Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/397

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and subjected to proper tests. So strong are the facts in support of Christian Science, that misrepresentation and denunciation cannot overthrow it. The apostle alludes to “doubtful disputations.” The hour has struck when proof and demonstration, instead of opinion and dogma, are summoned to the support of Christianity, “making wise the simple.”

In this unqualified condemnation of Mental Science, one may see with sorrow the sad effects of denying self-evident Truth. My critic ridicules the Science of Christian Healing; but he does this in the face of sacred history, and in defiance of the direct command of Jesus, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel;” to which command he added the promise, that his students should cast out devils and heal the sick. He bade the seventy disciples, as well as the twelve, heal the sick in any town where they should be hospitably received.

If Christianity is not scientific, and Science is not Christian, then we have no invariable rule of right, and Truth becomes an accident. Shall Scriptural authority be denied to that which works according to the Scriptures?

Christian Science has awakened the sinner, reclaimed the infidel, raised from the couch of pain the helpless invalid. It has spoken to the dumb the words of Truth, and they have answered with rejoicing. It has caused the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, and the blind to see. Who would be the first to disown the argument of good works, when our Master has said, “By their fruits ye shall know them”?

If I were teaching or practising pharmacy or obstetrics, according to the common theories, no denunciations