Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs - Volume 2.djvu/283

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potential (electrical and gravitational) was treated in a separate book, which appeared in 1859, with the title, "Die Potentialfunction und das Potential, ein Beitrag zur mathematischen Physik." This subsequently went through several editions, in which it was revised and enlarged. All these subjects, with others, were brought together in a single volume, "Die mechanische Behandlung der Electricität," which appeared in 1879, forming the second volume of his "Mechanische Wärmetheorie."[1] Later papers on electricity related to the principles of electrodynamics,[2] electrical and magnetic units,[3] and dynamo-electric machines.[4]

The Royal Society's catalogue of scientific papers, and the excellent indices to the Annalen der Physik und Chemie, in which Clausius's work usually appeared, render it unnecessary to enumerate in detail his scientific papers. The list, indeed, would be a long one. The Royal Society's catalogue gives seventy-seven titles for the years 1847–1873. Subsequently twenty-five papers have appeared in the Annalen alone, and about half as many others elsewhere.

But such work as that of Clausius is not measured by counting titles or pages.a His true monument lies not on the shelves of libraries, but in the thoughts of men, and in the history of more than one science.

    und erzeugte Warme." Pogg. Ann., vol. lxxxvii, p. 415 (1852). "Ueber die Anwendung der mechanischen Wärmetheorie anf die thermoelectrischen Erscheinungen." Pogg. Ann., vol. xc, p. 513 (1853). "Ueber die Electricitätsleitung in Electrolyten." Pogg. Ann., vol. ci, p. 338 (1857).

  1. The first volume of this work appeared in 1876, and contained the general theory with the more immediate consequences of the two fundamental laws. The third volume haa not yet appeared, but it is expected very soon, edited by Professor Planck and Dr. Pulfrich. In a certain sense this work may be regarded as a second edition of an earlier one (1864 and 1867), which consisted of a reprint of papers and had the title "Abhandlungen über die mechanische Wärmetheorie.".
  2. Wied. Ann., vol. x, p. 608; vol. xi, p. 604.
  3. Ibid., voL xvi, p. 529; voL xvii, p. 713.
  4. Ibid., vol. xx, p. 353; vol. xxi, p. 385.