Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/199

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So they set out on their journey, and arrived at their own kingdom, to their native land. And Iván took Olyóna with him. When they arrived at the island of the bricks, they loaded all the vessels, and there were many ships, and they excavated the entire island.

One day the old man began to cut firewood, took them to the opposite side of the island and said: "Ivánushka, my well-doer, I must now speak with you." And he bade them come where the firewood was stacked. He lit the firewood; and when it was in flame-he took Olyóna, threw her down, trod on one leg, and pulled her apart into two halves, taking hold of the other leg. Iván did not know what to say! And the old man put both halves on the fire, and out of the fire there then crept snakes, frogs, and all sorts of reptiles. Then he took the two parts out of the fire, rinsed them thoroughly in the sea, sprinkled them over with water, made the sign of the cross, and Olyóna arose such a beauty as no tale can tell and no pen can write. Then he said: "Now, my well-doer, Ivánushka, you are to be a mighty king; Iván, the merchant's son, you are now rich and famous and happy, so see to it that you do not forget God and the poor. I shall see you no more."

Iván and Olyona knelt down and began to beseech him, but the old man said: "Beg no more of me, but rather thank God for sending me to you. I loved you and your father, Iván, and you even more, because you kindly gave me alms; and now you are rich and famous, do not forget to give alms to the poor." Then he vanished.

Iván and Olyona praised God, went back to the ships, and sailed farther on.

When the poor saw that Iván had arrived with untold wealth, they crowded to the shore and began to kiss Iván's hands, his feet, and the hem of his garment;