Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/198

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And the witch read out the prayer and then said: "Let me go!" And Iván said: "Now read the Our Father, then I will let you go." And the witch read it out. Then Iván came out and said: "Lie down." But the witch said: "Now I cannot lie down." Then she and Iván began to pray.

In the morning two men came in, and they not only saw Iván, but also Olyóna, the king's daughter—for this was the witch's name. And they went to the king, and recounted all they had beheld.

And the king assembled all the spiritual hierarchy and went into the church. And he thought it must be that Iván had turned into a wizard, but when he saw how things really were, he embraced Iván and called him his son. And the witch said to Iván: "Now, Iván, the merchant's son, if you have been able to pray to God and to bring me to life again, now learn how to master me, and I will never depart one step from you."

So Iván went to the ship, and he told the old man all that had happened, and the old man said: "Ivánushka, fear nothing, take Olyóna Korólyevna[1] as your wife, only for the first three nights do not go to sleep until the cock has crowed three times, and then she will never more oppress you."

There was no loitering at the king's court; very soon all was got ready, and Iván was affianced to Princess Olyóna. And for two weeks he lived quite happily. Then he said to his father-in-law: "Good father, let me go home and have a Mass said for my father and mother, and once more see my home." And the king said: "My beloved son, Iván, the merchant's son, I will not withstand your wish, but do return hither. You see yourself I am no longer young, and I have no heir. When you return I will give you my kingdom, and you will live happily and merrily."

  1. Koról'  king: hence princess.