Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/17

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LEANING on the sustaining Infinite, to-day is big with blessings. The wakeful shepherd beholds the first faint morning beams ere cometh the full radiance of a risen day. So shone the pale star to the prophet-shepherds; yet it traversed the night, over to where, in cradled obscurity, lay the young child who should redeem mortals, and reduce to human understanding the way of salvation. Now, across a night of error, dawn the morning beams, and shines the guiding orb of Truth. The wise men are led to behold and follow the day star of Divine Science, as it repeats the eternal harmony.

The time for thinkers has come. Truth, independent of doctrines and time-honored systems, knocks at the portal of humanity. Contentment with the past, and the cold conventionality of materialism, no longer bar the door to progress. Though empires fall, “He whose right it is shall reign.” Ignorance of God is no longer the stepping-stone to faith. The only guaranty of obedience is a right apprehension of Him “whom to know aright is life eternal.”

A book is inadequate to introduce new thoughts and make them speedily understood. It is the sturdy task of the pioneer to hack the tall oak and cut the rough