Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/18

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granite. Future ages must declare what the pioneer has accomplished.

Since my discovery of the adaptation of Truth to the treatment of disease, my system has been fully tested and not found wanting; but to reach the heights of Christian Science man must live in obedience to its Divine Principle. To develop the full glory of this Science, the discords of personal sense must yield to harmony; even as the science of sound corrects false tones caught by the ear, and gives the sweet concord of music.

Theology and Physics agree that both Matter and Spirit are real and right; whereas the fact is that one is good, and the other its opposite. Demonstration will answer by evidence the question, What is Truth? and prosper that method of Christian healing found to give the most health and make the best men. Christian Science will thus have a fair fight. Sickness has had its doctors; but the question arises, Is there less sickness because of these practitioners. The longevity of the Antediluvians answers, No!

The cowardly claim that I am not the originator of my own writings, but that one P. P. Quimby is, has been legally met and punished. The departed, helplessly dragged into this mad scheme, is silent on earth, or with honest pride he would deny this post mortem falsehood.

Mr. Quimby died in 1865, and my first knowledge of Christian Science, or Metaphysical Healing, was gained in 1866. He was an uneducated man; but he was a distinguished mesmerist, and personally manipulated his patients. This I know, having been one of them. When he doctored me I was ignorant of the nature of mesmerism,