the Comissioners of the Longitude shall certify the same;II. And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That so foon as it shall appear by future Trial or Trials, that the said Instrument or Watch invented by the said John Harrison, shall be a proper proper Method for finding out the Longitude within any of the Limits prescribed by the aforesaid Act of
