Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/396

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Should a wise man answer with arguments of wind,
Or fill his bosom with the east wind? — Job.
As who shall say, “I am Sir Oracle;
And when I ope my lips, let no dog bark.”
Merchant of Venice.

I SHALL not attempt to take up all the strictures on “Science and Health” (which my critic calls so vague), — strictures in which he condemns to oblivion that Truth which is raising up thousands from helplessness to strength, elevating them from a theoretical to a practical Christianity. He has quoted detached sentences or clauses, omitting their connections. Even the Scriptures, which grow in beauty and consistency from one grand root, would appear contradictory if subjected to such usage.

It is uncharitable to condemn a novelty before it is understood. The apostolic injunction is, “Prove all things, and hold fast that which is good.”

In Science mere opinion is valueless. Proof is essential to a due estimate of the subject. Sneers at the application of the word Science to Christianity cannot prevent that from being scientific which is based on Divine Principle, demonstrated according to a given rule,